Many Shuls who had the minhag to do it after mussaf wanted to switch the minhag to the first way as a matter of convenience some took a vote others asked a shailah.
Thinking out loud; discussing and debating the current issues and challenges affecting the Torah and yeshiva communities such as population growth, dangers of technology, parnassah, shidduchim, financial support of Torah and Chesed institutions, news of the yeshiva world and reviewing frum blogs,Torah media outlets.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Can one change the minhag in shul and do Hoshanas after Halel instead of after Mussaf
There are 2 minhagim when to do the hakafos around the Bimah when reciting Hoshanos. Minhag EY is to do it after Halel before krias hatorah which is the more convenient way since you dont have to take the Lulan and Esrog out again. The second Minhag is to do it after Mussaf where you have to take the lulav out again. There have been many halachick debates among the poskim regarding when to do it and there are many reasons both halachackily and al pi kabbalah when to do it.
Many Shuls who had the minhag to do it after mussaf wanted to switch the minhag to the first way as a matter of convenience some took a vote others asked a shailah.
There is an Interesting story brought in sefer LEV Chaim from Rav chaim falagi HERE In the City of Izmir where the Rav wanted to change the Minhag they did it after mussaf and he wanted to do like minhag Eretz yisrael where you say the hoshanos and hakafos after hallel. They took a vote and all members agreed with the Rav to change the Minhag. there was one member of the Shul who opposed it he argued that the minhag was not just in vain and there is who to be somech on to keep it that way. The Rav decided that even if only one person opposed it was enough not to change the minhag and they kept the Minhag of hoshanas after Mussaf.
Many Shuls who had the minhag to do it after mussaf wanted to switch the minhag to the first way as a matter of convenience some took a vote others asked a shailah.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Kosher chicken shortage for sukkos and yom tov hits Lakewood and tri state area.
It appears earlier reports are now confirmed as many stores in the tri state area are low on chicken or have none on the shelf. As reported earlier here on a shortage and price increase was expected sukkos time due to the closing of some plants coupled with high commodity prices. In Lakewood there is a sever shortage of chicken and due to the schedule this year it is hard for the butchers to shecht and restock the shelves in time for yom tov. Meat is still plentiful B"H.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Ami Magazine person of the year award..
And the award goes to.......Well, after advertising and asking people to submit their selected candidates for the person of the year award, it appears the editors just couldn't decide on who to nominate. The rosh hashana issue and sukkos issues both did not have the final vote. Thinking into it, is there such a concept by us as person of the year? is there a way to measure who is more deserving? should it be given to a baal chesed, a Baal tzedaka, or to a kollel youngerman who sacrifices all for torah. Perhaps it should go to a poshuter yid who is raising his mishpacha in an unassuming way doing the ratzon hashem, or to a yeshiva bochur who is holding up the world with his torah learning. A Bais yaakov girl who does what hashem wants, a mother raising her children....the list can go on and on. Why dont we just all nominate ourselves and hope that by next year we can win the award again!
Agudah issues guidance for transport of Arba minim into the US
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2012 / 11 Tishrei, 5773
Over the years, Agudath Israel of America's Washington Office has worked closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency to help alleviate potential problems facing Jewish travelers to the U.S. carrying sets of arba minim. This year, CBP has again issued pre-Sukkos guidance on the agricultural issues and procedures involved in the entry of esrogim, lulavim, hadasim and aravos from foreign countries -- and we present it below, with several explanatory comments that we have added as an introduction. We hope this will clarify some of the questions that have arisen in the past and help travelers carrying arba minim plan accordingly.
1. Country of Origin -- The guidance below applies only to arba minim that were grown in certain countries.
The guidance for esrogim applies to those grown in several countries, including Greece, Israel, Italy and Morocco -- the main sources of foreign esrogim for yom tov.)
The guidance for lulavim applies to those grown in several countries, including Egypt, Israel and Spain -- the main sources of foreign lulavim for yom tov.)
