Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thousands of women gather at technology Asifa in boro park

Close to 10,000 women came together last night in Boro park at the Bobover hall
to hear words of chizuk and practical advice on how to deal with the encroachment of the internet and modern Technology and its effects on our daily lives.
Embedded image permalinkThe woman's internet Asifa was attended by the  Skulener Rebbe and Rachmastrivka Rebbe. Drashos were delivered by the Mir Rosh yeshiva Rav Elya Brudny, Rav Efraim Glassman, The Viener Rav and Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha Lakewood. Speakers stressed the importance of keeping the Jewish home with kedusha and tahara. The minimal one can do is use a  filter but even that is not enough. We must be educated and know the challenges that we and our children face. The event ended with the recital of the Tefilas hashela on erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

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