Klal yisrael is united, pouring out our hearts to
hashem to bring the 3 kidnapped boys back home and reunite them with their families.
Tehillim is said daily in every shul all across the world for their behalf. Large prayer rallies and
atzeres tefillos have taken place in many frum communities.
Yiddishe mammehs are adding to their tear soaked tehillims crying for a good outcome.

Others have also turned to social media, Twitter, in particular to bring awareness to the plight of the 3 missing yeshiva students. A hash tag
#BringBackOurBoys, a takeoff of the twitter campaign for the kidnapped Nigerian girls #bringbackourgirls. This campaign is well intentioned and well meaning. People now have another venue to air their pain and frustration or show support.
However this campaign has taken on a life of its own, with
bumper stickers,
photo submissions and what not. It has now become that only those who display the hashtag or bumper sticker are the ones that really care about the boys. Those who dont, well they are labeled anti Zionist, among other names and therefore it is as if they are not supporting and feeling or doing anything for the safe return of the abducted
yeshiva bochurim.
davening quietly not enough? Does every action we do have to be broadcast? does everyone have to walk around with a sticker on their head. If its strictly a awareness issue