The guidance for aravos applies to those grown in several countries, including Canada, Europe, and Israel -- the main sources of foreign aravos for yom tov.
The guidance for hadasim applies to those grown in all foreign countries.
2. Airports and Border Crossing -- Esrogim brought into the U.S. on international flights will not be allowed entry at all airports and by ground transportation across all border crossings. They will only be allowed entry -- if inspected and released -- at Northern Atlantic and Northern Pacific airports and border crossings, which are located in: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri (Kansas City), Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire,, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia (Dulles), Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Esrogim brought into the U.S. on international flights will NOT be granted entry at airports and border crossings in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri (St. Charles) Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia (Norfolk and Richmond). Esrogim brought into these locations will be disposed of by CBP. Travelers should make arrangements to purchase esrogim locally.
3. Direct/Indirect Entry -- Please note that the non-entry of esrogim to these locations applies only when directly brought in on international flights or across border crossings. If an esrog has entered through an approved location, it can then be transported on a domestic flight to any location. (i.e., if a traveler's esrog enters and is released in New York, he/she can then take it to Atlanta or Los Angeles without problem.)
4. Declaration and Fines -- All arba minim carried by travelers to the U.S. must be declared to CBP, no matter the airport or border crossings at which entry into the U.S. is made. Failure to do so could result in a fine of $300 and seizure of the arba minim.
5. Inspection and Release -- Entry of the arba minim into an approved airport does not mean that they will be allowed into the U.S. All items are subject to inspection by CBP. If pests, stings or other problems (as outlined by the guidance) are found, the items will be seized. If not, they will be released.
Can also be found at and
Guidance on 2012 Sukkot Holiday Travel Travel Period is Sept. 24 to Oct. 12
(Tuesday, September 25, 2012)
(Tuesday, September 25, 2012)
The travel period for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot is from September 24 through October 12, 2012. The holiday begins Sept. 30 (at sundown) and lasts through Oct. 7. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) understands that observant Jewish travelers entering the United States during the Sukkot holiday might carry religious items (ethrogs, palm fronds, twigs of willow and myrtle) in their vehicles if arriving at land border ports of entry, or in their personal baggage if they are arriving by aircraft. These items are regulated to prevent the introduction of invasive pests and diseases; however, these items might be allowed into the United States after inspection by CBP agriculture specialists. Thus, the following guidance is provided for travelers:
Personal shipments of ethrogs are allowed entry through North Atlantic and Northern Pacific ports of entry after inspection by agriculture specialists. North Atlantic ports are defined as Atlantic ports north of and including Baltimore; ports on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway; Canadian Border ports east of and including North Dakota; and Washington D. C. (including Dulles) for air shipments. Northern Pacific ports are defined as Pacific ports north of California including Alaska, Canadian Border ports west of and including Montana, excluding Hawaii.
Travelers will be asked to open the container with the ethrog and unwrap it. The agriculture specialist will inspect the ethrog. If either insect stings or pests are found, the ethrog will be prohibited from entering the United States. If neither is found, the traveler will be allowed to rewrap and re-box the ethrog for entry into the United States.
Palm Fronds:
Single palm fronds will be inspected by agriculture specialists and released if no pests or symptoms of disease are found.
Twigs of Willow:
If the twigs of willow are from Europe, they will be prohibited from entering the United States. If they are from other than Europe, they will be inspected by agriculture specialists and released if no pests or symptoms of disease are found.
Also, if the twigs of willow are green in color, have soft tissue present, or have buds that sprouted, then they are capable of being grown and are prohibited from entering the United States.
Twigs of Myrtle:
Twigs of myrtle will be inspected by agriculture specialists and released if no pests or symptoms of disease are found.
If travelers have any concerns resulting from the inspection of their religious items at a port of entry, a CBP supervisor is always available to answer questions and address their concerns. As always, CBP is committed to treating all travelers, including travelers who may be observing Sukkot, with respect and dignity at all U.S ports of entry.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
In time for Sukkos Frum newspapers out with expanded yom tov editions
With Yom tov and shabbos chol hamoed this year there will be plenty of time to learn and read up on your favorite newspaper and magazine the frum papers all came out with expanded yom tov issues. total cost around 21$ .
