Hamodia- In response to a serious new health challenge faced by Harav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas, the yeshivah will hold a Yom Limud HaTorah U’Tefillah next Sunday, 22 Teves, January 3.
“We are all very concerned,” said the yeshivah in an email message. “B’ezras Hashem, with his devoted mishpacha at his side, the right course of treatment will be found quickly to restore the Rosh Hayeshiva to good health, so that he will continue to lead us ad bias Moshiach tzidkeinu.”
As a zechus for the refuah sheleimah of Harav Belsky, every menahel in Torah Vodaath “is already instituting various new programs of learning and davening with the talmidim,” the yeshivah said.
Sunday’s special event will feature a seder halimud at 9:30 a.m., followed by divrei hisorerus from Torah Vodaath’s roshei yeshivah, Harav Yosef Savitsky and Harav Yisroel Reisman. The tzibur will then say tehillim at 12:15, followed by minchah at 12:45 p.m.
Thinking out loud; discussing and debating the current issues and challenges affecting the Torah and yeshiva communities such as population growth, dangers of technology, parnassah, shidduchim, financial support of Torah and Chesed institutions, news of the yeshiva world and reviewing frum blogs,Torah media outlets.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Keeping it Neutral at the upcoming Agudah Yarchei kallah in Yerushalayim
The Machlokes between the gedolim in Eretz Yisrael has recently heated up again, the Agudah of America Yarchei Kallah in EY plans on keeping it a completely neutral endeavor, with only one goal, complete immersion in learning Torah for the days spent in Eretz Yisrael. Last year (here) it was Rav Aaron Shcechter the Rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin and member of the Moetzes gedolei haTorah of Agudas Yisrael of America who insisted on Agudah not taking any sides in the machlokes. Effort was taken to keep it neutral without getting involved or taking sides which is what they hope to do the same this year IYH.
Frum Jews supporting Hillary Clinton for president
As Election 2016 gets near, several influential Orthodox Jews are throwing their support behind Hillary Clinton for President. A editorial in The Jewish week by the OU's Rabbi Menachem Genack under the tittle "Why I support Hillary Clinton for president". The article does not mention the Rabbis long standing relationship with former President Clinton. David Lichtenstein CEO of the Lightstone group and author of Headlines book on current halachic debates is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in NYC in mid January 2016. Mr. Lichtenstein who used to live in Lakewood has previously hosted a fundraiser for Hillary in his Lakewood home back in November of 2007. There was a backlash to the visit and Mr. Lichtenstein claimed he was asked to host it by the Lakewood Yeshiva.
Yeshiva bochur assaulted in Midwood
Hamodia A bachur walking home from yeshivah was assaulted Monday evening, shocking the frum community in Midwood, which was still reeling from news of a vicious attack early that morning.
According to a press release from New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, the 17-year-old boy was walking home at 6:30 p.m. Monday evening, when he was approached by an African American male, around 5-foot-8 and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt,
at East 29th Street and Avenue L. When the bachur was about a foot away, the assailant suddenly lunged at him and punched him on the side of his face.
According to a press release from New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, the 17-year-old boy was walking home at 6:30 p.m. Monday evening, when he was approached by an African American male, around 5-foot-8 and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt,
at East 29th Street and Avenue L. When the bachur was about a foot away, the assailant suddenly lunged at him and punched him on the side of his face.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Levayos held for kedoshim killed at sharei Yafo
Hamodia The levayos for the two victims of Wednesday’s stabbing attack in Yerushalayim were held late Wednesday night and Thursday. Two terrorists, Issa Yassin Yussuf and Wanoun Mahmad Salah Hamad, both residents of the Yerushalayim neighborhood of Kalandiya, went on a stabbing spree, seriously injuring two Jews, one of whom later died. Police fired at the terrorists, killing one and injuring one, but sadly, a Jew was also hit by the police gunfire, and he later died from his wounds.
Killed in that attack were Rav Reuven Biermacher, Hy”d, 51, and Ofer Ben Ari, z”l, 46. Rav Biermacher died of stab wounds at the hands of the terrorists, who reportedly stabbed him 23 times. Ben Ari was killed by accidental fire as police sought to shoot down the terrorist.
