Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Despite the challenge, sending a child to yeshiva is a simcha

Its that time of year again, when yeshivos open registration for the coming year. After years of investigating and seeking advice, many young couples are applying for the first time to send their oldest child to yeshiva. 

While many have their eye on a particular school, reality dictates that you apply to at least 3 schools and hope you get into one of them. In many communities, especially the tri state area where schools are full and few new slots open, it is a bigger challenge getting accepted. 

During this time, parents go through a rough time, having many sleepless nights and constant worry,  affecting shalom bayis as well.
Couples often blame each other on why their child did not get into the school of their choice. Its an ordeal that many parents dread and hope not to go through  at all. It has become such a worry that when a child is born, people often say  "I have B'H 4 years to worry about getting him/her in etc.." 

            Unfortunately, we lose site of the simcha and the zechus we have to bring a child to cheder because we anticipate rejection letters, non stop phone calls, and the embarrassment of not having your kid in school. We should rather look forward when he's born to go through the process putting him in yeshiva.

1 comment:

  1. It is not a simcha when your shalom bayis, sleep, and general quality of life degrade because of the impossible tuition bills...