Yated Ne'eman has exclusive interviews with Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi RY of Ateres Yisrael, and in honor of the simchas yom tov the Yated landed interviews with Chazan Moshe Stern and 2 veteran musicians of the one man band Reb C. M Schwarz and Shabsi Parnes. A new exciting serial in the magazine section and included is the famous Chol hamoed guide for places to go with the family.
Hamodia has a special yom tov edition included places to go for Chol hamoed. A sukkos supplement "Kashrus withou confusion" stories about the mashgichim and the length to which those appointed as guardians of kashrus will go to ensure the food we it is up to the highest standards. The Inyan has facinating articles as usual from a trip to Vineland nj andremembering Rebbetzin Kanievsky.
Ami Magazine features an expanded yom tov issue an exclusive interview with The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Malkiel Kotler and other members of the Kotler family about the life and legacy of Rav aharon Kotler zatzal as the Lakewood yeshiva BMG is set to commemorate the 50th Yartzheit. A Ami collection for sukkos, an op-ed by Rabbi Hershel Schachter, an article of the new initiative to make Shtreimels more affordable.
Mishpacha magazine came through as usual with a yom tov issue One package 8 magazines! plus a Bonus sukkos gift, All star music CD. An interview of "the man with the plan" Rabbi Nochum Stillerman who was mentioned by Rabbi Frand at the 12th Siyum hashas at Metlife stadium. An interview with Composer and Rebbe Reb Baruch Levine. Special Sukkos supplements Kulmus, Than and now and Calligraphy a selection of todays best fiction.
Zman Magazine came out with their expanded yom tov issue as well featuring fascinating articles from the man who went looking for the Aseres hashvatim the ten lost tribes, to cities divided by a common fate.
Sorry ladies I dont read Binah magazine.
Yated Ne'eman has exclusive interviews with Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi RY of Ateres Yisrael, and in honor of the simchas yom tov the Yated landed interviews with Chazan Moshe Stern and 2 veteran musicians of the one man band Reb C. M Schwarz and Shabsi Parnes. A new exciting serial in the magazine section and included is the famous Chol hamoed guide for places to go with the family.
Hamodia has a special yom tov edition included places to go for Chol hamoed. A sukkos supplement "Kashrus withou confusion" stories about the mashgichim and the length to which those appointed as guardians of kashrus will go to ensure the food we it is up to the highest standards. The Inyan has facinating articles as usual from a trip to Vineland nj andremembering Rebbetzin Kanievsky.
Ami Magazine features an expanded yom tov issue an exclusive interview with The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Malkiel Kotler and other members of the Kotler family about the life and legacy of Rav aharon Kotler zatzal as the Lakewood yeshiva BMG is set to commemorate the 50th Yartzheit. A Ami collection for sukkos, an op-ed by Rabbi Hershel Schachter, an article of the new initiative to make Shtreimels more affordable.
Mishpacha magazine came through as usual with a yom tov issue One package 8 magazines! plus a Bonus sukkos gift, All star music CD. An interview of "the man with the plan" Rabbi Nochum Stillerman who was mentioned by Rabbi Frand at the 12th Siyum hashas at Metlife stadium. An interview with Composer and Rebbe Reb Baruch Levine. Special Sukkos supplements Kulmus, Than and now and Calligraphy a selection of todays best fiction.
Zman Magazine came out with their expanded yom tov issue as well featuring fascinating articles from the man who went looking for the Aseres hashvatim the ten lost tribes, to cities divided by a common fate.
Sorry ladies I dont read Binah magazine.
B"DH Rav Yehuda "Yudka" Paley Z"L founder of Mishpacha Magazine

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Gmar Chasima Tova
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hamodia, Mishpacha, printed for Shabbos Shuva, No Yated, or Ami Magazine.
