Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rav Shteinman on the recent snow storm to hit the Northeast

Rav Shteinman
Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman when told about the approaching storm to hit the northeast he davened that no yid should be harmed he than said jokingly that in America they were waiting for dollars to fall but snow fell instead.
He remarked how the US has now  become a country Full of Torah learning specifically in the glorified city of  Lakewood. Despite the flourishing of Torah in America much improvement needs to be made regarding the issue of Tznius which the rosh yeshiva did not elaborate on.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Our creator צור ישראל or Bitzur Yisrael

Guest post by Moshe Harel
Paris is still reeling from the events of three weeks ago, but Mayor Deblasio hasn’t been the only one to stop by and say hello. Israel has decided to send the French Foreign legion to investigate.
  A joint team of Shabak and Mossad has spent time in Paris probing the attack. Within Mosad, there exists a unit called “Bitzur.” {Mivtzar is a fort, so the word bitzur means to fortify} Its purpose is to try and help beef up security for Jews throughout the world, working with communities and their local police department.
  France’s military and intelligence branches are on high alert everywhere, and the Jewish neighborhoods are no exception. The plot thickens here-since when do foreign agencies intervene in a sovereign state’s domestic affairs? Suppose, the Flatbush Shomrim would hop over and offer assistance wouldn’t that seem a little redundant?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blizzard! When 3 shevat falls out on Erev Shabbos 'ויגש' ו' יהיה ג' שבט שלג גדול יירד וקור there will be a Snow storm and cold winter ahead.

 In anticipation for the Blizzard that will pound the Northeast it is worthy to mention The Pri magadim brings down from the sefer Eliyahu Raabba in the name of Rav Eizak Chaver that when Rosh Chodesh shevat falls out on Wednesday as the case this year 5775 then Gimmel Shevat falls out on Friday. It will be a snowy and cold winter. The Roshei Teivos is ויגש  .ו' יהיה ג' שבט
Meaning  when Friday falls out on 3 of the month of shevat. שלג גדול יהיה וקור or
 'ויגש' ו' יהיה ג' שבט שלג גדול יירד וקור
ספר "אליה רבה" (תרפה,ד) שחי לפני כ-300 שנה: "מצאתי כתוב, לעולם כשחל ראש חודש שבט ביום ד' [רביעי, כמו השנה הנוכחית], אז הוא קור ושלג גדול באותו חורף".

The Shidduch Rebbe

Welcome to the Shidduch Rebbe.
Many people have small to crucial questions and don't always have someone easily accessible to ask. So now the Shidduch Rebbe is here via email (no internet required) to fill this gap in many singles or their parents lives.
Our Rebbe is a person who is constantly involved in Shidduchim, had a strong kesher with one of the leading Gedolei Hador of the previous Dor, and has substantial experience giving Eitzos in Shidduchim that have led to many happy marriages of frum people.
The Rebbe will answer all your shidduch questions. Simply email and you will receive a reply in approximately 1 week. There is a fee if your question needs an urgent reply. Otherwise it takes up to a week for a response.

Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Memory of Reb Menachem Stark hy'd on his 1st yartzheit

JPU- Hundreds of community members, friends and family members of  Menachem Stark a'h gathered on Saturday night to celebrate the dedication of a new Torah scroll that was written in memory of slain  philanthropist and businessman Menachem Stark.
Satmar Rebbe writes an ois
 The Hachnosas Sefer Torah was scheduled to coincide with the first anniversary of the brutal murder of Mr. Stark. Photos HERE

The Sefer Torah procession started at the residence of the Stark family, located at 259 Rutledge street in Williamsburg, and proceeded to the Siach Yitzchok of Lodani Synagogue located at 251 Marcy Avenue, which is the synagogue where the late Mr. Stark attended prayer services every Shabbos.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thousands attend levaya for Rav Chaim Epstein ZT"L in Brooklyn and Lakewood

