Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tragedy in Williamsburg: 5-Year-Old Boy Niftar

By Hamodia Staff  Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 2:49 am | כ"ה אייר תשע"ו

NEW YORK - Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

We regret to inform readers of the tragic passing of five-year-old Shimon Yisrael Meizlish, z”l, who fell to his death from a porch in an apartment building in Williamsburg, Wednesday evening.

A Hatzolah ambulance rushed the boy to Brooklyn Hospital Center, where he was niftar.

This is the second tragedy in the family; the child’s mother, Mrs. Malkah Meizlish, a”h, was niftar just over a year ago. She was the daughter of Harav Shlomo Spitz, Bistritz Rav, shlita.

The child was named after his illustrious great-grandfather, Harav Shimon Yisrael Posen, zt”l, Shopron Rav. His father, yblch”t, Harav Yoel Yaakov Meizlish, is the son of the Shopron Rav, shlita, of Williamsburg.

The levayah is to be held at 1:00 p.m. Thursday, from the Shopron beis medrash in Williamsburg. Shimon Yisrael will be buried next to his mother in Monsey.

May we know of no further tzaros.

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