Due to the Schedule and Jewish calender this year, there was not much time for the frum newspapers to put together a special Yom kippur Shabbos Shuva issue. Ami magazine and Yated Ne'eman all published double issues on Rosh Hashana for Yom Kippur too. Hamodia and Mishpacha are the only ones that printed the weekly issue. All papers and Magazines will publish their Sukkos editions next week Iyh.
As we posted here, its not that bad if you have a week off from the papers especially this week Shabbos shuva take the spare time to be Maavir sedra or take a Artscroll book, machzor or sefer and go through it, why not go through the yom kippur davening and have an understanding of the davening.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Revised Internet Asifa Brochure distributed in tri state Area
The Internet asifa brochure that was to be given out initially at the Asifa in citified has been revised and distributed to many in the tri state area as a follow up edition. It was produced by Zman Magazine in conjuction with the Ichud hakehilos. Omitted from this issue was all the sponsors from the first brochure, as we as all information on the pros and cons of different filters. Many gedolim were not in favor of the filter companies advertising or the push of filters as it would make more people have internet access at home since all you need is a filter.
A Mincha Maariv booklet that was sponsored and was to be given out at the Asifa was delivered with the brochure as well.
click HERE for the Original Asifa brochure.
A Mincha Maariv booklet that was sponsored and was to be given out at the Asifa was delivered with the brochure as well.
click HERE for the Original Asifa brochure.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Yeshiva world website goes to print, Ami mag still looking for person of the year, Yated dans Dan Lkaf zechus

While its usually the Newspaper that has a website YWN known as Yeshiva world news did the reverse, by launching a weekly newspaper distributed free of charge to homes in the midwood section of brooklyn. This ads to the many free weeklies already distributed in Brooklyn most notably the FJJ or Flatbush Jewish Journal. According to the yeshiva world website the paper has many features which are not available on their website including ,in depth feature reporting, breaking news (in print!) and a children's section.
Ami Magazine still looking for person of the year:
In this weeks Ami Magazine there was an ad asking readers to nominate someone they feel is deserving of this honor. The concept not necessarily a jewish one is taken from Time magazine which used to have man of the year and now in the PC world has changed to person of the year. Do teshuva maybe you'll get nominated.
Lets be Dan Dan Lekaf Zechus:
In this weeks Yated ne'eman, Daniel Eleff the proprietor of responds to his critics in an article related to the cheap EL AL airline tickets.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The" Brisker Reish", authentic and correct way how to Pronounce the letter "ר"
The letter Reish," ר" of the Alef bais has several pronunciations, what has been known In the yeshiva world as the Brisker Reish, may not be the most accurate way of pronouncing the letter. There are 3 dialects and ways the Reish is pronounced.
1. The most common and oldest pronunciation is through curling and pressing the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth. The way it is pronounced with a Russian accent and pronounced by many sefardim, Chabad, and chasidim.
2. Within the last few centuries what is known as, the brisker Reish, its pronounced from the back of the throat. Its most common among modern Hebrew speakers and is of French and German origin. The sound of it is, that of one gargling water in back of his throat. It is pronounced that way in a few European countries. The Yerushalmis who came over from Europe spoke that way although it is a modern version of the authentic Reish.
3. The American R sound which is a liquid sound made from the lips and the outside edges of your tongue against the inner edges of the rear portions of the gums, next to the rear molars. It is similar to the W sound which why kids mix it up.
Now Your wondering which is the correct or authentic way to pronounce it. Well there is no way to know that as there has always been different accents based on languages. However the ספר יצירה (Sefer Yetzirah Perek 4) when discussing the 5 Sounds of the mouth it Groups Reish amongst the letters that emanate from closing of the Teeth. Which are Zayin Shin Samach Reish Tzadi ז ש ס ר צ. This appears to be as the First way it is pronounced through the closing of the teeth and the tip of the tongue. However in other places the Reish is grouped with the Seven Osiyos that are Doubled as soft or with a Dagesh known as בגד כפרת . Which correlate to the Seven days of the creation. The Reish would have to than, be coming from the throat or other area if it were to be pronounced softly. Which could be either the the Brisker Reish or like the English R sound.