 Photos of Levaya HERE
Over ten thousand mourners came to pay kavod achron to the Rosh Yeshiva of yeshiva Zichron
Levaya in BMG
Melech  Harav Chaim Leib Epstein zt'l. Following the early morning levaya at yeshiva zichron Melech the Aron was brought o Lakewood and hespedim were held in the bais medrash hayashan of Bais medrash Govoha. It was in this Bais Medrash were Rav Chaim,  a talmid muvhak of Rav Aharon Kotler zatzal learned  for many years as a youngerman.  All botei medrashim of BMG 7th street campus were full to capacity with an overflow crowd standing outside braving the cold despite the freezing temperatures. The Levaya went on for over three hours but started later so not to take away from the sidrei hayeshiva. Divrei hesped were delivered by Rav Malkiel Kotler, Lakewood Rosh ayeshiva, Rav Yerucham Olshin, Rosh yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha, Rav Mattisyahu Solomom, mashgiach Beth medrash Govoha, Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rosh yeshiva Philadelphia yeshiva, Rav Yehuda Svei, R'Y Philadelphia yeshiva, Rav Aaron Zuckerman, Rav

Hamodia: Brooklyn Levaya of Hagaon Harav Chaim Epstein, zt”l

Levaya of Rav Chaim Epstein at yeshiva Zichron Melech
Hamodia-Thousands gathered at Yeshivas Zichron Meilech in Boro Park Wednesday morning to bid a tearful farewell to one of the elder Roshei Yeshivah of the Torah world, Hagaon Harav Chaim Leib Epstein, zt”l, one of the prized students of Hagaon Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, rebbi to countless talmidim, and a foremost leader among Gedolei Yisrael.
The 18 prominent maspidim emotionally bewailed Klal Yisrael’s irreplaceable loss and spoke of Harav Epstein’s absolute dedication to mesorah and Torah l’shmah. The masses in attendance quickly filled the yeshivah’s beis medrash on Dahill Road in Boro Park, with hundreds more listening to hespeidim on speakers outside, on what was a particularly cold and dreary morning.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

BD"H hagaon Harav Chaim Epstein Zatzal

Harav Chaim Epstein ZT"L
Lakeweood levaya recap HERE
Brooklyn Levaya recap HERE
The Yeshiva  world in America was plunged into mourning with the Petirah of Hagaon Harav Chaim Leib Epstien Zatzal. The Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Melech in New York, for over 40 years, he was 79 years old.  He was one of the most prominent talmidim of Hagon Harav Aharon Kotler ZT"L.
The Levaya will take place first in Brooklyn, New York at Yeshiva Zichron Melech 10:30 am, Dahill rd and Ditmas avenue. The Levaya will then proceed to Lakewood at 5:30 , hespedim will be delivered in Bais Medrash Govoha (even though it is Rosh Chodesh) followed by the kevura in Lakewood where he will be laid to rest next to his rebbetzin A'H. The family will sit Shiva at 1608  46th street in Boro park.  For more,  read  here.
 Phone hook up number for Levaya  857-232-0159 code #900641

Monday, January 19, 2015

Photos: 15th annual Agudah Yarchei kallah gets underway in yerushalayim

Rabbi Shlomo Gerzulin welcoming the Lomdim to the Yarchei Kallha
Recap of day One HERE  Photos HERE  
Recap  photos day two HERE 
Recap  photos day Three HERE
 The 2015 Annual Yarchei kallah of Agudas Yisrael of America got underway this morning in yerushalyim. The day started out with Shachris at the hotel followed by a lavish breakfast. The over 300 Participants then went  to the ballroom of the Jerusalem Ramada hotel which was converted into the Yarchei Kallah Bais Medrash. The Sugya dekala is הלכות ברכת המזון: פרק שלשה שאכלו. After first seder and learning the sugya bechavrusah the olam will hear shiurim from Magidei shiurim in Yerushalyim and across eretz yisrael. The Yarchei kallah will run from January 19-22, 2015. HaRav Asher Weiss rosh Yeshiva darchei Horaah gave a hakdama Shiur on the sugya.

