Friday, August 29, 2014

Photos-Thousands attend Levaya for Ha'B'achur Aaron Sofer Z"L, Family asks men and women take on something Erev shabbos

Reb Moshe Tzvi Sofer at the Lavaya of his son Aaron Z'L
Thousands attended the levaya and gave kavod acharon to HaBachur Aaron Sofer Z"L from Lakewood, who was niftar tragically in yerushalayim after dehydrating in Yaar  yerushalyim. His Rosh yeshiva Rav Tzvi Kaplan was maspid as was his father Reb Moshe Sofer, Rav Tuvia Weiss Gaavad Eidah hacharedis of Yerushalyim and other family members. The maspidim spoke about his hasmadah in learning, his chashivus to the sidrei hayeshiva, his dikduk hamitzvos, kibbud av V'em and his being a true ben Torah. His Rosh Yeshiva said that Aaron was chosen to be the meyased of the yeshiva in Olam Ha'emes. The R'Y said  over from his father in law Rav Michel Feinstein z'tl that in the next world there wont be just one big yeshiva but many yeshivos. After founding his yeshiva 17 years ago he thought he would be the first one to establish it in olam haba, but Aaron was chosen first. He will be coming to olam haba with 20 full years of Torah. Even on his last trip of which he did not return, he took along a sefer to learn from and went like a true yeshiva man with his hat and jacket. The Rosh Yeshiva also referenced to Aaron not having a cell phone. Kevurah took place in Beit Shemesh near his grandfathers kever.
Hamodia article has more on the hespedim.

At The levaya in Ezras Torah
The family requested as a zechus for his Neshama  to please carry through with the feelings of chizuk and achdus that have been created throughout this trying time. At the advice of the gedolim, the men should try and learn for 30 minutes before kabolas Shabbos and the women should try to take in Shabbos 15 minutes early (but not before Plag Hamincha) for the next two weeks. May this zchus be an aliyah for the neshama of Aharon Ben Moshe Tzvi.
Rav Tzvi Kaplan delivering Divrei Hesped on his Talmid Habachur Aaron Sofer Z'L
Rav Yitzchok Tuvia WeissGaavad Eidah hachereidis at the Levaya for Aaron Sofer Z''L

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