Friday, May 10, 2013

Frum Torah Websites choose to Ignore, barely report on the Internet Asifa

A Big event took place last week, 45,000 Yidden came together in different communities for a Kinus and Asifah of chizuk vehisoirerus in keeping our selves as a Goy Kadosh. Those of us who count on getting our news from the Torah and Yeshiva Websites would not have known about it. These sites simply chose to not report, or only a small mention about the Internet Asifa in passing with some pictures. It got no coverage at all, the Asifa did not get any headline story, or receive the proper placement as an important news Item. For whatever reason, The Anonymous editors of these sites chose to ignore it. Are they on the same level as the Lakewood mashgiach Shlita? or the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva ,The Admorim and Zkeinim who came out with Mesiras nefesh to attend the Asifa? Is it irrelevant that thousands of yidden came together to grow in Yiras shomayim? These sites can post and report on every narishkeit in der velt but an uplifting derhiobeneh maamad they choose to ignore?? 
We will give them the benefit of the doubt, but how is that the voice of Torah Jewry and the Yeshiva velt if they dont cover or report on a kinus hisoirerus attended by thousands of Litvishe and Chasidisheh Yidden. The Ichud hakehilos does not advertise on the Internet ,ok, thats not a reason to ignore the event when everything else is reported.
  This only strengthens the Argument made HERE there is no such thing as a  online Torah voice or good frum yeshivish website if there is no vaad harabonim with names for all to see who guide the editors. If these torah sites are backed by Rabbonim let the editors come out and say who they are and who they follow.


  1. I can't speak for them but I had no interest at all in this whole thing.

    From the parts of the speeches in Lakewood that I heard online this morning it sounded like business as usual. Instead of addressing the internet and the serious issues it raises in our lives, in our interactions, thought processes etc., it was just a chance for R.Salomon to talk to us like we are a room full of 12 year olds.

    I am fed up at being talked down to. R. Salomon said it is a simple issue - do we have yiras shamayaim or not. Excuse me, it is not. Like most matters concerning the sechel and the midos the internet is an extremely complex issue. Where exactly in our midos, in our personality does what it offers entice us? Where does the peculiar nature of the way information is presented and processed on the internet grab us so that we can sit for hours and hours skipping from one thing to the next? How does it change the way we think and the way we make decisions? What are the sugyos in haskafah that it raises?

    I feel bad to say but there is a deafening silence from our leaders. I can learn a schwerre R.Chaim, I can structure a complex business deal but I am expected to listen to simplistic speeches? When they start talking to us like adults then I might start being interested in their asifas again.

    And by the way, it is possible. I have rebbeim who have addressed this issue in profound ways, and their words have left an impression which lasts beyond the day or two 'high' from these mass events.

    1. I am sure Rav Mattisyahu agrees with your valid points perhaps he was not up to delving into all the details, or he decided to be meromem and give chizuk will help you make the decisions based on what you heard and learned from your Rebbeim. look at it like a tune up for a car!

    2. I would give him (and others) a pass once or twice but all we ever hear is divrei chizuk. How about some actual tochen by now?

  2. Ha ha ha.

    Are YOU (Mr. Hamodia spoksman) on the same level as Harav Shmuel Kaminetsky Shelita?

    How about Harav Yisroel Belsky Shelita? Did you see his letter? I did, as did many others.

    I have had these debates with you several times. First you deny your intentions, or what you said. In the end, when you're proven wrong - you remain silent. You have never backtracked.

    There's a very hot place in purgatory for baalei motzie shem ra.

    You are trying to prop up Hamodia. It won't work. Good try though.

    1. Again you decided that I am propping up the Hamodia that is Your own opinion no reason to argue over that.
      Secondly, no i am not on thew level of Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita or any of our gedolim and Roshei yeshiva. Rav Shmuel as was the case last year did not hold of sending the bnei hayeshiva to the Asaifa. The Gedolim can have different opinions with each other, elu V'Eilu. My point is the Websites who are preaching that they are the online voice of Torah jewry and stand up for Kavod Shomayim These editors are NOT on the level of the Gedolim either. Let them publicly say who is their Rav who over sees the content in all aspects of what they report or decide what not to report. Hiding behind pen names is not worth the screen its printed on.
      Thirdly, I do not enjoy in arguing I would rather remain silent when there is no more points to be made.
      A Gutten Shabbos, going to get my Hamodia and Yated.

