Submitted via comment on this post.
I have been following what is called "The Shidduch Crisis" for some years now. Many rivers of ink - or petabytes of data - were expended on the seemingly endless torrent of coverage.
What most commentators are missing is the key component or, in this case the main proponent of the solution: the Shadchan.
You see, we traditional Jews have been using the services of a Shadchan for thousands of years, making him or her an inseparable part of every Shidduch.
The Shadchan was a person who would know everything about everyone in town, going back three generations (or more) and has the same information for any hamlet, town or city within a ten mile radius, in all directions.
"The great-grandmother of the girl was once caught talking in Shul before Chazzoras haShatz!" is just one example of how the Shadchan could nudge a hesitant prospective Machatenista in the direction that he set for her daughter.
All this has changed, now that the community lives in large cities and a large percentage of Shidduchim happen with out of Towner’s, who live in a similar setting. The all-knowing, all-powerful Shadchan is an endangered species, as the new generation has grown to such proportions
Thinking out loud; discussing and debating the current issues and challenges affecting the Torah and yeshiva communities such as population growth, dangers of technology, parnassah, shidduchim, financial support of Torah and Chesed institutions, news of the yeshiva world and reviewing frum blogs,Torah media outlets.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
$10,000 for a succesfull shidduch match-
After hearing the cries and desperate pleas of thousands of Bnos Yisroel and their parents, Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz decided to transform his frustration into action. He founded Eishes Lapidus which not only hired 5 full time shadchanim who deal exclusively with older singles, he also started mentoring and counseling programs for older singles dealing with the overwhelming burden of shidduchim. Additionally, in order to incentivize people to work on shidduchim for older girls, he offered supplement shadchanus of $10,000 for anyone who is zoche to make a shidduch of a girl over the age of 25 and the boy is the same age or younger than her. It is our hope, that every older single who had to endure this nisayon, will find her zivug b’karov.
ELIGIBILITY FOR 10,000 GRANT: If the shadchan sets up a couple who gets married, and IF they meet the criteria below,
ELIGIBILITY FOR 10,000 GRANT: If the shadchan sets up a couple who gets married, and IF they meet the criteria below,
Monday, December 29, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Miracle- Rav Chaim Kanievsky saves Brothers life as 4 brothers hold lottery to donate kidney to sister
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Rav Chaim Kanievsky |
Nittle nacht in Chabad

Young and old spent nittel nacht on the eve of the 25th of December in the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway with the seforim closed and the chess boards out. more pics HERE. Other Chasidic courts observe Nittle on the eve of January 6th.
From Hirhurim- The most predominant and logical of explanations for the origin of Nittel Nacht customs, namely, the abandonment of Torah study and the closure of batei midrash on Christmas Eve was in fear of possible pogroms. It was common in the Middle-Ages for the Christians to unleash pogroms in honor of their holidays. By forbidding Torah study there was essentially no reason for anyone to leave their homes on Christmas Eve.
From Hirhurim- The most predominant and logical of explanations for the origin of Nittel Nacht customs, namely, the abandonment of Torah study and the closure of batei midrash on Christmas Eve was in fear of possible pogroms. It was common in the Middle-Ages for the Christians to unleash pogroms in honor of their holidays. By forbidding Torah study there was essentially no reason for anyone to leave their homes on Christmas Eve.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
President Obama talks about Pidyon Shevoyim at whitehouse chanuka party
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Maariv @ the whitehouse |
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Rabbis Zwiebel & Wieder at white-house |
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Sufganiyot, Chanuka Doughnunt's not as "oily' as they used to be
Shabbos Chanukah 2014 for large mishpachos a cheap hotel is the new inn.
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chocolate coin Chanukah gelt menorah |
Boruch Hashem, many mishpachos can no longer pile in to bubby's house. There is just no room even for the immediate family. What many families are doing now, is going away to a hotel. A cheap reasonably priced hotel and spending shabbos there with the relatives. The meals are not catered at all, rather each family brings a specific food and jobs are distributed among the siblings in making sure everything is brought such as a Sefer Torah, a Minyan, crock pot's, tableware and toys for the kids. What used to be a luxury has now become a norm but not in an extravagant way.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Satmar Rebbe reiterates call to install a filter on electronic devices with internet access
During his Drasha at the kuf alef kislev event marking 70 years the day Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum Ztz’l, the founder of Satmar Chassidus in America, escaped from the Nazis YM”S during the Holocaust, the Satmar Rebbe rav Aaron Teitelbaum called on his chasidim to install the geder filter on their internet devices. The Rebbe stated just as you wouldn't put food in your mouth without a hechsher so to you can not walk around with an unfiltered device or smartphone. The Rebbe said if one needs it for parnassah he should filter it if however he does not need it than there is no excuse to own a internet enabled device.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Meshulachim heading home for Chanuka
They arrived here in the US shortly after Sukkos and trekked acrross the country asking us for help. Our fellow brothers from Eretz yisrael unfortunately have to come on to us for help they are away from their mishpachos with the burden of parnassah on their mind. They rise at vasikin and dont stop making their rounds until late at night. Its not an easy task having to ask another person for something let alone to ask for money.
