The large atzeres tefillah that took place in lower Manhattan a few weeks ago was not advertised at all in the frum newspapers. It was an event put together within a few short days after the weekend papers went to print. Organizers relied heavily on the online media to spread the word. They even set up a website with updates and news of the Atzeres Tefillah. Frum websites and blogs, even news phone lines such as Yiddish news line kol mevaser, were in full gear advertising the event, bringing the masses to wall street.
It was the power of the internet, social media that got the message out. This brings into question how relevant is the frum print media, the newspapers, magazines and free weeklies. In the secular media many papers stopped printing and are only online. There is definitely a challenge from the online websites whose news cycle changes on the hour as opposed to reading up stale news that's a week old.
Thinking out loud; discussing and debating the current issues and challenges affecting the Torah and yeshiva communities such as population growth, dangers of technology, parnassah, shidduchim, financial support of Torah and Chesed institutions, news of the yeshiva world and reviewing frum blogs,Torah media outlets.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Parnassah expo 2014 an insiders account
This was posted in the Forums on Dans deal HERE. scroll down for video.
I just want to say I am somewhat involved in the background of the Parnassah Expo.
Its interesting to see how people view it on the front. Not sure why there is so much negativity out there!
Is improvement needed in certain areas? Absolutely. That is true for any business or organization that exists out there. Each venture is a learning experience. And being that I've been involved, I've watched it improve based on learning experiences over the past three years.
It was created as a platform with potential for people to tap into. Its up to each person and business to take advantage of that or not. People that walk in and expect a $10 million check to fall into their hands as they take danishes and paperclip holders from booths, may actually have that happen.... but not likely.
I just want to say I am somewhat involved in the background of the Parnassah Expo.
Its interesting to see how people view it on the front. Not sure why there is so much negativity out there!
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Parnassah Expo 2014 |
It was created as a platform with potential for people to tap into. Its up to each person and business to take advantage of that or not. People that walk in and expect a $10 million check to fall into their hands as they take danishes and paperclip holders from booths, may actually have that happen.... but not likely.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Siyum on Maseches Succah of Daf Yomi- live broadcast
Siyum on Maseches Succah Llive broadcast shiur by Rav Hillel David shlita Rav Khal Yeshiva Shaarei Torah, Brooklyn NY. Sponsored by the Daf Yomi commission of Agudath Israel of America. The program will be broadcast live from Congregation Zichron Eliezer in Cincinnati, OH on Monday, March 31, 2014 / 29 Adar II, 5774 at 8:30 PM EDT.
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Daf Yomi siyum on Maseches Succah |
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Atzeres on Water street- Pictures, video recap
Oficial Statement issued with conclusion of Atzeres Tefillah rally in manhattan
Atzeres Photos HERE
The statement was read at the conclusion of the atzeres by Rabi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel Of Agudath Israel of America.
Official statement at Prayer Rally in Lower Manhattan
Klal Yisroel has no treasure greater than the Holy Torah, no calling greater than the study of Torah, no asset more precious than those who devote themselves to learning and growing in Torah.
B’siyata diShmaya, we have been privileged in recent years to witness the flourishing of Torah study across the globe, and especially in Eretz Yisroel. In the aftermath of the destruction of European Jewry seventy years ago, when so many predicted the demise of Torah-true Judaism, we take pride and solace in this open manifestation of the Yad Hashem.
The statement was read at the conclusion of the atzeres by Rabi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel Of Agudath Israel of America.
Official statement at Prayer Rally in Lower Manhattan
Klal Yisroel has no treasure greater than the Holy Torah, no calling greater than the study of Torah, no asset more precious than those who devote themselves to learning and growing in Torah.
B’siyata diShmaya, we have been privileged in recent years to witness the flourishing of Torah study across the globe, and especially in Eretz Yisroel. In the aftermath of the destruction of European Jewry seventy years ago, when so many predicted the demise of Torah-true Judaism, we take pride and solace in this open manifestation of the Yad Hashem.
Fools, blinded by hate and pure Sinas chinom.