Killed in that attack were Rav Reuven Biermacher, Hy”d, 51, and Ofer Ben Ari, z”l, 46. Rav Biermacher died of stab wounds at the hands of the terrorists, who reportedly stabbed him 23 times. Ben Ari was killed by accidental fire as police sought to shoot down the terrorist.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Hafgana against Giyus, Mir Yeshiva forbids talmidim from protesting
A large protest is planed for this evening Motzei Assara Bteves to oppose the current giyus draft law that has been ratified in the knesset with the approval of charedi MK's and their roshei yeshiva. The Eidah hacharedis and the Bnei Torah faction led by Rav Shmuel Auerbach have called for a hafgana in Yerushalayim's Kikar shabbos this evening. The Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalyim does not approve of this and they forbade the talmidei hayeshiva from joining in the protest saying this hafganah is disrespectful to the Roshei yeshiva Rav Aaron leib Shteinman who supported the new ratified agreement.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
The double standard in the frum charedi media
When it comes to reporting certain news items there is a double standard in the frum charedi or even yeshiva world media outlets. The print papers and magazines are held to a much higher standard than the websites and online social media. The print media will face a boycott if they ever covered or reported on certain questionable stories that involve lashon hora or foreign hashkafos. They will never publish a picture of a women. Yet the frum news websites who are free to post what they want with no repercussions are patronized by the same advertisers and spokespersons who represent major frum Jewish organizations. The frum online media is currently very competitive and has brought down the already low bar eve further. Videos and stupidity are now news items simcha spreading websites have now changed to shmutz and what not in a ratings war and the frum news outlets have followed suit as they seek hits and compete with one another.
The print media have editors who must take responsibility for the content they publish but online its a free for fall with anonymous news editors hiding behind anonymous rabbis who they claim to seek guidance from. Lacking a kosher online platform the frum advertisers and organizations reach out to these websites to get their message out which validates the content published there. Just recently a headline on YWN reported about a gang of charedi teens. On that very page there were ads for Torah Umesorah, No talking in shul, Guard your eyes, and other organizations. FM was more than happy to share the story. You wont find that in any respected print media we read on shabbos if they did there would be a public outcry why is there a double standard we need a higher standard!
The print media have editors who must take responsibility for the content they publish but online its a free for fall with anonymous news editors hiding behind anonymous rabbis who they claim to seek guidance from. Lacking a kosher online platform the frum advertisers and organizations reach out to these websites to get their message out which validates the content published there. Just recently a headline on YWN reported about a gang of charedi teens. On that very page there were ads for Torah Umesorah, No talking in shul, Guard your eyes, and other organizations. FM was more than happy to share the story. You wont find that in any respected print media we read on shabbos if they did there would be a public outcry why is there a double standard we need a higher standard!
Yom tefillah for refuah of Rav Mattisyohu Solomon shlita
A Yom Tefillah has been called across Lakewood for a refuah shlaima for the Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha Harav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita. Sign asks all shuls to say Tehillim this coming fast day of Asarah Beteves. Name for tehillim is Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettil.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Aron Wieder Resigning as Rockland Democratic Leader
Hamodia, NEW YORK - In a dramatic reaction to the call for state intrusion in Monsey yeshivah funding, Aron Wieder announced at a news conference Thursday afternoon that he was resigning his post as the Rockland County Legislature’s Democratic leader.
The resignation, announced before dozens of elected officials and community leaders in the Rockland County legislative chamber, came three days after the New York State Board of Regents unanimously voted to approve a panel’s recommendation that the state appoint a monitor over the East Ramapo school board, with power to override decisions made by the popularly elected board.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Monsey residents urged to attend meeting
Dear Monsey resident.
Our Community is under attack. Your daily life hasn’t been noticeably impacted, but that is very likely to change.
Yesterday, your children were attacked. Let me explain. Dennis Wolcott, the monitor who was appointed by the NYS education department, for the East Ramapo School district found no criminal wrongdoing whatsoever. He actually praised the current board and its President Mr. Weissmandel. Yet, he inexplicably called for a monitor with veto power! The bogus reason he gave is that we don’t know who the next school board will be. This is totally unacceptable and we can no longer remain silent. He has suggested taking away many of the programs that are currently mandated for private schools by NYS … including severely impacting transportation to the private schools!!
The current board who are working lshem shamyim lmaan hklal need your support. Please come out tonight to show your support at Ramapo High School on Viola Rd. 7:30 P.m..
