Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Two years since Internet Asifa at Citfield new Asifos planned for Women in Brooklyn, Lakewood and other frum communities.

Internet Asifa at Citifield
As we approach the Two year anniversary from the mass Asifa "kinus klal yisrael" by Ichud hakehilos, Rabbanim are continuing with follow up asifos to the constant battle of the dangers of technology. Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan will once again be dedicated to helping spread awareness and chizuk about the appropriate use of technology. This time the events will be geared to women (and older girls) how to elevate the קדושה in their home, protect their children and home from modern technologies destructive influence.

Brooklyn Asifa will take place in Boro park at the Bobov hall 62nd street and 15th avenue, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5774- May, 28, 2014. Ticket prices $10.  
Lakewood Asifa will take place at Lake terrace hall on Monday May, 26 at 8 pm with attendance of Rav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita Mashgiach Beth Medrash Govoha.


  1. Replies
    1. I assume the mehalach is not looking to ban anymore its more educating how to deal with it and use it responsibly

  2. I can see why they want the internet banned. If there was no internet we all wouldn't know about a magid shiur at the Mir who advocated for the murder of Israeli government officials while claiming a "gadol" had told him it was the right thing to do.

    1. He apologized

    2. Yes, exactly, because the Internet allowed us to all hear and see his nivul peh. In the past the news would have disseminated much more slowly, there would have been denials and eventually we'd be told it had happened so long ago they it wasn't worth rehashing.