Once again some frum bloggers have proven how silly, naive and foolish they are. A Israeli news website Kikar shabat posted a video clip of the mass atzeres that took place last week in Yerushalayim. The video was played to a song of the singer shlomo Cohen with the words אנו משכימים. It showed a contrast of the Atzeres, showing yeshiva bochurim and charedim as yoshvei beis hamedrash and depicting Yair Lapid and Israeli Soldiers as Yoshvei Kranos. It has since been removed from you-tube for copyright by the singer.
Naturally this "official atzeres clip" drew outrage from the haters on blogsphere. It is exactly what they thrive off. A Charedi video clip making fun of the IDF etc. It must be that this clip was produced by many charedim and approved by leading Rabbonim!
These Bloggers who are quick to find any fault and blame the charedim for it, were quick to the trigger without doing the basic homework or due diligence.
Naturally this "official atzeres clip" drew outrage from the haters on blogsphere. It is exactly what they thrive off. A Charedi video clip making fun of the IDF etc. It must be that this clip was produced by many charedim and approved by leading Rabbonim!
These Bloggers who are quick to find any fault and blame the charedim for it, were quick to the trigger without doing the basic homework or due diligence.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Map, bus, transportation, driving info to the Atzeres Tefilla in Lower Manahttan
There will be Buses going from many communities-
Monsey- Park n ride on Rt 59- $10 round trip in advance $12 at the bus
Lakewood- Forest Avenue between 7th and 10th street $30 round trip- tickets sold in all botei midrashim of Bais Medrash Govoha
BOAT from lakewood to asifa
There will also be a boat to the atzeres email
From Lakewood take the Staten Island ferry to the atzeres. The ferry is free it runs every half an hour it takes 25 minutes to Manhattan Parking is $8 or free in nearby lots and local streets. Ferry is at 1 Bay street, Staten Island, NY St George terminal HERE Exit 12 off the Staten Island expressway.
PATH train to World trade center is closed! on weekends
Or Park in NJ and take Path train from Hoboken or Jersey city to 33rd.
BOAT from lakewood to asifa
There will also be a boat to the atzeres email
or take the Staten Island ferry to the atzeres.
Monsey- Park n ride on Rt 59- $10 round trip in advance $12 at the bus
Lakewood- Forest Avenue between 7th and 10th street $30 round trip- tickets sold in all botei midrashim of Bais Medrash Govoha
BOAT from lakewood to asifa
There will also be a boat to the atzeres email
From Lakewood take the Staten Island ferry to the atzeres. The ferry is free it runs every half an hour it takes 25 minutes to Manhattan Parking is $8 or free in nearby lots and local streets. Ferry is at 1 Bay street, Staten Island, NY St George terminal HERE Exit 12 off the Staten Island expressway.
PATH train to World trade center is closed! on weekends
Or Park in NJ and take Path train from Hoboken or Jersey city to 33rd.
There will also be a boat to the atzeres email
or take the Staten Island ferry to the atzeres.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Novominsker Rebbe- Remarks ahead of mass atzeres tefilla - We are gathering to take away this Gezeira, Atzeres schedule
AUDIO of teleconference HERE
The Novominsker Rebbe on a teleconference ahead of the mass Asifa/atzeres this Sunday in New York, explained the purpose and meaning of the gathering.
The secular society is bent upon imposing on the charedi society a change to its very nature which is the study and practice of Torah. In all the years it was accepted by many Governments this was our way of life.B"H and over the years the Torah community in EY has grown tremendously. We believe that Torah study in the yeshivos and botei midrashos are our koach against our enemies. Unfortunately in the last few years a serious attempt has arisen from the secular left to attack and undermine the continued health of the charedi society and passing laws that hurt us. Passing a law that will criminalize those who do not agree to be conscripted into the army this is the last episode in a series of continuous sanctions that have been imposed on the charedi society. Now one of the subsidies they have enjoyed is being taken away from them and families can not continue to manage.