Aron Wieder
Our Community is under attack. Your daily life hasn’t been noticeably impacted, but that is very likely to change.
Yesterday, your children were attacked. Let me explain. Dennis Wolcott, the monitor who was appointed by the NYS education department, for the East Ramapo School district found no criminal wrongdoing whatsoever. He actually praised the current board and its President Mr. Weissmandel. Yet, he inexplicably called for a monitor with veto power! The bogus reason he gave is that we don’t know who the next school board will be. This is totally unacceptable and we can no longer remain silent. He has suggested taking away many of the programs that are currently mandated for private schools by NYS … including severely impacting transportation to the private schools!!
The current board who are working lshem shamyim lmaan hklal need your support. Please come out tonight to show your support at Ramapo High School on Viola Rd. 7:30 P.m..
Aron Wieder
Monday, December 14, 2015
BD'H Reb Yudel Ackerman Ztl
Reb Yudel Ackerman who headed Mosses Stolin on Bnei Brak passed away at the age of 88. He was known for his famous smile and simcha that he brought wherever he went. Be at his signature dance at a chasunah or just cheering someone up, that was his essence. He started the stolin mosdos on Bnei Brak 45 year a ago and he he taught the current Stoliner Rebbe. The lavaya will go out from the stolin cheer kevurah will be in Teverya.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Zos Chanuka segulah for Parnassah
The last night of Chanukah known as Zos chanukah there are special tefillos to recite and segulos for parnasah on זאת חנוכה. There is a מנהג ספרדים to recite 308 times the פסוק of
"שובו שברו לנו מעט אוכל" as a Segulah for Parnasah on Zos Chanukah
A old minhag in Yerushalayim to daven for rain-
"זאת חנוכה" - היום האחרון
של החג היו מביאים קערות גדולות אל תלמוד תורה, ליד בית הכנסת
יוחנן בן-זכאי".
"שובו שברו לנו מעט אוכל" as a Segulah for Parnasah on Zos Chanukah
A old minhag in Yerushalayim to daven for rain-
"זאת חנוכה" - היום האחרון
של החג היו מביאים קערות גדולות אל תלמוד תורה, ליד בית הכנסת
יוחנן בן-זכאי".
Friday, December 11, 2015
The menorah was removed but tree stays on lakewood
Several media outlets reported on a menorah in Lakewood, NJ that was removed due to the threat of a lawsuit. Rather than having a nativity scene placed in the town square the local government which has from members had the Menorah removed to avoid a lawsuit. Read Here:
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Frum Passengers' "cool clock" causes scare on NJ bus to Lakewood
A Frum Man who has just arrived from Eretz Yisrael took a NJ Transit bus from Newark airport to Lakewood. A Passenger who noticed a suspicious device on his lap alerted authorities who stopped traffic and evacuated the bus it was only an alarm clock. Would he also get a invite from President Obama? read the story HERE
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Rabbinical student case dismissed
A judge in Monticello dismissed a case brought against a Rebbe where a former student filed molestation and abuse charges. Read HERE.
The case drew to a close yesterday after a week of cross examinations and testimony. For the yeshiva community of South Fallsburg the ruling was a nes chanukah.
The case drew to a close yesterday after a week of cross examinations and testimony. For the yeshiva community of South Fallsburg the ruling was a nes chanukah.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
How do you say vote in Yiddish
Hamodia Brooklyn- A Brooklyn lawmaker wants New York City to translate all voter registration material in Yiddish-speaking neighborhoods into the local lingo.
Assemblyman Dov Hikind said that he recently received voter registration forms in the mail translated into dozens of languages but not in Yiddish. He is urging the NYC Board of Elections to translate the forms into Yiddish. “There are voter registrations forms in Bengali, why not Yiddish?” said Hikind, a Democrat. “Everyone talks about how important it is to register to vote. There are thousands of Yiddish-speakers in my district and New York State.”
Assemblyman Dov Hikind said that he recently received voter registration forms in the mail translated into dozens of languages but not in Yiddish. He is urging the NYC Board of Elections to translate the forms into Yiddish. “There are voter registrations forms in Bengali, why not Yiddish?” said Hikind, a Democrat. “Everyone talks about how important it is to register to vote. There are thousands of Yiddish-speakers in my district and New York State.”
