Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What would the Berdichiver Rav say..

The Berdichiver Rav would say..
Dont believe every time there's a story about a frum Jew in the paper

Dont publicize the wrong doing of your fellow yid

Dont rejoice when someone else is in trouble

Dont bashmutz klal yisrael to the masses to promote your career

Stop using sexual abuse advocacy as a platform to hide behind and attack others on issues you don't agree with

Stop with the constant sinas chinom and divisiveness of your fellow Jew

Stop pandering and cozying up to the haters of Torah in order to score points from the left

Stick up for those who are under attack in Eretz yisrael dont side with Yair Lapid

Stop using social media as a tool to spread machlokes and accuse the innocent

Stop using the Berdichiver Rav when it only fits your agenda.

Stop bashing the kollel youngeleit and the yeshiva world system

Thats what Rav Levi Yitzchock of Berdichev would say probably...


  1. The Berdichiver would say
    Do not Steal
    Do not Molest

    1. The Torah tells us that-you dont need the Berichever for that- the berdichiver would tell you to stop accusing klal yisrael for stealing and molesting. Shame on you.

  2. So to be clear, the Berdichiver would tell us not to seek justice, not to protect the innocent, not to seek out corruption and deal with it because it's more important to not accuse Jews of anything?

  3. I wonder if the Berdichiver would say to not falsely represent yourself as Chasidic because you want to appear as if you are speaking as a member of the community.

    In fact, why don a shtreimel if you make fun of the very reason why peole would wear a shtreimel.
