Friday, October 4, 2013

Why we add ולכפרת פשע on Rosh Chodesh of a leap year untill Rosh Chodesh NIssan

Today Rosh Chodesh CHeshvan of a leap year we added in the Shemona Esreh of Mussaf the words  ולכפרת פשע  
In a Leap Year, in addition to praying for:“good and for blessing, for joy and for gladness, for salvation and comfort, for sustenance and maintenance, for life and peace, for pardon of sin and forgiveness of iniquity”,
we add a 13th request in respect of the additional month: “ולכפרת פשע-and for atonement of transgression”.
A possible reason suggested is that in case the Leap Year was mistakenly designated, and in consequence Chametz was eaten on Pesach, we pray for forgiveness. (טעמי המנהגים)
The 13 pleas are corresponding to the 12 expressions of praise “הללוי’ה-הללו-הללוהו”, and the last sentence “כל הנשמה” is said twice, in respect of the Leap Year. (תהלים קנ – תניא רבתי)
For a deeper meaning click HERE

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, I've often wondered what U.P. has to do with leap years. I'm still wondering though. How come we don't double Kol Haneshomo in leap years only? :-)
