Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rav Shteinman speech at election Rally for UTJ

            The following speech was delivered by Maran Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Ahron Leib Shteinman shlit"a in Yerushalayim, this past Thursday night, 7 Shevat 5773:

    "Morai veRabbosai, everyone knows that all of the Mitzvos are so holy that we cannot describe nor can we measure their greatness. Even so, there is the sin of Chillul haShem, and then there is the Mitzvah of Kiddush HaShem. About Chillul haShem, it says in Rabbenu Yonah, that it is worse than Avodah Zarah, serving idols in private. That is why if someone takes an false oath in Beis Din, which is a Chillul HaShem, it is worse than Avodah Zarah, serving idols. So much so! And, in all probability, the good middah, measure, is more than the bad middah. And the good middah is making a Kiddush HaShem.
    A Kiddush HaShem, is if Klal Yisroel, the Jewish people, say: we want that Klal Yisroel, that the entire Eretz Yisroel will act according to Kedusha, according to the Torah, this is a Kiddush HaShem. And each person, by saying this, if he votes, he is saying " I want that there should be a Kiddush HaShem, that the Name of Heaven should be sanctified", that the entire Klal Yisroel should act according to the Torah.
    This opportunity is not every day. Right now, this is something that the entire world can know. A person can say " I want a Kiddush HaShem, that the Name of G-D be sanctified", and this is the greatest opportunity. May HaShem help, we shall merit, that there should be a true Kiddush HaShem, and we shall merit, that the entire Klal Yisroel should act according to the Torah, until we merit the true redemption speedily in our days, Amen Selah.

    It is well known the fear and worry over the future, who knows what will be the lot of the Torah World, as wicked people lay plans, r"l, G-D forbid, to stop the learning of Torah in Klal Yisroel, through the Draft Law. Maran Rosh HaYeshiva shlit"a,  expressed his thoughts as follows  "we need that there should be one individual, who, it truly pains him Kvod Shomayim, the Honor of Heaven. If there will be one such individual, who is really pained about Kvod Shomayim, then most probably, the entire situation would change" In a similar thought, when the Bnei Torah in the Golah, outside of Eretz Yisroel, asked of Maran Rosh HaYeshiva shlit"a, what are they capable of doing to gain merit for the upcoming elections in Eretz Yisroel, so that they will have positive results?  Maran Rosh HaYeshiva shlit"a answered, "I do not know of anything stronger than Torah. Any increase in Torah learning, either Gemara Rashi and Tosafos, or Chumash and Rashi, or Mishnayos, all of these are very powerful".

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