Many will be returning home for Chanukah to be with their families for this special time of the year. Please when you see them within the next few days make sure to give them something be mechazek them let them be able to go home with simcha and not have to come running back here again. Its a zechus for us to give the m Tzedaka.
Tizku Lemitzvos!!
Many will be returning home for Chanukah to be with their families for this special time of the year. Please when you see them within the next few days make sure to give them something be mechazek them let them be able to go home with simcha and not have to come running back here again. Its a zechus for us to give the m Tzedaka.
Tizku Lemitzvos!!
Tefillos for Rav Chaim Epstein Shlita
The Yeshiva and Torah world are asked to daven for Rav Chaim Epstein shlita Rosh yeshiva of Zichron melech in Brooklyn. Name for Tehillim Chaim Leib ben Shaina Ita for a Refuah Shleima.
Rav Shmuel Goldstein Returns to Har Nof shul where he was wounded in terror attack.
Rav Elozor Levi Z''TL Rosh Mechina of Telshe Yeshiva
BJL It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Elozor Levi zt”l, longtime rosh mechinah of Yeshivas Telshe and rebbi to thousands of talmidim, including many in Baltimore. The levaya will take place tomorrow, Sunday, December 14, at 9 a.m., at Chesed Shel Emes, located at 26640 Greenfield Road in Oak Park, Michigan. The levaya will then continue at 2 p.m. at the Telshe Yeshiva of Cleveland Bais Medrash, located at 28400 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe, Ohio. To listen in to the hespeidim in Cleveland, dial 567-314-1830, pin 28400#.
The Drasha Addressed to Napoleon Bonaparte
Yosef found himself in the dungeon together with Pharaoh's wine butler (Sar HaMashkim). He interpreted for him his dream: "The three clusters are three days. In another three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and will restore you to your post and you will place Pharaoh's cup in his hand as was the former practice when you were his cupbearer." [Bereshis 40: 12-13]
Yosef then added the following words: "If only you would think of me (ki im zechartani) with yourself when he benefits you, and you will do me a kindness, if you please, and mention me to Pharaoh, then you would get me out of this building." [Beresis 40:14].
Yosef then added the following words: "If only you would think of me (ki im zechartani) with yourself when he benefits you, and you will do me a kindness, if you please, and mention me to Pharaoh, then you would get me out of this building." [Beresis 40:14].
Thursday, December 11, 2014
A Note from the Editor of AMI Magazine
Last night it came to my attention that in this week's edition of Ami Magazine there is a banner ad for Yaffed, an organization with a mission to change the state of Orthodox Jewish chinuch. In the furtherance of that goal Yafed is also reportedly pursuing legal action against New York City and State.
Ami Magazine has repeatedly advocated against such efforts and has condemned organizations like Yaffed. We have asked the community to unite against all those who seek to reform the Orthodox way of life, and we remain steadfast in our resolve to defeat such misguided initiatives.
Ami Magazine has repeatedly advocated against such efforts and has condemned organizations like Yaffed. We have asked the community to unite against all those who seek to reform the Orthodox way of life, and we remain steadfast in our resolve to defeat such misguided initiatives.
Schmaltz and Gribenes make a comeback- will it also bring back the assimilated Jews
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Gribenes: NYT photo |
The butt of countless jokes about clogged arteries and an early grave, this rich, rendered, onion-scented chicken fat is synonymous with the heavy, plodding food of the shtetls. Even now, as medical science has given a nod to the moderate consumption of saturated animal fats, and the culinary elite has fallen hard for the likes of lard, tallow and duck fat, poor schmaltz remains the babushka-clad cousin not invited to the table.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Agudah testifies against NJ assisted suicide bill
Hamodia A New Jersey State Senate Committee heard testimony on Monday from Agudath Israel, among several other public advocacy groups, regarding a bill to legalize doctor-assisted suicide in that state.
“Both Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rav Malkiel Kotler said that this is a core issue and that it is tantamount to legalizing murder,”
“Both Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rav Malkiel Kotler said that this is a core issue and that it is tantamount to legalizing murder,”
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
VIDEO -First Har Nof now in Brooklyn at 770- Yeshiva Bochur stabbed
Bochur stabbed in 770 |
One bochur saw him and shouted at him to drop the knife, but he approached a bochur who was standing near the bima, and stabbed him once in the neck, witnesses described. Bystanders also reported hearing the attacker shout "kill the Jews."
Flagged down by witnesses, cops then ran into 770 and demanded that he drop the knife. After a standoff with police at gunpoint, he did drop the knife, but after a few moments grabbed it again. He then lunged at the cop, who shot him in the torso.
Monday, December 8, 2014
VIDEO: Tribute to Rav Mosheh Twersky Hy''d at Yeshivas Toras Moshe Dinner
This video was shown last night at the 2014 Dinner for Yeshivas Toras Moshe which was in Memory of the beloved Rebbe Rav Moshe Twersky HY''D
Rabbi Mosheh Twersky HY"D from Studio 7 Productions
Rabbi Mosheh Twersky HY"D from Studio 7 Productions
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Yarchei Kallah of Agudath Israel in yerushalayim
for Photos of yarchei Kallah 2015 HERE
The 15th annual winter Yarchei Kallah of Agudas Yisrael Torah projects commission, will take place this year in Yerushalayim. It will be held January 19- 22, 2015 at the Ramada Jerusalem hotel. for more info check out the Yarchei Kallah website .