1. The most common and oldest pronunciation is through curling and pressing the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth. The way it is pronounced with a Russian accent and pronounced by many sefardim, Chabad, and chasidim.
2. Within the last few centuries what is known as, the brisker Reish, its pronounced from the back of the throat. Its most common among modern Hebrew speakers and is of French and German origin. The sound of it is, that of one gargling water in back of his throat. It is pronounced that way in a few European countries. The Yerushalmis who came over from Europe spoke that way although it is a modern version of the authentic Reish.
3. The American R sound which is a liquid sound made from the lips and the outside edges of your tongue against the inner edges of the rear portions of the gums, next to the rear molars. It is similar to the W sound which why kids mix it up.
Now Your wondering which is the correct or authentic way to pronounce it. Well there is no way to know that as there has always been different accents based on languages. However the ספר יצירה (Sefer Yetzirah Perek 4) when discussing the 5 Sounds of the mouth it Groups Reish amongst the letters that emanate from closing of the Teeth. Which are Zayin Shin Samach Reish Tzadi ז ש ס ר צ. This appears to be as the First way it is pronounced through the closing of the teeth and the tip of the tongue. However in other places the Reish is grouped with the Seven Osiyos that are Doubled as soft or with a Dagesh known as בגד כפרת . Which correlate to the Seven days of the creation. The Reish would have to than, be coming from the throat or other area if it were to be pronounced softly. Which could be either the the Brisker Reish or like the English R sound.
Either way as we approach the Yemay Hadin lets concentrate on our Tefillos and have a Kesiva vechasima Tova.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Meeting at Hisachdus with Both Satmar Rebbes on Metzitza B'peh

At a meeting of the Hisachdus harabanim yesterday which was attended by many Chasidisha Rebbe's including the Brothers of Satmar. It was decided that all Rabbonim will give Drashos this coming shabbos and Shabbos Shuva to awaken, encourage and explain to the olam that there is no need to worry at all and that the pending decree will pass.
Satmar Rebbe R' Aron said at the meeting, each rav should explain to parents, that if your doctor asks them Metzitza B'peh to not respond to him, because it's not their job to intervene in this mitzva.
Satmar Rebbe R' Zalman L. asked that every Rav explain to the congregation that it is not a matter of Mesiras nefesh, as Mesiras nefesh is only applicable when there is a sakanah and danger. With Regards to the Issue of Metzizta There is no sakana to life here. The only ones who associated Metzitza Bpeh with Sakan are- anti-Semites and haters of religion.
The rabbis also decided on further actions to be taken and will be announced to the public in the days and weeks ahead.
Agudah isssues letter to NYC Mayor on Regulating metzitza B'peh
The letter obtained by VIN News, signed by Rabbi David Zweibel and Rabbi Gedaliah Weinberger, expresses concern that written consent is just the first regulation that could be imposed on the centuries old religious practice, and could potentially be part of a larger move to not only ban metzitzah b’peh outright but also require a mohel to wear surgical gloves, a practice suggested by the recently published “Before the Bris” pamphlet that is being circulated by the Health Department in city hospitals.
Rabbis Zweibel and Weinberger also stated their concerns regarding the way the issue is being handled by the Health Department, which has not been working in conjunction with the Jewish community on an issue that is integral to the Orthodox community.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
They called him Rebbe- no more.
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Viznitz Rebbe Rav Yisrael Hager |
He than made some changes, as untill now the Minhag in Viznitz during Rosh hashana and Yom Kippur is, the crowd faces the Rebbe during Shmone Esrei. The Rebbe asked now that he is not worthy of being called Rebbe that they dont do anything which is not according to halacha. They should face Mizrach instead.
The Chasidim commented following the drasha this only strengthens our faith in the Rebbe and shows his greatness.
Link Here.
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