Even before its passing never before has Jewish nature criminalized limud haTorah even Paroh in Mitzrayim wasn't mishabed or forced shevet Levi .
we all consider this to be a terrible gezeirah we are gathering to Hashem to take away this gezeirah.
We want to be awakened by the tehillim and tachnunim that torah should continue ad bias hagoel.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel of agudath Israel- followed the Rebbes remarks stating the gathering and prayer rally- it should be marbe kavod shomayim not the opposite.
Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin - briefed the audience about the logistics of the Atzeres gathering.
The Atzeres will begin at 2 pm and run for 90 minutes until approx 3:30-4:00 pm.
There will be no speeches or speakers, Just davening tachnunim, Tehillim and Mincha.
Atzeres schedule
Mincha, Tehillim kapitalach 130, 20, 13, 42, 51, 79, 80, 84, 86, 90, 121 & 122, Avinu Malkeinu, Selichos, Pizmon - Yisroel Nosha Bashem & Kabolas ol Malchus Shomayim.
The area will run from Broad street all the way south to the Brookly Bridge.
Separate areas for men and Women. Men will be at the southern part starting from Bowling green, women should take trains to Fulton center.
NYPD will provide security along with sadranim who will easily be identified wearing orange vests. There will be extensive street closures around lower Manhattan. In order to keep the decorum we are asking people not to bring signs. peopel are asked to bring along Tehillim and siddurim.
Getting to the Atzeres we urge everyone to use mass transit, the MTA will add major trains for the return trip.
For those who must drive, theyshould either come through the Brooklyn battery tunnel and park at the nearby Battery parking garage.
All lanes and tubes of the tunnel will be open forthe event.
Those coming from outlying areas should park in Staten Island and take the ferry its a free ride to the Atzeres, or at the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn bridge.
All buses from Monsey, Lakewood, Blatimore, Philly, or other areas must approach the Area from the west side of Manhattan there will be extensive parking areas for busses it will facilitate the traffic.
WE urge attendees not to get off the buses until the buses park so pople know where their buses are.
In light of the fact that it will be hard to navigate through lower Manhattan we ask of the elderly and disabled to use their own discretion and make arrangements.
for more info call 212-797-9000 ext 267
or on the web
The Novominsker Rebbe on a teleconference ahead of the mass Asifa/atzeres this Sunday in New York, explained the purpose and meaning of the gathering.
Novominsker Rebbe |
Even before its passing never before has Jewish nature criminalized limud haTorah even Paroh in Mitzrayim wasn't mishabed or forced shevet Levi .
we all consider this to be a terrible gezeirah we are gathering to Hashem to take away this gezeirah.
We want to be awakened by the tehillim and tachnunim that torah should continue ad bias hagoel.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel of agudath Israel- followed the Rebbes remarks stating the gathering and prayer rally- it should be marbe kavod shomayim not the opposite.
Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin - briefed the audience about the logistics of the Atzeres gathering.
The Atzeres will begin at 2 pm and run for 90 minutes until approx 3:30-4:00 pm.
There will be no speeches or speakers, Just davening tachnunim, Tehillim and Mincha.
Atzeres schedule
Mincha, Tehillim kapitalach 130, 20, 13, 42, 51, 79, 80, 84, 86, 90, 121 & 122, Avinu Malkeinu, Selichos, Pizmon - Yisroel Nosha Bashem & Kabolas ol Malchus Shomayim.
The area will run from Broad street all the way south to the Brookly Bridge.
Separate areas for men and Women. Men will be at the southern part starting from Bowling green, women should take trains to Fulton center.
NYPD will provide security along with sadranim who will easily be identified wearing orange vests. There will be extensive street closures around lower Manhattan. In order to keep the decorum we are asking people not to bring signs. peopel are asked to bring along Tehillim and siddurim.
Getting to the Atzeres we urge everyone to use mass transit, the MTA will add major trains for the return trip.
For those who must drive, theyshould either come through the Brooklyn battery tunnel and park at the nearby Battery parking garage.
All lanes and tubes of the tunnel will be open forthe event.