The 15th annual winter Yarchei Kallah of Agudas Yisrael Torah projects commission, will take place this year in Yerushalayim. It will be held January 19- 22, 2015 at the Ramada Jerusalem hotel. for more info check out the Yarchei Kallah website .
Do the ends justify the means for frum Org's online marketing?
A promotional you tube video that is not at the highest tznius standards, a campaign with ad banners featuring a NBA player in uniform, these are only but a few examples of frum organizations marketing fundraising events. None of these type of ads would print in the frum papers why is it muttar on the internet?
The video, is promoting awareness for children that are sick with yeneh machla R''L. It was advertised on so called frum websites, obviously targeting and meant for the heimishe olam to view. The NBA player in an ad banner promoting a basketball event for kiruv, also viewed on many frum websites and blogs. Why is there a double standard when it comes to what the frum community is exposed to. If rabbonim approve of the content why dont we see the same in the print media. If it is not within the standards of the Frum heimish and yeshiva world crowds why is it ok to post it online?
The video, is promoting awareness for children that are sick with yeneh machla R''L. It was advertised on so called frum websites, obviously targeting and meant for the heimishe olam to view. The NBA player in an ad banner promoting a basketball event for kiruv, also viewed on many frum websites and blogs. Why is there a double standard when it comes to what the frum community is exposed to. If rabbonim approve of the content why dont we see the same in the print media. If it is not within the standards of the Frum heimish and yeshiva world crowds why is it ok to post it online?
Thursday, December 4, 2014
ותן טל ומטר לברכה Tonight Thursday December 4th, 2014
ותן טל ומטר לברכה Tonight Thursday night December 4th
Klal yisrael in Chutz laaretz will begin saying V'sein Tal Umatar Livracha Tonight by Maariv. 13 Kislev December 4th 2014.
Klal yisrael in Chutz laaretz will begin saying V'sein Tal Umatar Livracha Tonight by Maariv. 13 Kislev December 4th 2014.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
A Letter from Reb Shmuel Goldstein

Monday, December 1, 2014
Photos-Lakewood Yeshiva heritage journey to Moscow, Kletzk
Sunday, November 30, 2014
American Roshei yeshiva plea for financial help on behalf of mishpachos of Kedoshei Har Nof
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Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky |
The situation now is that the families of the Kedoshim hy'd, and those who were brutally wounded are in terrible need. There are almanos and close to 30 yesomim, as well as devastated mishpachos that will need care and financial support in the present and future, to prevent poverty and despair. Very substantial help a great deal of money is needed to alleviate their plight. We appeal to you to open your hearts at this time of distress. May we be zoche to refuos yeshuos venechamos and live to see benechomas Tziyon veyerushalayim.
Donations can be sent to Cong. Adath Jacob- special fund c/o Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, 1644 48th street., Brooklyn, NY,11204
Historic trip to Volozhyn and Kletsk
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The yeshiva in Kletzk, Belarus founded by Rav Aaron Kotler |
for pictures of the BMG Moscow trip click HERE
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Volozin Bais hakevaros |
Watch: Video of Hespedim held for Kedoshei Har Nof in Bnei Brak Ledderman's shul
Mashpia Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg among the maspidim
Friday, November 28, 2014
Chasidisher Yid in viral video explains his chant at Ferguson protest in Times Square
A video of a chasidisher guy is making its rounds at the Ferguson protest in Times square. In the video he is shown leading a chant "good people deserve respect". In the video posted below he explains the circumstances which led him to join in the protest and explains his chant. He says he didnt actively go join the protest. He was dining out with friends in the area and came upon the protest. Protesters started hurling insults at him calling them Jewish people and Muslim people. Many demonstrators were not even protesting the Michael Brown shooting, they were yelling about the economy, racial inequality and what not. He decided to make a kiddush hashem and despite him being chasidish the message is no matter what your religion is "good people deserve respect".
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Photos: American delegation travels to Vilna for Hakamas Matzeivah of Harav Baruch Ber Leibovitz , zt”l
VILNIUS, Lithuania - for Photos and pictures click HERE
Seventy-five years to the day that the Torah world suffered the devastating loss with the petirah of Hagaon Harav Baruch Ber Leibovitz, zt”l, 150 Jews from across the globe attended a moving hakamas matzeivah at his kever in Vilnius (Vilna) on Wednesday evening. Led by his grandson Harav Chaim Shlomo Leibovitz, shlilta, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh, and his younger
brother, Harav Baruch Ber Leibovitz, the entourage — who came from Yerushalayim and London, Bnei Brak and Brooklyn, Lakewood and Antwerp — included Gedolim, shlita, among them Harav Moshe Shapira, Harav Dovid Schustal, Harav Malkiel Kotler, and Harav Don Segal. Also present was a Boro Park resident who is one of the few surviving talmidim of Rav Baruch Ber; numerous descendants and other family members; and children and talmidim of his talmidim.