Ask the internet, not the Rabbi

"I wanted to know if its assur to go to a mixed gym. If anyone can add their thoughts on this I would really appreciate it". This is one of the many question both in hashkafa and halacha posted to anonymous members in the coffe room. Members weigh in on the issue each one adding his or her two cents of course with their vast knowledge of halacha. The answers are laughable to borderline  kefira in many cases. The sad part is that unassuming young teenagers and even older people take these forums seriously and consider it a psak al pi Toras Moshe. There is not one RAV who moderates or puts his name on these forums. The yeshivish sounding name fools people to think that all is well and al pi torah. Such discussions should not be taking place on a open forum with anonymous commenters and moderators. There are many websites that have a "Ask the Rabbi" feature. These sites are not anonymous and neither is the Rabbi who answers the questions.

Chinuch Fund set up for family of Reb Dovid Winiarz Z''L

                                                              Click HERE to Donate
Dovid Winiarz was a special individual who lived to make the world a brighter place. Never content to just enjoy his own little corner of the world, Dovid was a people person who wasn't happy unless he was doing something for others. Constantly widening his circle of friends with his trademark humor, his genuine smile and his perpetual good mood, Dovid literally lived his life for others.

Dovid died in a tragic car accident on his way to a kiruv convention in Baltimore, leaving behind a wife and ten beautiful children, seven of whom are still single. Dovid spent his life helping others and now it is our turn to perpetuate his legacy by helping his family face the future.

Every penny contributed to this campaign will go directly to the Chinuch Fund for the Winiarz family. (This site charges no fees.) Please give what you can in honor of a man who made the world a better place, each and every day he was in it. Tizku L'Mitzvos!
To donate click HERE

Sunday, January 18, 2015

BDE: Reb Dovid Winiarz, Z'L, R'L, Killed In 'Ice-Storm Crash' In Maryland- Levaya tomorrow morning

Update:  Levaya for Rabbi Dovid Winiarz, 9:30 AM tomorrow morning at Young Israel of Staten Island, 835 Forest Hill Road, Staten Island, NY
 BJL From Benzion Klatzko's Facebook page "It is with incredible sadness and a broken heart that we mourn the passing of our dear beloved friend and Rebbe, Rabbi Dovi Winiarz, z'l, also known as the
R' Dovid Winiarz Z'L 
Facebuker Rebbe, who passed away in tragic traffic accident this morning.
Rabbi Winiarz,49, always stood up for the Torah way of life, with an optimistic and hopeful smile and comforting words to thousands. Our grief knows no bounds."

Rabbi Winiarz was on his way from his home in Staten Island's Willowbrook community to the AJOP Convention in Hunt Valley, MD, to help him further his hatzlacha in Kiruv in which he was responsible for "bringing so many Jews back."

Misaskim reached out to Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Director of Agudath Israel of Maryland, among whose many responsibilities for the Baltimore Jewish community, is also as our representative at the Office of the Medical Examiner.

A call for Shalom למען אחי ורעי אדברה נא שלום בך

Submitted as a comment in a previous post
Dear Chaverim,

I would like to thank the many many people who responded to my email of two weeks ago with such enthusiasm. My friends, a quiet movement was started where the participants of the Yarchei Kallah, and others, voiced their opinions and made their positions clear: We will not be a part of machlokes in any way!  As many of you know by now, this effort has borne fruit. The official position of the Yarchei Kallah no longer represents any hint of faction, but is again as it should be, a completely neutral endeavor, with only one goal, complete immersion in learning Torah for the days that we are zocheh to be in Eretz Yisrael. 
I wish everyone a week of hatzlachah in their learning and real ruchniyus enjoyment!

Chaverim, I should really end here, but my heart pushes me to add one more word of chizuk: 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Rav Matisyahu Solomon- terror attack in Paris grocery same message as Har nof massacre

The Lakewood Mashgiach Rav Matisyahu solomon Shlita spoke recently regarding the tragic events facing klal yisrael across the world. The shooting of 4 kedoshim HY'D in Paris said the mashgiach is messages hashem is sending to us. No matter were we are in Galus we are not safe and we constantly have to be thankful that hashem protects us each and every day. We daven each day על חיינו המסורים בידך ועל נשמותינו הפקודות לך The Mashgiach mentioned that hashem has sent us a shock he wants us to daven and thank him aagin and again. He sent us a message in a very strong way he wants us to have Yiras hashem we should work on our יראת שמים. Its a nes that nothing happens to yidden each day only because hashem is protecting and watching over us.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Agudah pledge to keep machlokes in EY from spreading to America

