Sunday, July 6, 2014

Radio show invites bloggers for their opinion on Satmar rebbe's remark

The Talkline communications network in its flagship Radio program covered the remarks made by the Satmar Rebbe following the murder of the 3 bachurim hy''d. Many questioned the timing of the comments as well as the comments itself. One would expect a prominent Rabbi or official spokesperson as the guest on the show when discussing the issue. But recently TCN has invited bloggers, self appointed reporters with no backing or any credibility as the ones to give an opinion or debate an issue. They have become the go to guys to take on any Rabbi or issue pertaining to the klal. A show with a large frum audience deserves a better professional interview than bloggers who are not appointed or representing anyone.
 Read HERE in defense of the Satmar Rebbes remarks.


  1. I'm new to this website but who exactly are to criticize other bloggers in a blog for simply being bloggers, additionally there are different ways of arguingi- I see no reason that a blogger who has a well thought out argument shouldn't be given the floor

  2. You might be interested in reading this article..