Those coming from outlying areas should park in Staten Island and take the ferry its a free ride to the Atzeres, or at the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn bridge.
All buses from Monsey, Lakewood, Blatimore, Philly, or other areas must approach the Area from the west side of Manhattan there will be extensive parking areas for busses it will facilitate the traffic.
WE urge attendees not to get off the buses until the buses park so pople know where their buses are.
In light of the fact that it will be hard to navigate through lower Manhattan we ask of the elderly and disabled to use their own discretion and make arrangements.
for more info call 212-797-9000 ext 267
or on the web
Website set up for the Atzeres website for info on gathering.
This is a first not a official Agudah site but organizers have set up a website with all the information needed for the upcoming Atzeres tefilla that will take place this sunday March 9th. Due to the short notice for such a large gathering it makes sense to reach out this way. Many of the weekly newspapers and magazines have been printed already and have no information regarding the Mass prayer gathering.
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Atzeres tefilla website |
Kol Koreh Signed by Gedolei Roshei yeshiva and Admorim in the USA to attend the Atzeres on Sunday March 9th
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Kol Koreh to participate in Atzeres tefillah mass gathering on Giyus in Manhattan March 9th |
עם ה' חזקו ונתחזקה והאספו לעצרת עם וכינוס התעוררות למען תורתנו הקדושה.
"עת צרה ודאגה היא בעת כזאת להתורה ולומדי' בארץ ישראל קמו ויתיצבו אנשי כח ובעלי פוליטיקה למיניהם לחתור חתירה תחת סגולת חיינו ונשמת אומתנו - תלמודה של תורה בישיבות הקדושות והכוללים המלאים מזן אל זן בבחורי חמד ואברכים יקרים השוקדים על התורה וגדילים בה, ואשר מהם תצא תורה לכל ישראל.
Thousands expected at Mass Atzeres Tefilah this Sunday, March 9th despite short notice. Agudah coordinating not sponsoring the event.

New York- Organizers are expecting close to 100,000 to attend the Mass Atzeres rally and Giyus protest in lower Manhattan, this Sunday March 9th, 2014- 7 Adar 2, 5774. The Lakewood yeshiva, Beth Medrash Govoha is expected to travel to the Asifa. The Satmar rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum instructed his chassidim to join in the rally. Agudath Israel of america, while not sponsoring the actual event, is coordinating it with other organizations and askanim on behalf of Gedolei Yisrael both in American and abroad.
The Agudah has set up a conference call this afternoon at 2:30 explaining the purpose of the Atzeres tefillah. 212-444-1323. The Novominsker Rebbe will speak about the law passed by the Israeli Govt forcing yeshiva students to enlist in the IDF. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel and Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin will deliver logistical information.
A Kol Koreh was released today by leading American Roshei yeshiva and Admorim.
Monday, March 3, 2014
American Gedolim call to participate in Atzeres gathering Sunday 7 Adar sheni in Lower Manhattan at 2:00 pm
Official statement:
At the request of Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel, American manhigei hador have asked that Jews join in a large tefilla-gathering to take place on Water Street in lower Manhattan this Sunday, 7 Adar Sheni (March 9) beginning at 2:00 p.m.
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Atzeres gathering in Manhatan Giyus protest |
The gathering will echo this past Sunday's huge atzeres tefilla in Yerushalyim, which brought out hundreds of thousands of Jews in response to the Israeli government's ongoing attempt at social engineering of the charedi community, including wholesale conscription of bnei yeshiva.
Mass Atzeres planned for New York Jewry, Sunday 7 Adar
Following the massive Atzeres tefillah in Eretz Yisrael, a mass atzeres is planned for this coming Sunday March 9th, 2014. Organizers are considering holding the protest in downtown Manhattan, but the venue has yet to be finalized. It will be a joint united effort by the Litvish, Chasidish and sefardi rabbonim coming together to cry out to hashem, against the anti-religious decrees being enacted by Israel’s government. Video recap of million man Atzeres in Israel below, and here.
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