Agudath Israel Hails New Yeshiva Security Measure Passed by City Council Today
Earlier today, the City Council passed a measure, introduced by City Councilmember David Greenfield, which will reimburse the city's larger nonpublic schools for costs they incur in hiring private security guards. The historic agreement between New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Councilman David Greenfield, was enthusiastically welcomed by Agudath Israel of America.

"This is a tremendous achievement," said Agudath Israel's executive vice president Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel. "Parents of nonpublic school children throughout the city will now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that, at a time when the world has become increasingly dangerous, their precious children are afforded a serious measure of protection. Thank you Councilman Greenfield, thank you Mayor De Blasio, thank you Speaker Mark Viverito, thank you to all the elected officials who made this happen."
The measure, which has been in the works for a number of years, is expected to take effect on April 1, 2016.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Are we "just farhshlepped" about vaccinating.
BROOKLYN - Hamodia- The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOH) is reaching out to Orthodox Jewish Brooklyn communities in an attempt to stop an outbreak of whooping cough, or pertussis, that has been raging for over a year. As the vast majority of cases have been found in children who have not been vaccinated properly, DOH is working together with schools and physicians to address the issue.
There have been 171 cases of whooping cough reported in Williamsburg, Boro Park and Crown Heights since October 2014. According to the DOH, this outbreak is specific to the Orthodox community. With the exception of outbreaks, New York usually has 100-200 cases of whooping cough each year. While most cases remain mild if properly treated, five children have been hospitalized in the past year. Health risks are most serious for infants.
“The best way for parents to protect their children from pertussis and other vaccine preventable infections is by vaccinating them on time,” the DOH told Hamodia in a written statement. It said the outbreak “is largely a result of parents delaying vaccinations for their children.”
In addition to the importance of vaccinating children, the DOH urges expectant mothers to receive booster shots as well, which can transfer antibodies to their babies and serve as protection during their first weeks of life. Infants themselves are recommended to get their first shots at around two months old.
The department is working to provide schools with up-to-date information on which of their students need to have vaccines updated as a means of stemming the highly contagious and potentially dangerous illness. They have also initiated an advertising campaign in both Yiddish and English in community media to spread public awareness.
There have been 171 cases of whooping cough reported in Williamsburg, Boro Park and Crown Heights since October 2014. According to the DOH, this outbreak is specific to the Orthodox community. With the exception of outbreaks, New York usually has 100-200 cases of whooping cough each year. While most cases remain mild if properly treated, five children have been hospitalized in the past year. Health risks are most serious for infants.
“The best way for parents to protect their children from pertussis and other vaccine preventable infections is by vaccinating them on time,” the DOH told Hamodia in a written statement. It said the outbreak “is largely a result of parents delaying vaccinations for their children.”
In addition to the importance of vaccinating children, the DOH urges expectant mothers to receive booster shots as well, which can transfer antibodies to their babies and serve as protection during their first weeks of life. Infants themselves are recommended to get their first shots at around two months old.
The department is working to provide schools with up-to-date information on which of their students need to have vaccines updated as a means of stemming the highly contagious and potentially dangerous illness. They have also initiated an advertising campaign in both Yiddish and English in community media to spread public awareness.
WH uses National Menorah lighting to push refugee agenda
Washington Examiner White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough used the lighting of the National Hanukkah Menorah to push President Obama's efforts to allow refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East into the U.S.
"So this is a joyous occasion, and yet as we heard earlier we are mindful that even as we gather here tonight, that while the light of freedom burns brightly for us and for our generation, it flickers for others," McDonough said as he stood before a 30-foot menorah on the Ellipse in front of the White House.
"Refugees fleeing religious intolerance and oppression. People targeted for their faith, people whose faith is perverted by others," McDonough continued. "We are Americans, and as Americans we do not turn our backs on those who seek sanctuary. Nor do we stay quiet in the face of bigotry or intolerance. We stand up for those persecuted around the world."
"So this is a joyous occasion, and yet as we heard earlier we are mindful that even as we gather here tonight, that while the light of freedom burns brightly for us and for our generation, it flickers for others," McDonough said as he stood before a 30-foot menorah on the Ellipse in front of the White House.
