Thursday, December 12, 2013

Frum papers ignoring the Giyus issue- barely reporting on arrest of yeshiva Bochurim

You spend $2 on the Yated Ne'eman expecting to get the news of what is going on in the Yeshiva world. What should have been a screaming front page headline "IDF arrests 3 yeshiva Bochurim for ignoring orders to show up at induction centers". Instead the Yated ignored the issue only burying it in the back of the paper among other stories in its Charedi news section. No mention about the Gedolim going down to protest at the prison. The Satmar Rebbe is even planning a mass protest in New York against the arrests.

It should have at least gotten the same attention the paper dedicated close to 50 full page ads wishing mazel tov to the Tomech Torah Reb Shlomo Rechnitz and family on the engagement of his daughter. The Yeshivos and mosdos are more than happy to share in a simcha and show hakoras hatov  to the machzikei Torah. (If they were pressured to give the ads by a sales person is up for discussion.)

But for someone spending money on his weekly paper you would expect that it deliver the news. For the last few years all we heard about was the giyus bnei hayeshivos. Front page after front page, now that it has started there is a blackout.

 To be fair, as the Yated itself points out in the article there is a disagreement among the Gedolim  on this issue, if yeshiva bochurim should show up at the induction center or not. No one is asking to take sides here. However, a newspaper's job is to report the news not to ignore.


  1. It took you all these years to realize that the Yated doesnt publish all the news you may be interested in? To take 2 recent examples, has there been any reporting about the inter-Eida wars over digging in Beit Shemesh. Has there been anything other than the smallest mention of the aatttack on Rav Shteinman?
    Or is the issue perhaps that youve chosen sides (or acknowledged the validity of 2 sides) & now notice when your side is given short shrift.

    Your last lines about the job of newspapers ignores the history of Jewish newspapers which have always existed to "take sides" & present the viewpoint of the rabbbonim they represent. They were never about plain reporting. Youre confusing the secular standard of newspapers with the Jewish one.

  2. I agree on those 'mazal tov' ads; they bordered on fawning. Maybe, though, that even Yated sees the insanity of this whole particular draft-dodging story? What normal person would be sympathetic to the "plight" of a draft-dodger who got caught??

  3. I agree on those 'mazal tov' ads; they bordered on fawning. Maybe, though, that even Yated sees the insanity of this whole particular draft-dodging story? What normal person would be sympathetic to the "plight" of a draft-dodger who got caught??

  4. The first commentor hs it right. The frum papers stay away from anything involving a difference of opinion among the gedolim. You'll notice that there was zero reference to the Slifkin controversy in any of these papers either.

    I'm not sure if it's out of deference to the gedolim or that they don't want to alienate a big chunk of their readership who is loyal to one side or the other and who will feel that their side is given short shrift. Possibly both are factors.

    I don't see the problem with the mazal tov ads and don't understand the suggestion that they might have been pressured by a "sales person". What form of pressure might a sales person be able to apply? The far more straightforward and likelier possibility is that the mosdos want to stay on the good side of the big nadvanim. That's pretty universal.

  5. What's the spin, Tomim Ti. Why are they not reporting it?

    1. Perhaps because these Bochurim did not follow Rav Shteinmans ruling to report and not sign.

    2. So pidyon shevuyim does not apply to those who follow the other Gedolim ??

  6. commentator#1

    Name me the secular newspaper that it is only about reporting the news without any bias

  7. bald guy, every sensible person would be sympathetic to someone who doesn't want to kill and die for the society that hates him.

    1. ...and his Father In Heaven!

  8. The (new) Yated is the mouthpiece of those politicians and journalists who (ostensibly backed by some Gedolim of Bnei Brak) have decided (so far) to quash any opposition (other than lip-service) to the frightening attempts of the zionist state to assimilate and destroy the Torah World! ALL (other) segments of Klal Yisroel stand united and ready as in previous generations to do all that is necessary in a time of shmad...

    1. The article I think is about the American Yated.

  9. Dovy-
    Where did you get the idea that Israel society "hates" Haredim? Have you forgotten that Israeli society has given MILLIONS of dollars in subisidies to Haredim, exemption from municipal taxes, exemptions from military service that non-Haredim (both men and women) are obligated to do, subsidized housing, and as a result the Haredim population has grown greately, more Torah is being learned than any time in Jewish history, and the state gives official recognition only to Orthodox streams of Judaism. Where is the hatred that you claim exists? How could Haredi Jewry flrourish as it has if there was such hatred. Criticism of certain aspects of Haredi society is NOT hatred, any more than a parent criticizing his children's behaviors does not indicate hatred on the part of the parents. Enough with the propaganda!

    1. most of the things you wrote are not true. israeli society does not allow chareidim to collect the regular government social programs everybody in their socialist style system gets. instead they give them a pittance to use as foder against them. the chareidim grew in number not because the government wanted them to but despite the government's attempts to contain them. subsidized housing? where does that exist? exemptions from municipal taxes? surely you know those days are over.
      official recognition to orthodox jewry? you mean government regulation of orthodox jewry through their government rabbinate that works for them and are ordered to do as they command.
      anyone who has ever watched government regulated israeli media knows that they try to indoctrinate kids to hate the religious from a young age and constantly incite against them.

  10. You protested the kavod of Rav Shmuel Auerbach. Why are you not protesting the kavod of Rav Aharon Schechter, which was just degraded on

  11. and how come your not posting on the fact that Yesh Atid is pushing Mishkav Zachar, Chillul Shabbos, mivateling kidishuin/Gitten, and trying to change how geyrus is done.
    Each one those issues are infinitely worse then drafting every single Jew in to the army.

    How come the only established Jewish new service that even remotely deals with these issues are the Daati Leumi ones (the usually pro toevah Jewish Press, and Arutz Sheva)

    Don't fool you self the draft is a ruse to pass mishkav zachar (for the past month Yesh Atid has been pushing it) and if you protest the draft you are really supporting Mishkav Zachar