Though it was a dark and bitterly cold evening in Vilna, most of those who gathered stayed at the site of the kever long after the Tehillim, recited by Harav Leibovitz, and the stirrirng words of hisorerus, spoken by Harav Segal, concluded.
Seventy-five years to the day that the Torah world suffered the devastating loss with the petirah of Hagaon Harav Baruch Ber Leibovitz, zt”l, 150 Jews from across the globe attended a moving hakamas matzeivah at his kever in Vilnius (Vilna) on Wednesday evening. Led by his grandson Harav Chaim Shlomo Leibovitz, shlilta, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh, and his younger
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Matzeiva Rav Baruch Ber Leibovitz |
Rav Dovid Schustal |
Rav Chaim Shlomo Lebowitz |
Kever of Rav Boruch Ber |
Yated Ne'eman: Neo orthodox pressing for a relaxed geirus
Yated Neman
As part of our ongoing series of articles exposing Open Orthodoxy and the inroads it is making in Orthodoxy while it veers further and further in the other direction, we believe that it is important to discuss several high-profile problems that recently arose in the upper ranks of the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA).
Yated: For a bit of background, why did you join the RCA and why are you currently a member?
Yated: For a bit of background, why did you join the RCA and why are you currently a member?
RCA Member (hereafter referred to as “RCAM”): Like most members, I joined the RCA for its rabbinic placement services and pension plan. Although I no longer need placement, having served my decades in the rabbinate, I feel that the RCA serves an important role in setting standards, especially in the areas of geirus and shul practices. The RCA’s Geirus Policies and Standards (GPS) program, which is a coordinated effort between the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and the RCA poskim, provides a crucial system that assures geirus with the highest standards. This way, Rabbanut acceptance of the conversion is guaranteed and all botei din worldwide recognize the geirus.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Kosher Turkey meets the Thanksgiving rush
On any given day in November, trucks will deliver some 10,000 live white turkeys to Empire Kosher Poultry’s Mifflintown, Penn., processing plant. The birds are destined for ritual slaughter, rabbinic approval, a salt bath, and, finally, a Cryovac sealing machine. They’ll go from live beings to packaged poultry in about three hours flat. In 24 hours, there’s a good chance they’ll be on the shelf of a Trader Joe’s, Costco Wholesale, Whole Foods, or BJ’s Wholesale Club in a city along the Eastern seaboard.
Welcome to the mass production of kosher poultry, which began at Empire some 75 years ago, when Joseph Katz founded the company in Liberty, N.Y. and helped move the traditional Jewish meat preparation process from the local butcher shop and Jewish home into the mainstream.
Decades later, privately held Empire is now undergoing another kind of transition. Ten years ago, half of Empire customers kept kosher, while the other half did not. Now, that breakdown is about 23%—77%. Nearly four out of five customers who buy Empire’s antibiotic free, vegetarian-fed chickens and turkeys do not keep kosher, according to Empire’s own market research.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Watch listen and Relive, the 2014 Agudah convention experience
AgudasYisrael launches convention website where you can watch and listen to the sessions of the 2014 national convention of Agudath Israel of America
Thousands of Lubavitch and Satmar Chasidim gather seven miles apart in Brooklyn, Lakewood gathering as well
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2014 Kinus hashluchim |
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Satmar gathering |
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Lakewood Yartzheit gathering |
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Several Funds set up to help families of Har Nof terror attack
Friday, November 21, 2014
Rav Matisyohu Solomon, on massacre in Har Nof
Rav Matisyohu Solomom, the Lakewood mashgiach spoke in Beth Medrash Govoha About the massacre in Har Nof. The Mashgiach mentioned that hashem has sent us a shock. He sent us a message in a very strong way he wants us to have Yiras hashem we should work on our יראת שמים . He pointed out the facts that hashem took the best and brightest away from us in such an extreme way in a bais hamedrash while they were davening wrapped in talis and tefilinn. That signifies, the magnitude of the message hashem is sending us to have yiras shomayim. It is what is written in megilas eicha we say on Tisha bav "אם יהרג במקדש ה' כהן ונביא". Upon hearing the news of the attack the mashgiach said one should have made a bracha of dayan haemes which one makes upon hearing bad news (על שמועות רעות מברך, ברוך אתה ה' אלקינו מלך העולם דין האמת), The bracha is meant to bring someone to have yiras shomayim. As the pasuk says ה' שמעתי שמעך יראתי. We are currently in the stage of חבלי משיח
Thursday, November 20, 2014
A request from the four Almanos and families of the Har Nof massacre
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Har Nof Widows' Letter |
We turn to acheinu Bnei Yisrael wherever they may be. Let us all come together to increase the rachamei Shomayim shown to us! Let us all accept upon ourselves that we will increase love and brotherhood – between each person and his fellow, between community and community, between major group and major group.