"Refugees fleeing religious intolerance and oppression. People targeted for their faith, people whose faith is perverted by others," McDonough continued. "We are Americans, and as Americans we do not turn our backs on those who seek sanctuary. Nor do we stay quiet in the face of bigotry or intolerance. We stand up for those persecuted around the world."
Sunday, December 6, 2015
אוי חנוכה the words in yiddish ...
Yiddish words יידיש English translation Oy Chanukah
חנוכה, אוי חנוכה (Oh), Chanukah, Oh Chanukah
חנוכה, אוי חנוכה, אַ יום-טוב אַ שיינער, A beautiful celebration.
אַ לוסטיקער, אַ פריילעכער, ניטאָ נאָך אַזוינער. Such a cheerful and happy one,
אַלע נאַכט אין דריידלעך שפילן מיר, There is none like it.
זודיק הייסע לאַטקעס עסן מיר. Every night with the dreidels we will play,
געשווינדער, צינדט קינדער Fresh, hot latkes we will eat endlessly.
די דינינקע ליכטעלעך אָן. And while we are playing
זאָגט על הנסים, לויבט גאָט פאַר די נסים, The candles are burning bright (or low[2])
און קומט גיכער טאַנצן אין קאָן. One for each night, they shed a sweet light
יהודה האָט פאַרטריבן דעם שונא, דעם רוצח, To remind us of days long ago
און האָט אין בית המקדש געזונגען למנצח. One for each night, they shed a sweet light
די שטאָט ירושלים האָט ווידער אויפגעלעבט, To remind us of days long ago.
און צו אַ נייעם לעבן האָט יעדערער געשטרעבט.
געשווינדער, צינדט קינדער
די דינינקע ליכטעלעך אָן.
זאָגט על הנסים, לויבט גאָט פאַר די נסים,
און קומט גיכער טאַנצן אין קאָן
Friday, December 4, 2015
A Destructive force
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Yated Neeman For some reason, people in our world perk up when there is a crisis. If you can convince them that there is a crisis, they willuctive drop what they are doing and form Tehillim groups to daven for the crisis to go away. They will form coffee klatches to get together and seek solutions to the crisis. That is because our people are basically good, fine, caring and loving. When there is a tzorah, everyone galvanizes into action to help out.
There is an old problem that is worsening with the passage of time and the advancement of technology. It has reached crisis proportions. We don’t care about each other’s feelings. People hurt others all day. Most probably do it subconsciously, but there is a fair number of people who simply can’t fargin others.
Yated Neeman For some reason, people in our world perk up when there is a crisis. If you can convince them that there is a crisis, they willuctive drop what they are doing and form Tehillim groups to daven for the crisis to go away. They will form coffee klatches to get together and seek solutions to the crisis. That is because our people are basically good, fine, caring and loving. When there is a tzorah, everyone galvanizes into action to help out.
There is an old problem that is worsening with the passage of time and the advancement of technology. It has reached crisis proportions. We don’t care about each other’s feelings. People hurt others all day. Most probably do it subconsciously, but there is a fair number of people who simply can’t fargin others.
Motzei shabbos December 5th by Maariv ותן טל ומטר לברכה
Klal yisrael in Chutz laaretz will begin saying V'sein Tal Umatar Livracha Motzei shabbos by Maariv. December 5th 2015.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Arab man threatened to kill Jews in NY
JPupdates A 22-year-old Arab man has been taken into custody Thursday morning by the New York City Police Department after he walked into a synagogue in Flatbush and threatened to kill Jews while men were praying, NYPD officials said. Police sources said Irsalan Aziz walked into the Sephardic Achi Ezer Congregation at 1885 Ocean Parkway Avenue around 7:20 a.m. and made anti-Semitic statements. When people tried pushing him out he yelled, ” I wish I can kill Jews every day.” He said he needs a therapist and no one helps him, a police source added.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Travesty continues for Jonathan Pollard
Hamodia- When the Parole Commission announced last July that they would finally be releasing Jonathan Pollard on parole in November, it was hoped by many that, at long last, the travesty of justice that kept him behind bars for three full decades was finally coming to an end. Clearly, nothing the government can do now would make up for the fact that he was unfairly deprived of his freedom for so long; nothing can compensate him for receiving a life sentence for a crime whose median punishment is two to four years. Yet, it was hoped that after serving a full 30 years in prison, during which he developed and struggled with a number of serious physical ailments, he would taste real freedom.
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