Monday, April 13, 2015

Who is the anonymous author that wrote the "op ed" which continues to make a "massive Chilul Hashem"

 The Op ed (Editorial see here)  that  lives up to its title, continues to make a massive chilul Hashem. It was not signed by any particular person only by Yeshiva World News editor whom is an anonymous person. It appears that the editorial was written by a Charedi Rabbi as some comments are alluding to know who it is. Also the style of writing is indicative to previous articles written by this "Rabbi". Why wont he sign his name if its really him? Why is there no video or letter from Rav Chaim Kanievsky as done with other shailos asking if that was the correct thing to do. To publicize episodes that the writer decided on his own is a chilul Hashem. To spread lies and lashon Hora on klal yisrael on a public forum that continues to add fuel to the fire of the haters of Torah and klal yisrael. why hide behind a stone ?
Who took upon themselves such an achrayus??????
man up and sign your name!


  1. As soon as I read it I had a feeling it was not written by ywn editor I would bet its rabbi Y,,,,,,,,,,

  2. What's the problem? The incident in question was absolutely a chillul Hashem, and the parents should have know better.

    1. How do you know?? did you ask those people? what about dan lekaf zechus.. you dont know the details you believe Lashon hora and motzie shem ra

  3. I agree its totally "Rabbi" Ya.. .. style. liberal, open minded, understanding of everything secular and anti frum. Always waiting to attack chareidim. yes so open minded and full of love.