Our request is that every individual should see to it to accept upon himself on Erev Shabbos Parshas Toldos, to sanctify this coming Shabbos as a day of ahavas chinam. It should be a day that we refrain from all kinds of divisive conversation, lashon hora, and rechilus.
This will be a great uplift to the souls of the heads of our families who were slaughtered for the holiness of His Holy Name.
May Hashem look from above, see our affliction, wipe away our tears, and say, “Enough!” to our sorrow.
Frum media face challenge of posting graphic pictures of massacre in Har Nof
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Hamodia |

Rav Avrohom Schorr on Kedoshim of Har Nof, we must make kabolos, Tallis and Teffillin for entire Tefillah
Hamodia Agudas Yisrael Gatherings of Chizuk Held in Brooklyn
At an asifah Tuesday night at Khal Tiferes Yaakov, Mara d’Asra Harav Avrohom Schorr and Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivah, Mirrer Yeshiva of Brooklyn, delivered divrei hisorerus.
Harav Schorr spoke of the korbanos who were moser nefesh al kiddush Hashem. They were killed only because they were Yidden and died al kiddush Hashem.
He said that Harav Yechezkel Levenstein, zt”l, Mashgiach of Yeshivos Mir and Ponevezh, was once riding in a taxi in Israel when the driver told the Rav that he had a story to tell: The driver and his friends were traveling the world and ended up visiting a jungle. Suddenly they heard screaming — one of their buddies had a boa constrictor wrapped around his body. They tried pulling off the snake, but couldn’t. Even though they weren’t religious, one of them said, “You’re about to die. At least say Shema before you go!” So he started to say, “Shema Yisrael…” and as soon as he got to the word Echad, the snake released him. After that he became a baal teshuvah.
Harav Levenstein asked the driver, “But — what about you?”
At an asifah Tuesday night at Khal Tiferes Yaakov, Mara d’Asra Harav Avrohom Schorr and Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivah, Mirrer Yeshiva of Brooklyn, delivered divrei hisorerus.
Harav Schorr spoke of the korbanos who were moser nefesh al kiddush Hashem. They were killed only because they were Yidden and died al kiddush Hashem.
He said that Harav Yechezkel Levenstein, zt”l, Mashgiach of Yeshivos Mir and Ponevezh, was once riding in a taxi in Israel when the driver told the Rav that he had a story to tell: The driver and his friends were traveling the world and ended up visiting a jungle. Suddenly they heard screaming — one of their buddies had a boa constrictor wrapped around his body. They tried pulling off the snake, but couldn’t. Even though they weren’t religious, one of them said, “You’re about to die. At least say Shema before you go!” So he started to say, “Shema Yisrael…” and as soon as he got to the word Echad, the snake released him. After that he became a baal teshuvah.
Harav Levenstein asked the driver, “But — what about you?”
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Media links- National US and British media profiles the 4 kedoshim of Har Nof who held dual citizenship
Washinton post Rabbi Moshe Twerski Hy''d
Jewish Journal Rabbi Kalman Levine Hy''d
Detroit Free Press rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky Hy''d
The Guardian Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Goldberg Hy''d
Jewish Journal Rabbi Kalman Levine Hy''d
Detroit Free Press rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky Hy''d
The Guardian Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Goldberg Hy''d
Chesed at a Har Nof grocery
Mi K'Amcha Yisrael: Loving Chesed This Morning at a Har Nof Grocery
Moving story from the neighborhood where the morning's attack took place:
"And so I found myself in the middle of Har Nof, in a small neighborhood grocery store. The store owner is talking to one of the workers. Both are discussing the names, just released, of those murdered whilst at this morning's prayers in synagogue.
"At that moment a beautiful little 7 year old boy comes in accompanied by his rabbi. The rabbi, in a choked-up voice announces the full name of the smiling bashful child. The grocer immediately realizes that this is the son of one of those killed in the attack. The rabbi signals that the child has not been told anything.
Moving story from the neighborhood where the morning's attack took place:
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Har Nof Grocery |
"At that moment a beautiful little 7 year old boy comes in accompanied by his rabbi. The rabbi, in a choked-up voice announces the full name of the smiling bashful child. The grocer immediately realizes that this is the son of one of those killed in the attack. The rabbi signals that the child has not been told anything.
Bloodbath in a shul
Hamodia- Wednesday, November 19, 2014 | כ"ו חשון תשע"ה
YERUSHALAYIM - This time the butcher knives and guns of the Arab terrorists burst into the Kehilas Yaakov shul in Har Nof, in the middle of Shacharis on Tuesday morning, and within minutes four Jews, Hy”d, were murdered, wearing their tallisos and tefillin. Eight others were wounded.
It did not take long for the lives of the victims and their families and friends, their talmidim and chevrusos, and all their neighbors in Har Nof, to change forever. The horror began at 7:01 a.m. By 7:08 it was over.
A man holds a Gemara with bullet holes found inside the Kehilas Yaakov shul in Har Nof, Yerushalayim, after Arab terrorists armed with pistols and axes murdered four mispallelim wearing tallis and tefillin and wounded five others, including an Israeli Druze police officer who later succumbed to his wounds in Hadassah Hospital.
Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 68, Hy”d; Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43, Hy”d; and Rabbi Kalman Levine, 55, Hy”d; andHarav Moshe Twersky, 59, Hy”d, all from the Har Nof neighborhood, were murdered by two Arab terrorists from east Yerushalayim.
Police, answering the emergency call, exchanged fire with the terrorists. Two policeman were injured, one, a Druze, eventually succumbing to his wounds. The other policeman was moderately injured.
YERUSHALAYIM - This time the butcher knives and guns of the Arab terrorists burst into the Kehilas Yaakov shul in Har Nof, in the middle of Shacharis on Tuesday morning, and within minutes four Jews, Hy”d, were murdered, wearing their tallisos and tefillin. Eight others were wounded.
It did not take long for the lives of the victims and their families and friends, their talmidim and chevrusos, and all their neighbors in Har Nof, to change forever. The horror began at 7:01 a.m. By 7:08 it was over.

Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 68, Hy”d; Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43, Hy”d; and Rabbi Kalman Levine, 55, Hy”d; andHarav Moshe Twersky, 59, Hy”d, all from the Har Nof neighborhood, were murdered by two Arab terrorists from east Yerushalayim.
Police, answering the emergency call, exchanged fire with the terrorists. Two policeman were injured, one, a Druze, eventually succumbing to his wounds. The other policeman was moderately injured.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Agudath Israel of America Statement on the Massacre in Har Nof
This morning's barbaric murder in Har Nof, Jerusalem of four Jews has left all caring people reeling - the tears are pouring this morning and our hearts are full of pain.
This vicious attack on people wearing tallis and tefillin and immersed in tefilla is ugly testimony to the depth of evil faced by Jews in Israel and the world over, in the form of brutal terrorists who revel in the killing of innocents. The celebration of the murders in Gaza and elsewhere reiterates the despicable nature of those who wish the Holy Land to be Judenrein. When cold-blooded murderers attack a makom Torah u'Tefila in the Eretz Ha'kodesh, it is incumbent upon all of us to strengthen ourselves in Torah and Tefila on behalf of our dear brethren in the Eretz Ha'kodesh. Imahem anachnu b'tzara.
Mar Cheshvan 6 years ago this week 6 kedoshim in Mumbai india now 4 Kedoshim in Yerushalayim HY''D
נחשבנו כצאן לטבח יובל
It was six years ago this week 29 Marcheshvan where Muslim terrorists slaughtered 6 Kedoshim HYD in a shul and house of chesed. Once again Klal yisrael mourns the slaughter of 4 Kedoshim who were in shul davening in Eretz Yisrael 25 Mar Cheshvan. HYD
כי עליך הרגנו כל היום נחשבנו כצאן טבחה עורה למה תישן אדני הקיצה אל תזנח לנצח למה פניך תסתיר תשכח ענינו ולחצנו כי שחה לעפר נפשנו דבקה לארץ בטננו קומה עזרתה לנו ופדנו למען חסדך" תהילים מ"ד
American Gedolim call for Yom tefilah this Thursday Yom Kippur Koton
In wake of the Situation in Eretz Yisrael and the current matzav. The Gedolim in America are calling upon the klal to daven the Tefilah of Yom kippur Koton this Thursday for Acheinu Bnei Yisrael.
Names of kedoshim Z''TL killed in terror attack in Har Nof while davening HY'D- 4 Almanos 24 yesomim on one block!
Rav Moshe Twersky HYD ![]() |
Rav Avrohom Shmuel Goldberh HYD |
Rav Avrohom Goldberg (68) HYD
Rav Kalman Zev Levin (55)HYD
R' Moshe Twersky (60)
Seif Zidan (35), druze police officer that died in terror attack, he was shot while attempting to take down terrorists
Hagaon Rav Moshe Twersky ZT'L 59, from the chashuvei Har Nof, Rosh kollel in yeshivas Toras Moshe in yerushalayim. Levaya will leave from at yeshivas Bais Hatalmud in yerushalayim kevurah in har Hamenuchos. He was born in America, was a son in law to Rav Abba Berman zt'l Rosh yeshiva Iyun HaTalmud zatzal. He lived in har Nof and was a Choshuv Talmid Chochom and Marbitz torah HYD. He leaves behind an almanah and 5 Yesomim R'L
The Lavayos for the other three kedoshim will leave together from their shul in Har nof.
Rav Aryeh Kupinsky Zt'l Born in America, He was a mispalel kovuah in the minyan. He was a man full of chesed. He had a freezer gemach that would help people. Chesed was in his bones he always helped at kiddushim in shul. He lost his daughter 3 years ago when she died in her sleep. His son learns in the gaon Yaakov Yeshiva. HYD
Rav Avrohom Shmuel Goldberg ZT'l was a British citizen, He davened daily in the netz minyan. He was an Educational advisor to the frum community. He was kovea itim and was a masmid in his learning. he leaves behind anAlmana and six children. HYD
Rav Chaim kanievsky on the slaughter in Har Nof "we are in עקבתא דמשיחא"
When told of the slaughter and terror attack in Har Nof, Rav Chaim Kanievsky said we are currently holding in the days of ikvasa demashicha. He went on to say we must be mechazek in Torah and Tefilah and strengthen ourselves with Torah learning and daven with kavanah. He concluded that hashem should tell the Soton to stop. In another twist, Rav Shteinman was asked by someone making a bris soon about naming a boy about naming a baby after one of the kedoshim killed in the massacre. He responded it is a big zechus to name after him he was killed in kedusha and tahara davening with his Tallis and Tefilin he died al kiddush hashem.
