Monday, August 6, 2012

With no website of its own, Agudah relied on frum sites, blogs to market siyum hashas.

With no website of its own as of the opinion of the Moetzes gedolei hatorah, The Agudah and siyum hashas commmitee relied on more than good old print media for information and advertising leading up to the siyum. Many websites and blogs were used or helped in getting information out to the olam. The last few months leading up to the siyum there were almost daily updates on the Talkline communications network  show hosted by Zev brenner by the Siyum committee. This, despite the many controversial topics often discussed and given a forum that are not in line with Agudah. This past motzei shabbos preceding  a post siyum hashas update, TCN had Dov linzer on promoting the other siyum which was outed to be a front for chovevei torah. There were daily updates on the Nachum Segal show as well.

Agudath Yisrael, who is a technologically and sophisticated  mossad would do great if they would have a website, yet the ruling thus far from the gedolim is not to have one. This created a challenge in preperations for the siyum which was to hold 90,000. Old fashion print media was not enough in marketing the siyum and availing ticket sales to the public. First since most of the frum papers are weeklies( Hamodia has a daily) and by the time they go to print the news is stale. But more so, the frum websites, newslines social media and blogs have become mainstream in providing news and information for the frum torah world. Despite the internet Asifa, most people get the news directly from the many online news sites, tweets, texts and those who dont have accsess, usually hear it from someone who does have.

Partners in torah, a kiruv orginazation set up as a website to sell tickets for the siyum online so did the OU. Other websites had exclusive reports and updates about the siyum from Agudah spokesmen. The diverse crowd who attended the siyum dont all read the same newspapers and the online media was essential in reaching out to as many people as possible.
 This shows, it would have been much easier had Agudah set up their own site, Yet the opinion of the gedolim is not to and they stand by it. Ironicaly the Internet asifa  feed was streamed live on the frum blogs, while the official siyum hashas feed was only used for hookups (a amateur feed was carried independently via a cellphone at the siyum.)


  1. While they may have appreciated publicity of the blogs, I am sure it would have been a sellout regardless.

    But thanks to you and your blog for all the Siyum related information.

  2. They were on the air with Nachum Segal a lot too (JM in the AM, etc.). I would say that they used his radio time even more than Talkline.

    I think Nachum has more air time than Zev these days actually. Talkline has much less time on the airwaves now than it did just a few years ago.
