Thinking out loud; discussing and debating the current issues and challenges affecting the Torah and yeshiva communities such as population growth, dangers of technology, parnassah, shidduchim, financial support of Torah and Chesed institutions, news of the yeshiva world and reviewing frum blogs,Torah media outlets.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
American Roshei Yeshiva sign letter to stand strong and not compromise in giyus draft law
Rav Aaron Shechter, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Malkiel Kotler, Signed a letter , dated 14 Kislev 5776, adding to what they gedolim in Eretz Yisrael have ruled on the current draft law intended to draft Yeshiva Bochurim and kolell youngeleit. The letter calls refers to those who are behind the law as sonei hashem. It calls on the avreichim to stand strong as a fortified wall not allowing forein forces to penetrate, and not to fall victim to their temptations. The letter concludes In the merit of standing u for Hashem and the Totah may we be protected as a nation in Eretz yisrael.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Litman Wedding Held Two Weeks After Terror Attack
Hamodia - On Thursday night, the chasunah of Ariel Beigel and Sarah-Tehiya Litman was held at Binyanei Ha’Uma in Yerushalayim.
Tzipporah Unger, a”h, Niftar in Tragic Accident
Hamodia NEW YORK - The community of Monsey was pained to hear of the petirah of Mrs. Tzipporah (Holly) Unger, a”h, 57, who was tragically niftar in a car accident. She was remembered for her outstanding dedication to her family and ehrlichkeit.
Rabbi Meshulen Nosson Spiegel of Beis Medrash Tefilah L’Moshe described the nifteres as a neshamah tehorah whose tznius and eidelkeit were examples to all that knew her.
Rabbi Meshulen Nosson Spiegel of Beis Medrash Tefilah L’Moshe described the nifteres as a neshamah tehorah whose tznius and eidelkeit were examples to all that knew her.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Thanksgiving shiurim
Brooklyn- Agudah Flatbush Rabbi Reisman shul
Chicago- Khal Adas Yeshurun 3050 W. Touhy Chicago
Thanksgiving Breakfast and Shiur - Rabbi Zushe Blech
Thursday, November 26, 2015 • 14 Kislev 5776
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
8 am Shacharis followed by Rabbi Zushe Blech shuir
1. Yeshiva Ner Boruch—PTI invites the Men & Women of the Passaic Clifton community to a LEGAL HOLIDAY YOM IYUN with HaRav Moshe Heinemann, Shlita Noted Posek, Star-K,
Morah D'asrah, Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore. "Understanding the Difference between Chumros, Halachos & Minhagim with Practical Applications"
Chicago- Khal Adas Yeshurun 3050 W. Touhy Chicago
Thanksgiving Breakfast and Shiur - Rabbi Zushe Blech
Thursday, November 26, 2015 • 14 Kislev 5776
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
8 am Shacharis followed by Rabbi Zushe Blech shuir
1. Yeshiva Ner Boruch—PTI invites the Men & Women of the Passaic Clifton community to a LEGAL HOLIDAY YOM IYUN with HaRav Moshe Heinemann, Shlita Noted Posek, Star-K,
Morah D'asrah, Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore. "Understanding the Difference between Chumros, Halachos & Minhagim with Practical Applications"
Shlomo Rechnitz warms IDF soldiers for winter
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Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz visits IDF soldiers |
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Historic NYC Legislation Protecting Non-Public Schools
The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) commends Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Veverito, and Councilman David Greenfield and their colleagues for agreeing on historic legislation that will provide security guards for Yeshivas and non-public schools in New York City.
We encourage swift passage of the bill by the City Council and the Mayor signing the legislation into law.
Uniformed, trained, and licensed guards who will coordinate with the NYPD, will be a strong deterrent and provide safety for students in our community's schools.
We encourage swift passage of the bill by the City Council and the Mayor signing the legislation into law.
Uniformed, trained, and licensed guards who will coordinate with the NYPD, will be a strong deterrent and provide safety for students in our community's schools.
Pollard Parole Restrictions Conflicts With Shemiras Shabbos
Hamodia-According to affidavits filed by attorneys for Jonathan Pollard, the conditions of his parole, which include requiring him to wear a GPS monitoring bracelet 24 hours a day and placing him under house arrest from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., “is guaranteed to deprive Mr. Pollard of his ability to observe the most basic tenets of his religion, Judaism.”
The GPS monitoring system consists of a non-removable transmitter, which is installed on Pollard’s wrist, and a receiver that is plugged into an outlet in his residence. Whenever he moves outside the range of the receiver, the transmitter — which is three inches long and two inches wide — acts as a GPS tracker and monitors his location.
The GPS monitoring system consists of a non-removable transmitter, which is installed on Pollard’s wrist, and a receiver that is plugged into an outlet in his residence. Whenever he moves outside the range of the receiver, the transmitter — which is three inches long and two inches wide — acts as a GPS tracker and monitors his location.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Russians have crossed the Dardanelles
It is said over in the name of Rav Chaim Volozhiner he had a kabbala, from the villna Gaon when the Russians will cross the Dardanelles river it will be the start of events before mashiach comes. A Russian battleship passed through the Dardanelles en route to the Mediterranean, minutes after Turkish F-16s shot down a Russian fighter jet due to an airspace violation. The Dardanelles connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a narrow strait in northwestern Turkey connecting the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Marmara.