Survivor of terror attack in Har Nof "I asked Hashem to save me"
Yossi barzani was davening shachris at the 6:30 minyan in the Kehilos Bnai Torah shul of Rav Rubin. He described hearing gun shots outside and the terrorists yelling allal akbar. I tried to escape my Tallis got caught I left it and ran. There was only a table and chair between me and the terrorist he said. There were two terrorists one with a gun the other wielding a butcher knife. People were shot from point blank range, The terrorists came at me with a knive, a Bochur near me fought back throwing a chair at the terrorist when I escaped and ran out the other door. I felt that I spoke to Hashem like never before asking him to save me.
Video below
Video below
Video: Terror attack in Har Nof shul, yerushalayim, 5 killed R''L many injuries
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Terror attack in Har Nof Jerusalem |
Arab terrorists ym''s one who worked as a janitor in the shul and the other in a nearby grocery, entered the kehilos Bnai Torah shul in Har Nof on Shimon Agasi street at around 7:00 am and began shooting than stabbing people with butcher knives during davening shachris. 4 mispalelim were killed while wearing their Talis and tefillin. Both terrorists have been killed they were aisraeli arabs from East Jerusalem, according to sources. A responding Police officer who was first on the scene was shot upon by the terrorists while he tried administering first aid to the victims. He died of his wounds later on bringing the total to Five Israeli casualties R"L, others in serious condition. Thirteen injured be mispalel for Shmuel Yerucham ben Baila Chaim Yechiel Ben Malka Avraham Shmuel Ben Shaina .
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אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ נְקם נִקְמַת דַּם עֲבָדֶיךָ הַשָּׁפוּךְ |
Monday, November 17, 2014
Some American Roshei Yeshiva sign letter granting Bochurim reshus to begin shidduchim in their yeshivas.

Here's the english translation:
The gedolei hador have already sent a heartfelt plea to the tzibur and to bochurim to make every effort to marry at the appropriate time and not to delay unnecessarily. Therefore, we would like to publicize that from Rosh Chodesh Teves of fourth year Bais nedrash, we permit any bochur who decided he is ready for shidduchim to begin shidduchim while at our Yeshivas. May things proceed pleasantly for thoseee who do so.may they be zoche to built batim neemanim byisrael and to raise children and grandchildrenwho are oskim bTorah u'vanitzvos. May they merit to greet Mashiach tzidkeinu together with the rest of klal yisrael, speedily in our days. Amen
The letter was signed by,
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Novominsker Rebbe takes on the bloggers and those who look at others
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Novominker Rebbe agudah convention |
The Rebbe pointed out those who make it their mission to look at what is going on by others, putting them down and commenting on them in a derogatory way specifically the bloggers. We must curb the urge to opinionate and comment. The Rebbe said over from Rav Mendel Weiss Z'L (known to many as Mendel the Coat Rack) He was a unique Yid who many people got to knew from his visits to various, shuls and yeshivos in Boro park and Flatbush. Reb Mendel said a profound statement about the concept of הוכח תוכיח את עמיתיך rebuking another Yid. He asked why does one even have to look at yenem. The Rebbe went on to say, how do we expect to raise the next generation when all they see is people siting back commenting and putting down others. The Rebbe, also spoke out strongly against those who go to Har Habayis, saying that they are directly responsible for bloodshed in Israel. The Rebbe said that going up onto Har Habayis is a clear violation of the psak of Halacha and gedolei hador. Rabbi Perlow also said that these actions incite the Arabs to engage in acts of violence. The Rebbe sternly warned “Stay off Har Habayis, do not generate redifa on yidden.”
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Agudah convention broadcasts live for first time on the internet on frum sites and blogs
For the first time the Agudah convention was broadcast live streaming on the internet. Although the Agudah does not have an official website, the organization is very active online and on social media. A live broadcast of the 2014 Agudah Convention was aired on the frum news websites and blogs. One website which was banned by Gedolim carried the convention feed too. Does this mean they approve of all these sites? It would make sense to have their own site and not rely on blogs and websites that continue to besmirch gedolim and spread every chilul hashem to the masses.