 A meeting took place yesterday  in Agudath Yisrael headquarters in New York with members of the Moetzes gedolei HaTorah of Agudas yisrael of America. ( Photos HERE)The meeting was a regular scheduled meeting. One of the issues brought up was the itinerary of the upcoming Yarchei Kallah of Agudah in Yerushalayim which was taking sides and getting involved in the machlokes of the Yeshiva world in Eretz Yisrael. Rav Aaron Shechter threatened to leave the Agudah Moetzes if the issue is not rectified and they dont remain neutral. The Agudah took the Rosh yeshiva very seriously and came to a solution which was enough for the Rosh Yeshiva to withdraw his resignation and keep things beshalom here in America. The details of the compronise were not publicezed. However organizers promised to keep it machlokes free and not invite one side over the other. The Rosh Yeshiva and other Moetzes members will keep a close eye and make sure that it will work out as promised and the organizers of the YK avoid getting involved and dragged in to the machlokes.

Where is the seichel? they could have used other pictures like most frum newspapers did

The world media are up in arms about the doctored photo in a frum newspaper of the unity march in Paris. The Hamevaser newspaper in EY  removed the few females featured in a photo of 40 world leaders at the Sunday rally. The alteration is part of the paper’s Orthodox policy to not publish pictures or even names of women.
Hamodia front page
Had it not been the Internet age no one would have known about a small frum newspaper in Israel, However in the Internet age everything is posted and shared for the world to see the editors should have known better. The editors, while defending their longstanding  policy to not publish pictures  in its pages could have easily chose other news photos of the march in France. The Hamodia, Yated Neeman and other papers who have a policy of not showing photos of women all figured it out. Theres no shortage of stock photos to use for a front page headline.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Photos: Moetzes gedolei HaTorah meeting today 23 Teves 5775

 Meeting of Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisrael of America at Agudah headquarters in New York
 Meeting of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America at national headquarters of Agudath Israel of America (23 Teves 5775 / January 14, '15). (Photo credit: Agudah press office)
 After coming to an agreement Rav Aaron Shechter attended the meeting. A compromise was reached regarding the upcoming Yarchei kallah in EY by agudah avoiding taking a side in the machlokes.
R Chaim Dovid Zwiebel escorting Rav Aaron Shechter following the meeting
Visible in the picture: Harav Dovid Feinstein, Rosh Hayeshiva, Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim; Harav Aaron Schechter, Rosh Hayeshiva, Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin; Harav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe; Harav Yosef Frankel, Vyelepoler Rebbe; Harav Aaron Feldman, Rosh Hayeshiva, Yeshiva Ner Yisroel; Harav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, Rosh Hayeshiva, Bais Medrash Govoha; Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America. The Matersdorfer rav Harav Simcha bunim Ehrnfeld, joined in by Phone. Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin could not participate due to health reasons. Rav Shmuel kamenetzky did not attend.

NYT: Mayor de Blasio and Rabbonim Near Accord on New Circumcision Rule regarding Metzitza B'peh

 NYT -Members of the de Blasio administration have conferred about half a dozen times over the last year with Orthodox leaders about the issue and are now close to a compromise agreement, said Avi Fink, the mayor’s deputy director of intergovernmental affairs, an Orthodox Jew involved in the discussions. The goal of the new rule would be to better educate parents about the ritual’s health risks, while respecting their right to have it done, he said read more HERE.

Mazel Tov!

  Mazel tov to Kornfeld Rechnitz Belsky Families

Urgent meeting of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudas yisrael of America Rav Aharon Shechter will attend

 In an effort to keep shalom, following the threat of resignation of Harav Aaron Shechter Rosh yeshiva Chaim Berlin from the Moetzes, a meeting with  moetzes members will take place this afternoon Wednesday January 14, at Agudah headquarters. Not in attendance, Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin Rosh yeshiva of Telshe Chicago and member of the Moetzes who is recovering from pneumonia, may he have a refuah shlaima.
The previously scheduled  meeting will commence following Minchat at 3 pm. Rav Aharon Shechter will attend and make his case that Agudah remain neutral and not take sides or get involved with the Machlokes of the yeshiva world in Eretz yisrael. Rav Aharon Shechter made it clear that if Agudath Israel  Wont remain neutral, his resignation will remain. In addition Rav malkiel Kotler questioned why Rav Asher Areili shlita who has the biggest shiur on the Mir yeshiva was not invited back to the  Agudah yarchei kallah.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hamodia- interview with Rabbi Dovid Levy of Paris- victims were kedoshei elyon- died while performing a mitzva

