Monday, May 4, 2015

My hashgacha is better than yours, another low of sinas chinom in the yemei hasefira

Another ridiculous perhaps highly inappropriate article was posted on cross currents and on Matzav. The author, without any proof, targets chasidishe and other hashgachos as not being up to par, or on the same level in kashrus standards, as the OU.  Here is a quote:
Unfortunately, while no kashrus agency has a perfect record, the stories I’ve heard about some of the smaller operators leave me even more committed to the OU. These include the selection of personnel by some of the other agencies on the basis of beard length and nusach davened, rather than competence. Or, when faced with the really intractable problems, having to go elsewhere for advice and for important ingredients – usually to the OU!
The author attacks a chasiddishe youngerman who all he wanted was a hechsher he felt more comfortable with on a jar of baby food for his baby. He ends off his article by poking fun at this youngerman, that his Ill fated strange request must have been because he was having a bad day, must have been something he ate. 

How many recalls have their been on products that bear an unauthorized OU. How many kulos are they somech on that others dont rely on. There is no One hashgocha that is the gold standard at least in the US. To attack entire segments of klal yisrael on inuendo and ignorance specially during the yemei hasefira is far worse than eating from a heimisher hechsher according to the author. The comments add insult to injury with lies, sinas chinom lashon hora and rechilus.
Perhaps the question should be asked what did the author have for breakfast?


  1. The OU is for sure very Kosher. Just think about all the ...... produced with their Rabbis heterim. They backed ME and all his shenanigans.

  2. The comments on matzav are just as bad. They call themselves the voice of Torah Jewry! what a joke. Shame on them FEH.

    1. Hamodia: Why didn't publish the owners response?

  3. Ask the OU about the hechsher on Heinz ketchup your hair will stand up when you hear the heteirim used that justify the hashgacha.

    1. Why don't you just tell us what heterim they rely on for Heinz ketchup?

    2. Certain plants have pipes of steam that are connected with steam from pipes that manufacture tarfus.

  4. Rabbi Dov Fischer
    May 5, 2015 at 1:34 am
    I do not blame Chovevei Torah. THose of us in the mainstream of Modern Orthodoxy know that they are outside the pale. Rather, I blame Orthodox Union — the “O.U.” — for giving them and their “Open Orthodoxy” Women Rabbis pulpits, under the banner of the Orthodox Union, to propagate their stuff.

  5. Very immature both on the part of Rav Y.A. and

  6. Superintendant chalmersMay 5, 2015 at 10:36 AM

    I usually agree with you, but I think you're wrong on this one. The OU may rely on kulos/heterim in different cases, but they'll tell you exactly what the heterim are and when they are applied. In contrast, the Heimish hashgachas are the Wild West, where you don't know what's going on. (I won't name names, but see Yudel's blog for extensive examples...)

    So I agree with Adlerstein, you can't call one "better" or "worse", they each have strengths and weaknesses, but at least with OU you know exactly what you're getting (if you care enough to find out, that is.)

    1. Do your research the OU will NOT tell you about all the heterim they rely on. They put up a nice yeshivish front to the kashrus Department portraying it as being very machmir appealing to the yeshiva world. Ask them about the heterim they use on many of the products. Start with Heinz Ketchup you'll be in for a big surprise.

    2. It was a silly article because the person interviewed was just repeating his own reaction at the time and preference. Which he is most certainly entitled to. Everyone is entitled to their own preference. He did not state categorically that there is something wrong with the OU.

      On the other hand, Adlerstien and many commenters or jumping over this by the way comment about how someone selected a market to cater to and bad mouthing him and those who would prefer to use other hashgochas

      It is quite ironic how the very next post on CC is about YCT and those heretics and in the comments Rabbi Dov Fischer, a MO Rabbi, has very harsh words for the OU regarding who they include as Rabbits in their member congregations.

      So you see that there is validity for calling the OU in to question, but apparently only if you are MO and not if you are Hasidic. Regardless if the comment was a "by the way" comment that was interpreted much more ungraciously than it was proffered, or a very strongly worded critique.

    3. Superintendant chalmersMay 5, 2015 at 10:56 AM

      You seem to be contradicting yourself - you say that they will not tell you all the heterim they rely on, but also say that my hair will stand on end when I ask about the heter for Heinz ketchup (presumably because they told me what heterim they rely on)

  7. You say that hashgachas have recalls? Tell me when was the last time (or first) where you saw a recall from hisachdus or volove??

  8. Another shallow pathetic reading by you

  9. Do your research. The haimishe hashgochos dont have personnel in China, Mexico, etc... They send mashgichim to local factories to check the ingredients FOR AN OU HASHGACHA! Go look into it, this is pretty well known in the kashrus world. If you are relying on heimishe hashgochos, you are already relying on OU. Dont fool yourself.

    1. Do you remember who was killed in Mumbai R'L a few years ago when they traveled to India doing hashgacha for a heimisher hechsher???? Oh do you remember now? they didn't work for the OU.
