Shiva info for his son in the US- Rabbi Yosef Vosner, Son of Hagaon Rav Vosner Zt"l, sitting Shivah only today at his home on 12 & 47 in Boro Park.
בד''ה: הרה''ג רב שמואל הלוי וואזנר זצ''ל
Rav Shmuel Wozner ztl |
BJL It is with immense sadness that we report the passing several minutes ago of Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner zt”l, senior posek, author of the Shevet Halevi and rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin in Bnei Brak. Rav Wosner was niftar just as Chag HaPesach descended upon Eretz Yisroel. Rav Wosner had been hospitalized at Mayanei Hayeshuah Medical Center in Bnei Brak.
He was 101 years old.
Born in 1913 in Vienna, Austria, Rav Wosner learned in the famous Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Poland led by Rav Meir Shapiro, and married and moved to Eretz Yisroel before World War II, living in Yerushalayim where he learned at the Dushinsky Yeshiva. Despite his young age, he became a member of the Eidah Hachareidis.
When Rav Wosner moved to the Zichron Meir neighborhood of Bnei Brak, at the urging of the Chazon Ish, the Tchebiner Rov, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer and others, he established his Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin, bearing the same name as the one in Lublin where he had learned in his youth.
The passing of Rav Wosner is truly the end of an era, plunging Klal Yisroel into mourning with the petirah of the gedolei Torah of our day.
Yehi zichro boruch.
AS explaind in Wikipedai, HaRav Wosner was born in Vienna,