Hamodia  PARIS - The following are excerpts from an exclusive interview given to Hamodia’s special correspondent, dispatched from our London bureau office to Paris, with Rabbi Dovid Levy. Rabbi Levy’s shul, Kehillas Makom Torah, is a two- or three-minute walk from Hyper Cacher grocery, where the horrific attack occurred last Friday.
 Rav Chaim Kanievsky said that while Hashem decided that the victims should not live out the year this past Rosh Hashanah, they were given a special merit to die al Kiddush Hashem and while performing a mitzvah. They are each truly Kedoshei Elyon.

As your shul is the closest and the one that was certainly most affected, what can you say about the feelings of the kehillah about the recent events?
Hyper Cacher is our local supermarket. It is the only place nearby to buy kosher food and so it’s really the shul’s store. Everybody uses it and any one of us could have been there, especially on Friday when people go to get their last-minute groceries for Shabbos. We have all heard of terrorist attacks occurring, but we have never felt it so close to home.

Rav Aaron Shechter shlita hands in resignation from Moetzes gedolei haTorah of Agudath Yisrael in America

Rav Aaron Shechter shlita
See update HERE and HERE.
Rav Aharon Shechter shlita Rosh yeshiva of mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin and member of the Moetzes gedolah haTorah of Agudas yisrael of America has resigned from the Moetzes. This comes on the heels of the Agudah taking a position and getting involved with the current machlokes taking place in the litvish yeshiva world in eretz Yisrael. The RY was adamant the agudah of America not get involved at all and not take any sides in the machlokes known as bnei brak and yerushalayim. Agudah has always remained neutral regarding any machlokes in eretz yisrael.
The upcoming annual Yarchei kallah in Yerushalayim of Agudas yisrael of America was a point of contention.  Last year organizers did not invite Rav Shmuel Auerbach shlita to deliver a shiur which he had been giving yearly at the Yarchei kallah. By doing so they sided in the machlokes and Rav Aharon asked that they refrain from doing so this year. Rav Malkiel Kotler questioned why Rav Asher Arieli with the largest shiur in the Mir yeshiva was also not invited back to the yarchei kallah. The Agudah leadership did not commit and on Thursday evening of last week Rav Aaron  Moshe shechter told them he resigned from the moetzes. source

BD"H Hagaon Rav Hillel Zaks ZT'L Rosh yeshiva Knesses HaGedolah, grandson of the Chofetz Chaim

Rav Hillel Zaks ZT"l
The yeshiva world mourns with the passing of hagaon Rav Hillel zaks zatzal grandson of the Chofetz Chaim and Rosh yeshiva of Knesses hagedolah im Modiin Illit. The Rosh yeshiva was 83 years old he passed away at the Maaynei yeshuah hospital in Bnei Brak. The Levaya will go out from his yeshiva at 5:00 pm.
(Photos of Levaya below.)

Rav Yitzchok Sheiner at the Levaya
Levaya Rav Hillel Zaks ZT'l
Rav Hillel as he was know in the Torah world, was born in Radin to his father rav Mendel and Rebbetzin Faiga zaks daughter of the Chofetz Chaim .  He came to America as a young boy at the age of 9. He learned under Rav Moshe Feinstein at Mesivta Tiferes yerushalyim and in Torah Vodaas under Rav Shlomo Heiman and Rav Reuvein Grozovsky. He then went to Lakewood and learned under Rav Aharon Kotler in bais Medrash Govoha. He was a chavrusah of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal and Yibadl Lechaim he learned bechavrusah with Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Delegation From Eretz Yisrael visit American Roshei Yeshiva

With Rav Aaron Shechter shlita
A delegation of the Bnei Torah faction visited with American Roshei yeshiva on a recent trip to the US. They are here to raise funds on behalf of  Kollel youngeleit across eretz yisrael who are in a dire financial strait.  They visited  with Rav Aaron Shechter Rosh yeshiva Mesivta rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, (Who has submitet a resignation letter from the moetzes to the Agudah HERE) Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Don Segal and the Satmar rebbe Rav Aron Teitelbaum.

