Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Got a question in halacha? forget asking a Rav, now you know who to ask

1. I a married to someone whose get was performed on Rosh Chodesh, and not on the 30th which is Rosh Chodesh minRabonon, but on 1st of month which is Rosh Chodesh min haToroh:- Was this get invalid and is our current marriage hence not good?

2. Is the kosher switch really permissible for shabbos?

3. I am dating a girl whose parents became Frum along as the daughters became frum. The home was always kosher but they became shabbat observant and Shomer Mitzvahs. Would she be less likely to fry out?

The above questions  are a sampling  of what is posted to the esteemed members of the YWN CR. The anonymous members respond with their vast Torah knowledge.
 Is this where great Halachic discourse is answered and discussed? does this replace asking your local rabbi or Posek? what a convenience!


  1. I think you're making a mistake in assuming that the people asking these questions think of themselves as asking the question to poskim, and treat the answers as authoritative.

    Imagine to yourself that the internet and these blogs and websites didn't exist, and that people were discussing these issues with their friends and people they knew. Do you object to that too? Do you think no one should ever discuss any halachic issue with anyone who is not a recognized posek? I can't imagine that. The core of your objection is presumably your assumption that these are replacing shailos to poskim. But I don't see much evidence of that. These are just online conversations, much like offline conversations of the exact same nature.

    [If you want something that's a bigger problem, IMHO, it's these posek hotlines - such as what they have in Lakewood - which feature all sorts of poskim and junior poskim giving on the spot answers to shailos which they tend to mull over at much greater length when they are asked in person. I happen to have reason to believe - based on a discussion with a posek who participates in one such hotline - that some of these poskim are just winging it.]

    1. There is a big difference when discussing among your friends which are people you know in real life as opposed to bloggers in a Coffee room. Secondly, there are many clueless teenagers and adults as well who look at these posts and will assume that what is said there is halacha. Unfortunately people think the internet is the posek acharon.

    2. That's a חילוק, but what is the nature of the difference, much less what makes it a big difference?

  2. The third question isn't a halachic one.

  3. Mr. Pipps would rather the psakim would be done via text and whatsapp, rather than a discussion back and forth on the phone with a posek.

    And we can tell by what you write that you are less than forthcoming about which "hotline" you are referring to. I think we can rightly assume that is someone working for Tzohar. Do not extend Tzohar to Lakewood.