92nd Agudah convention gets underway- was broadcast live on the internet, recap, photos, video replay
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Thursday night at the 2014 Agudah convention |
Hamodia - Gedolim and askanim, businessmen and rebbeim mingled as the 92nd annual convention of Agudath Israel of America commenced Thursday, with a focus on the individual’s responsibility to Klal Yisrael and an answer to the timeless question, “What’s on your mind?” It took place at the Hilton Woodcliff Lake in Woodcliff Lake, N.J. For PHOTOS of the convention click HERE and HERE. VIDEO replay HERE
The plenary session of the convention on Thursday evening was chaired by Rabbi Mordechai Levin, administrator of Brooklyn’s Bais Yaakov Academy and a son of Harav Avrohom Chaim Levin, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of Telshe-Chicago and a member of the Agudah’s Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. Harav Levin began the evening’s official proceedings by citing his Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Elya Meir Bloch, zt”l, of Telshe.
Harav Levin, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, citing Rav Chaim Volozhiner, zt”l, who wrote that a Yid was created not only for himself but to benefit others. His aim should be to join with others in solving the problems of the tzibbur — in his country and in Klal Yisrael, and to perfect the world under the dominion of the Ribbono shel Olam. Working for others is the foundation of the life of a person.
Harav Levin said that the Telshe Yeshivah was built on these ideals and sought to produce such talmidim.
Monday, November 10, 2014
At historic unity meeting, gedolim call on Tomchei Torah world wide to support yeshivos in EY
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Rav Shteinman greets Rav Shmuel Auerbach |
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Forward, defends for a change
Its unusual to to find a article that dosent bash charedim in the Forward. An article in this weeks issue was written in defense of chasidim titled in "dont judge hasidic seat switchers". It was a response to a previous account written up about in the Forward. The writer of course manages to list all their wrongs and other stereotypical actions of chasidim before making a case to defend the seat switching practice.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Agudah convention 2014 "shouldering responsibility" NOV 13-16 not Thanksgiving weekend
Watch live Broadcast of 2014 Agudah convention HERE
The 2014 Agudah convention will take place November 13-16 at the Hilton Woodcliff lake, NJ. Traditionally the convention takes place over Thanksgiving weekend but there are too many other conflicting events for that weekend. Click HERE for convention program.
The 2014 Agudah convention will take place November 13-16 at the Hilton Woodcliff lake, NJ. Traditionally the convention takes place over Thanksgiving weekend but there are too many other conflicting events for that weekend. Click HERE for convention program.
Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Levin Rosh HaYeshiva, Telshe Yeshiva, Chicago
Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum Rav, Congregation Nachlas Yitzchak
Rabbi Yissocher Frand Rosh Yeshiva, Ner Yisroel, Baltimore
Reb Elimelech (Mike) Tress and Agudas Yisroel
Produced by the Kleinman F amily Holocaust Education Center
CHAIRMAN: Rabbi Mordechai Levin
Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Novominsker Rebbe, Rosh Agudas Yisroel
Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich Chairman, Od Avinu Chai Foundation
Rabbi Avrohom Schorr Rav, Khal Tiferes Yaakov
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel Executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Agudah reminds you to vote
An important reminder to vote! | ||
Next week Tuesday, November 4, 2014 is Election Day. Voters will be selecting the candidates who will become your new political leaders. We urge all constituents and friends to please go out and vote!
Your vote counts. The simple reality is that government officials look at which groups vote, and take their positions on the major issues of the day accordingly. Communities that vote are communities that are listened to and heard. Securing political support with regard to the issues that affect us deeply- protecting our most fundamental religious freedoms, maximizing governmental aid to our educational institutions, maintaining the moral climate of society, increasing the availability of affordable housing, improving the quality of government services in our neighborhoods- depends on each and every registered voter taking the time to go to the polls and vote.
So please, take the time next week to vote. Do it for yourself... for your children... for your community...for Klal Yisroel.
Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
Another Flatbush shabbos project
Hamodia BROOKLYN - Just a few decades ago, Shabbos observance was a major test in the United States due to the extreme difficulty in finding a livelihood that did not necessitate one to compromise in this regard. Today, this test is almost nil and the rule is that in major Jewish communities Jewish-owned stores and businesses are closed. Still and all, there are still some that are open on Shabbos.
To address this lamentable reality, the Vaad Shemiras Shabbos, which has worked to promote the mitzvah of shemiras Shabbos for over half a century, will hold its annual Shabbos Parade along Kings Highway in Flatbush this Shabbos.
The procession will start, iy”H, on Ocean Parkway and Kings Highway at 11:45 a.m., proceed up Kings Highway to Ocean Avenue, cross to the other side of the street, return down Kings Highway and conclude at the small park on East 12th Street.
A choir of local yeshivah children will participate, singing Shabbos niggunim to inspire passersby. Local Rabbanim are expected to speak.
To address this lamentable reality, the Vaad Shemiras Shabbos, which has worked to promote the mitzvah of shemiras Shabbos for over half a century, will hold its annual Shabbos Parade along Kings Highway in Flatbush this Shabbos.
The procession will start, iy”H, on Ocean Parkway and Kings Highway at 11:45 a.m., proceed up Kings Highway to Ocean Avenue, cross to the other side of the street, return down Kings Highway and conclude at the small park on East 12th Street.
A choir of local yeshivah children will participate, singing Shabbos niggunim to inspire passersby. Local Rabbanim are expected to speak.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Talking about Private places- a new book for children
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Talking about private places by Bracha Goetz |
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