Tefillos for Rav Dov Yoffe Mashgiach yeshivas Kneses Chizkiyahu kfar Chasidim

The Mashgiach Rav Dov Yoffe
Please be mispalel for the zkan hamashgichim Rav Dov Yoffe, mashgiach of yeshiva Knesses Chizkiyahu in kfar chisidim member Moetzes gedolei Hatorah in EY who was hospitalized yesterday in Bnei brak after collapsing in his house.
The mashgiach will be undergoing bypass surgery on his heart. Name for Tehillim Dov ben Tova Basya
רבי דב בן טובה בתיה לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tefillos for Mir Rosh yeshiva Harav Aryeh Finkel shlita

Rav Aryeh Finkel
Rav Aaron leib Shteinman called on all bnei Torah and the yeshiva world to daven for the Mir Rosh yeshiva in Eretz yisrael, Rav Aryeh Finkel shlita. Rav Finkel is undergoing a surgery in Sharei Tzedek hospital for a hip fracture after falling this past shabbos. Name for tehillim Aryeh Leib ben Chana. 
אריה לייב בן חנה 

Tefillos for Harav Avrohom Chaim Levin shlita Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe Chicago

Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin
Please be mispallel for HaRav Avrohom Chaim Levin shlita, the Rosh HaYeshiva of Telshe Chicago, who was hospitalized on Friday with a respiratory condition (Pneumonia). His name for Tehillim is HaRav Avrohom Chaim ben Sorah Menucha.

Rav Levin is a senior member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel of America and the chairman of Vaad Roshei Hayeshivos of Torah Umesorah.
A large atzeres tefillah was held at Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago. Another atzeres tefillah was held at Chevrah Lomdei Torah in Lakewood.

Friday, January 9, 2015

30 French Jews saved by hiding in the freezer of store on erev shabbos

Thirty Jewish shoppers avoided being taken hostage at kosher deli by shutting themselves in cold storage, huddling together to stay warm Terrified shoppers hid in a freezing cold storage room for five hours after Islamic terrorists stormed a Paris supermarket. Lassana Bathily, a Muslim employee at Paris Kosher grocery store Hyper Cacher, saved several people by hiding them in a walk-in freezer when a gunman laid siege to his workplace on Friday. Bathily, identified by French media as a "Malian Muslim," helped several customers to safety as the chaos unfolded. "I went down to the freezer, I opened the door, there were several people who went in with me. I turned off the light and the freezer," Bathily, 24, told French network BFMTV. "I brought them inside and I told them to stay calm here, I'm going to go out. When they got out, they thanked me."

4 Hostages klled R''L in Paris Kosher market 15 freed some in critical condition

 Updated -Reports are now claiming that 4 of the hostages held up at the Paris Kosher market were killed R''L. 15 others have been freed some of those remain in critical condition.
French forces free jewish hostage held up in kosher grocery in Paris

Baby held hostage freed by French police at Kosher market in Paris

Tehillim in BMG lakewood for french Jews

Rechnitz, purpose of mission was to strengthen the Yeshiva world in Eretz Yisrael

Gedolim letter
In an Interview with  Israeli media Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz explained his recent  trip to EY was not to to get involved in the current dispute between Arye deri and Eli Yishai. The Gedolim of America, the Novominsker rebbe and rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, sent him for the sole purpose of having Arye Deri return to lead the shas party. Deri's return is essential to the Torah world in Eretz yisrael, it will give the frum parties more political clout in the knesset and will enable more funding to support yeshivos and kollelim. It would have been nice to make shalom between the two parties but that was not why he came, he said. Time will tell if Deri will return.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Are we gaining by having frum news websites?

