Hamodia- The Jewish community of Los Angeles mourned the petirah of its beloved Rosh Kollel, Harav Chaim Zelig Fasman, zt”l, 83, who was niftar this past Shabbos, Erev Shavuos. With his indomitable will, sincere dedication to others, and heartfelt ahavas haTorah, his personal influence, as well as the impact and ripple effects of the kollel that he founded and led of over 40 years, would be felt in nearly every aspect of Torah life in the kehillah.
Rav Fasman was born in 1933 in Chicago, but spent his early years in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where his father, Rabbi Asher (Oscar) Fasman, zt”l, served as a Rav. His rabbanus would take the family to Ottawa, Canada, before returning to Chicago. There, young Chaim attended Beis Medrash L’Torah, where the teachings and living model of Harav Mendel Kaplan, zt”l, then among the yeshivah’s most influential Maggidei Shiur, would play a formative role in his commitment to limud haTorah and mussar.