Sunday, June 15, 2014

Klal yisrael unites in Tefillah for safe return of 3 abducted yeshiva Boys

Davening at Mammeh Rochel
Across the world klal yisrael is davening for the safe return and well being of the 3 kidnapped yeshiva bochurim who were abducted by Arab terrorists. A mass rally took place this evening at the Kosel attended by 25,000 people. In the US, in Lakewood yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha there were signs calling on the Bnei hayeshiva to say Tehillim and  learn as a zechus for the boys. In Satmar  they said tehillim, for the Rebbe its personal as One of the boys, Naftoli Frenkel is related to the Rebbe. Belz chasidus who are in the midst of sheva brachos for the rebbes granddaughter gathered 2 hours prior to the simcha and said tehillim ספר רביעי on instructions from the Rebbe. Rav Shteinman at a bris this morning led the recital of Tehillim. Yidden gathered at Kever rochel too. Agudah had a Tehilim gathering in Flatbush at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin.

 Broadcast of Atzeres tefillah tonight at the Kosel

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