 An article with a new psak by Rav Chaim Kanievsky along side an ad for a modeling agency or a article about alleged improprieties of a secular jewish lawyer. This has now become the norm in reporting news on frum jewish websites. There is one news tidbit with a dvar torah followed by an news item straightout of the gossip column in a national tabloid. National frum Torah organizations advertise and patronize these websites giving them a sort of approval.
 When it comes to reading the news online many count on the so called "frum news websites" or blogs to deliver it in a kosher clean way void of any pritzus or lashon hora. Some sites do a very good job by keeping the content clean and suitable for a frum jew. Unfortunately many of the most visited frum websites keep on posting horrible content full of pritzus lashon hora and far frum any Torah standard. These websites have  no rabbinic board (at least publicly known) or even a editor to take responsibility or back up what is posted. People assume that a website with a  kosher jewish heimish yeshivish sounding name comes along with a hechsher. That can not be further from the truth its unfortunate that these sites nust be censored as well.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Group of American Baal habatim in a bid to make shalom within shas party in Eretz Yisrael

Rav Shteinman reading an article on R' Shlomo Rechnitz in Mishpacha magazine
A group of American Businessmen headed by Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz arrived in Israel on a mission to make peace between  the two camps in the shas party headed by MK Arye Deri and MK Eli Yishai.  The group met privately with MK Deri and his wife for a few hours in a bid to bring the split to an end.
Rechnitz meeting with Arye Deri
Deri responded he will only yield to the decision of his rabbonim on the matter. Polls show a united charedi voting bloc will bring 18 to 20 seats in the upcoming knesset elections. A previous attempt was made by these askanim to stop the machlokes raging within the Litvish camp in Eretz yisrael. Hopefully this time they will succeed at least within the sefardi machlokes.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bloggers, Tropicana Orange Juice and... Rav Chaim Kanievsky

Once again a halacha shaila, in this case a shaila about bugs in OJ is debated and  commented on by bloggers and news websites. This is a shaila that should be debated by mashgichei kashrus and rabbonim involved in kashrus not by newspaper editors, columnists and  bloggers who have no expertise in this matter.
Lets keep this issue in the bais hamedrash not on the web and blogshphere. With regard to Rav Chaim let both sides send Rabbonim involved and present the shaila to him. A video will only prove the side that was presented.

Friday, January 2, 2015


 Agudath Israel of America notes with sadness the passing of Governor Mario Cuomo.

Throughout his tenure as Governor of the State of New York, Mario Cuomo displayed great friendship to the Jewish community, and played a leadership role in addressing many issues of Jewish concern.
Mario Cuomo with Rabbi Zweibel
1986 Agudah Dinner
Governor Cuomo enjoyed a close working relationship, and an especially warm personal relationship, with the late president of Agudath Israel, Rabbi Moshe Sherer. Rabbi Sherer befriended Mario Cuomo even before Mr. Cuomo was elected to public office, and the bonds of friendship grew only stronger with the passing years. Their relationship translated into a number of tangible benefits for the Orthodox Jewish community as a whole and for needy members of the community as individuals.

Governor Cuomo had the historic distinction of being the only high ranking American elected official ever to meet with Agudath Israel's Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (Council of Torah Sages). His deep respect for the senior rabbis, and his willingness to engage them in dialogue on major issues of public policy, set him apart from his contemporaries in the political world.

A year since the murder of Reb Menachem Stark A''H, Agudah met with the NY Post editors

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams  holds up a copy of the New York Post at today's protest. (Photo: Kathryn Kirk)Its been a year since the gruesome kidnapping murder of Reb Menachem Stark Z''L. Klal yisrael mourned together with his family and friends as well as the entire Satmar community. At that time the NY Post on its coverage of the story ran a front page headline screaming "who didnt want him dead". Some Brooklyn politicians and Jewish leaders demanded an apology from The Post after the paper wrote about the shady business dealings of a murdered Williamsburg slumlord.
Ezra Friedlander of the Friedlander Group recently revealed in a article in AMI magazine how the Agudah leadership met with the NY Post editorial board following the coverage of the murder.

Shiur from Rav Moshe Twerski HY''D on Mitzvas Kiddush Hashem

A shiur on the mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem by Rav Moshe Twersky, HY”D, who was killed al kiddush Hashem in Har Nof.