    2. what letter are you referring to?

  3. i know the editor of ywn personally. they were asked not to cover it by rav mattisyahu. last year they were also asked not to mention it until the day of the event.

    don't be so fast to jump to conclusions and be choshed bichsheirim.

    think im wrong? email ywn and ask them.

    1. No one is chosed beksherim here. All we stated is these sites should publicly announce that they are backed by Rabbanim. We are not fools the asifa had coverage in the secular press and the askanim involved have used social media to spread the word. If as you state that he was told not to post about it, does that mean that every story and feature posted is also approved by a Rav? why do you call yourself Faker??

  4. Maybe they were respecting the asifa and not being "metamei" it by posting about it online.

    1. Why wouldn't it be muttar online if you have a filter

  5. why i call myself faker? that is a stupid question. anyways, they have a rov who they speak with every day.

  6. I'm not sure if you wanted coverage before or after. But if you refer to before, that an advertisement, which imn sure any site would have posted for the right price. If you refer to after, every frum site that I visit had a very bakovediker article with pictures. So I'm not really sure what your issue is.

    1. Thats the issue, Its not only about money, when you have a huge important event you should report it despite not getting paid just as they post every silly item from other websites. The coverage afterwards was minimal with no real report about what was said and just posted as a small news story. They chose to give it minimal coverage.

  7. "They chose to give it minimal coverage"

    Because (ywn at least) was told not to report it, at the personal request of r' mattisyahu, so not sure why you insist on continuing to be a choshed bichsheirim.

    i asked ywn if you reached out to them and they said no.

    guess you like to make stuff up.

  8. I'm sure they report on stories according to what their readers want to read about.
    I'm also sure, that just like you sound all involved in the choshivus of this event (which I almost didn't even know about) there are probably those who wait to see stories written about an Aguda or Torah Umesorah convention.

    1. No website reported on the 2 latter events!

  9. Fotheringay-PhippsMay 14, 2013 at 1:57 PM

    I'm not sure I understand this issue.

    Firstly, how much does this blog focus on the position of all these rabbonim, which holds that all blogs are evil, with no exceptions made for The Partial View?

    Secondly, these blogs are not claiming that they consult with rabbonim on every nitty details. They claim that their broader hashkofos are consistent with gedolei yisroel. I am skeptical of this claim, especially as pertains to the internet specifically (as above) but I don't think the fact that they don't consult with gedolim about what to post on their blogs is an indication of anything meaningful.

  10. They are referring to blogs whose sole purpose is to spread evil lashon hora rechilus and mocking of gedolei yisroel, On the other hand the frum websites who champion to be an online voice of Torah Jewry should have a Rav who backs the content especially when an article is written attacking someone by an anonymous name. TPV is not a news website its only a blog.

  11. Fotheringay-PhippsMay 14, 2013 at 3:55 PM

    My understanding is that they're against all blogs, not just ones that spread LHR. The REASON they're against all blogs is because a lot of them spread LHR, but as a matter of public policy they're against all of them.

    At least the rabbonim who comment publically about these things.

    It is the nature of our times that people who want to condemn on hot-button issues tend to be freer in their condemnations than people who approve of those things are in their approvals. (RSZA once told a certain mohel I know that he feels the risk of disease these days is such that you have to be cautious about doing MBP, but he couldn't say so publically because "I'm too old to deal with rocks being thrown through my windows".)

    So there are any number of gedolim who will privately tell people things that contradict what other gedolim have forcefully proclaimed, but as far as the public message is concerned they are not factors.

    So I would not be surprised if there are gedolim who take a much softer line on the internet than that which is public party line. But as far as the latter is concerned, all blogs are treif gomur, and I haven't seen anyone contradict this.
