Thursday, December 29, 2016

אכלו משמנים " Ichlu Mashmanim " A special song for Shabbos Chanukah.

אִכְלוּ מַשְׁמַנִּים וְסוֹלֶת רְבוּכָה תּוֹרִים וּבְנֵי יוֹנָה שַׁבָּת וַחֲנוּכָּה הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה בַּרְבּוּרִים אֲבוּסִים בְּשַׁפּוּדִים צְלוּיִם וְכָלִיל לָאִישִׁים אֶחָד מִן הַמְנוּיִם הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה רַךְ וָטוֹב וְשָׁמֵן צְלִי אֵשׁ וּמַצּוֹתעֲנוּ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן וְאִכְלוּ בְּדִיצוֹת הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה הַקּוֹלוֹת יֶחֱדָלוּן מִנִּסּוּךְ הַמָּיִם בְּבֵית הַיַּיִן נָלוּן בְּכֹל יוֹם פַּעֲמָיִם הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה מִקּוֹלוֹת מַיִם רַבִּים תְּצִּלֶנָה אָזְנֵיכֶם וְכָל מִשְׁרַת דַּם עֲנָבִים לֹא יָמוּשׁ מִפִּיכֶם הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר    לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה  
         Click here : to listen to the Ashkenaz version
         Clck  here :  to listen to the  Bobov version
          Click HERE to listen to Chazzan Chaim Adler

An interesting  article, about  An ancient, anonymous song for Shabbos Chanukah, Ichlu Mashmanim, appears in siddurim and is chanted in some communities. The whole composition sings the praises of food, meals, meat dishes, wine and miscellaneous culinary delights to be consumed on that Shabbos and the line ending each stanza goes: “A beis kur sell or lease; rent a beis kur for Shabbos Chanukah!”

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Washington post on Rubashkin case: 107 former Justice officials think this case was handled unjustly. DOJ must act.

Op ed Washington Post 
107 former Justice officials think this case was handled unjustly. DOJ must act.

Last week, President Obama granted clemency to 153 individuals who had been incarcerated under mandatory minimum drug-sentencing laws, bringing to more than 1,100 the number of clemency petitions the administration has granted. “You don’t just try to hammer everybody for as long as you can, because you can,” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the New York Times.

That is the right attitude for someone tasked with the fair administration of justice. Unfortunately, Yates and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch have, for the past year, rebuffed efforts by me and many other former senior Justice Department officials to even discuss another prosecution in which justice fell far short: the case of Sholom Rubashkin, a Brooklyn-born rabbi who was sentenced to 27 years for bank fraud.

Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, has already served seven years for the crime, which ordinarily merits no more than three years. Worse, his sentence was based on perjured testimony and prosecutorial misconduct. Read more at the washington post

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Statement from Agudath Israel on UN Resolution

That the UN has once again shown that it is a counterproductive force in regard to Middle East peace comes as no surprise. But, whatever the United States’ position on “settlements,” the Obama Administration’s abstention from the Security Council’s vote and its allowing the resolution to go through make it complicit in the objectives and the result of the vote — to weaken Israel, the US-Israel relationship and the prospects for peace and security in the region.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Rabbis sign letter

No signatures from any Agudah Rabbonim and not a single sefardi Rav

Monday, December 5, 2016

Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon, A”h

Hamodia- LAKEWOOD - The Torah world was plunged into mourning Monday morning with the petirah of Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon, a”h, the Rebbetzin of, lhbc”l, the Mashgiach Harav Mattisyahu Salomon, shlita. The Rebbetzin was hospitalized several months ago, and the name Chayah was added. The name Miriam Chayah bas Sarah was in the tefillos of many over the last weeks. On Motzoei Shabbos, her condition became critical, and she was niftar in the hospital Monday morning, surrounded by family members. The levayah will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday in Bendheim Bais Medrash (Yoshon), on 7th street between Forest Avenue and Private Way. The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah.