It says in the parsha זאת התורה אדם כי ימות באהל , this is the Torah of one who dies in a tent, from which Chazal learn that the Torah only remains with someone who kills himself over it; it’s acquired by one who works really hard to acquire it.At least three sleep-deprived Chinese football fans have died after burning the midnight oil to watch World Cup matches, according to reports in the Chinese media. The 11-hour gap between China and host nation Brazil means millions of Chinese football lovers have been forced to sacrifice their beds in order to keep up with the South American goal fest. Some have paid the ultimate price, Xinhua, China’s official news agency, reported on Tuesday.
אמרו חז"ל על פסוק זה "דאמר ריש לקיש מנין שאין דברי תורה מתקיימין אלא במי שממית עצמו עליה שנאמר זאת התורה אדם כי ימות באהל"
While the passuk dosent mean literal to kill one self for Torah, rather it means to work hard in getting it and acquiring the Torah. How different are we then the nations of the world who kill themselves for their sport.
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