Friday, June 1, 2012

Daas torah should count in America too!

   While many Roshei Yeshiva attended the asifa in Citifield, leading up to it, many Roshei Yeshiva were not supportive of it or were outright against it. Many senior Roshei Yeshiva held the opinion that  yeshivos should not participate, and the event should be in a smaller venue for baalei batim. The organizers bypassed the opinion of the American Roshei Yeshiva and went directly to Eretz Yisrael seeking approval of the Gedolim there which they got. Letters were posted from the gedolei Eretz Yisrael calling on all to attened including bnei torah to take off from yeshiva. How can a letter have validity when they went to Rav Chaim kanievsky and only presented one side. He did not hear the opposing opinions of rav Shmuel Kaminetzky, senior Rosh Yeshiva in America amongst other roshei Yeshiva as well. Had Rav Chaim heared both sides and then side with one, than we can follow his psak. As it turns out the gedolim in EY were unaware and were not told of the opposing opinions of the American Roshei yeshiva.

   It was a little before the asifa when people went into Rav Chaim and explained to him the opposition of many American Roshei yeshiva. Is daas torah of American Roshei Yeshiva worthless as was shown by this asifa?
Why did we bypass it and run to Eretz Yisrael when the RY here are in tune with whats going on and had an opinion on the matter? I am Chas veshalom not questioning or undermining any of the gedolim both here and in eretz yisrael. Yet the message and events from the asifa clearly showed that the daas torah of the Roshei Yeshiva in America was ignored. Confused!!!


  1. Because the Gedolim in EY are bigger. Its as simple as that.

    1. How can we compare who is bigger there are gedolim in EY and gedolim in america.

    2. Not true. My Godol is way bigger than yours!

    3. Bigger is debatable,,,and most impt in pasok is information and being culturally attuned.

  2. Good point for arguments sake lets say the gedolim in EY are bigger, However there is no need to run to EY we live here and go by what the gedolim here tell us to do. Secondly both Rav Chaim and Rav Shteinman regretted getting involvedin an American issue when they were told that many RY were against sending bochrim to the asifa.

  3. I consider this fact a tremendous chillul Hashem. It's saying, if your daas Torah doesn't agree with you, keep looking until you find one that does. Is that really what daas Torah is? Then you hide information and give a psak which you know others disagree ! And then you say, whoever disagrees has no part of the next world?!

    1. That's Daas Torah in a nutshell. And if you know you won't find a Posek to give the Psak you want, you just fail to present the other side of the issue. Business as usual.

  4. Most American Daas Torah supported the Asifa, as evidenced by the numerous American Daas Torah sitting on the dais as the Asifa.