BD'E Rebbetzin Sarah Schustal A''H
Rebbetzin Sarah Schustal a”h, was the wife of Rav Simcha Schustal zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford, and a daughter of the Mattersdorfer Rov zt”l. was nifteres last night. She is survived by a family of leading gedolei Torah, including her sons, Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Yeshova Naos Yaakov, Rav Dovid Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Rav Tovia Schustal, rosh yeshiva at Yeshivat Ateret Torah, as well as her daughters, Rebbetzin Miriam Ungarischer, wife of Rav Yerachmiel Ungarischer, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Nachlas Yisroel of Lakewood; Rebbetzin Reva Halpern, wife of Rav Binyomin Zev Halpern, rov of Khal Bais Halevi of Lakewood; Rebbetzin Zeilberger, wife of Rav Yeruchem Zeilberger, rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud; and Rebbetzin Bender, wife of Rav Michoel Bender, R”M at Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Jonathan Pollard Spends First Shabbos on Parole
Hamodia-NEW YORK - After serving an unprecedented 30 years in prison for passing classified information to an ally, Israel, Jonathan Pollard was released on Parole early Friday and spent Shabbos in the company of his wife —who has selflessly dedicated her life to lead the battle for his release — in the New York area.
Pollard checked in at a federal probation office in New York City on Friday morning, hours after being released from the medium -security federal correctional institute in Butner, North Carolina. He was accompanied by his wife, Esther, and Rabbi Pesach Lerner, who has ceaselessly championed Pollard’s cause for more than two decades. There he was met by his extraordinarily devoted pro-bono attorneys, Jacques Semmelman and Eliot Lauer.
Pollard checked in at a federal probation office in New York City on Friday morning, hours after being released from the medium -security federal correctional institute in Butner, North Carolina. He was accompanied by his wife, Esther, and Rabbi Pesach Lerner, who has ceaselessly championed Pollard’s cause for more than two decades. There he was met by his extraordinarily devoted pro-bono attorneys, Jacques Semmelman and Eliot Lauer.
White House 'deeply saddened' by American teen Ezra Schwartz's murder
Jpost It took a few days but White House said it was 'deeply saddened' by American teen Ezra Schwartz's murder.
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has sent condolences to the families of victims of a terrorist attack on Thursday in Israel that claimed the life of Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year-old American citizen.
"We were deeply saddened to learn about the death of Ezra Schwartz, an American citizen from Massachusetts who was murdered in a terrorist attack," National Security Council spokesperson Ned Price told The Jerusalem Post. "We extend our deepest condolences to the victim's family, friends and community as well as the family and friends of the four other people killed in yesterday's tragic events."
Price said the White House also remains concerned about the five other American citizens who were injured in the attack, perpetrated by a Palestinian man.
"We continue to condemn in the strongest possible terms these outrageous terrorist attacks," he said. "These tragic incidents underscore the importance of taking affirmative steps to restore calm, reduce tensions and bring an immediate end to the violence."
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has sent condolences to the families of victims of a terrorist attack on Thursday in Israel that claimed the life of Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year-old American citizen.
"We were deeply saddened to learn about the death of Ezra Schwartz, an American citizen from Massachusetts who was murdered in a terrorist attack," National Security Council spokesperson Ned Price told The Jerusalem Post. "We extend our deepest condolences to the victim's family, friends and community as well as the family and friends of the four other people killed in yesterday's tragic events."
Price said the White House also remains concerned about the five other American citizens who were injured in the attack, perpetrated by a Palestinian man.
"We continue to condemn in the strongest possible terms these outrageous terrorist attacks," he said. "These tragic incidents underscore the importance of taking affirmative steps to restore calm, reduce tensions and bring an immediate end to the violence."
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Sign the petition for Ezra Schwartz H''YD
Sign the petition HERE publicly acknowledge Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American citizen from Sharon, MA, was murdered by a terrorist.
On November 19, 2015, Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American citizen from Sharon, MA, was murdered by a terrorist while on his way to do volunteer charity work. The government of the United States of America has failed to publicly acknowledge Ezra's murder and has taken no action to condemn the terror attack that took three lives.
We respectfully request that President Obama publicly acknowledge the senseless killing of Ezra Schwartz, condemn the attack and rebuke the Palestinian Authority for claiming that the third victim of this attack, an Israeli Arab, was killed by Israeli forces, when not a single shot was fired by Israeli military or law enforcement and the terrorist was taken into custody unharmed. Such lies are irresponsible and incite further terrorism.
On November 19, 2015, Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American citizen from Sharon, MA, was murdered by a terrorist while on his way to do volunteer charity work. The government of the United States of America has failed to publicly acknowledge Ezra's murder and has taken no action to condemn the terror attack that took three lives.
We respectfully request that President Obama publicly acknowledge the senseless killing of Ezra Schwartz, condemn the attack and rebuke the Palestinian Authority for claiming that the third victim of this attack, an Israeli Arab, was killed by Israeli forces, when not a single shot was fired by Israeli military or law enforcement and the terrorist was taken into custody unharmed. Such lies are irresponsible and incite further terrorism.
Levaya of Ezra Schwartz HY''D
The levayah of Ezra Schwartz Hy”d, whose young life was tragically cut down while returning with friends to yeshiva after a day that included distributing food to Israeli soldiers in Gush Etzion and a visit to a memorial for the three Israeli teens who were killed in 2014, will take place today at noon at Temple Sinai, located at 25 Canton Street in Sharon, Massachusettes. Following the levayah, the aron will be carried in a procession for kevurah at Sharon Memorial Park. The levayah will be streamed online HERE.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Agudah Urges Jewish Community to Push for Increased Security Funding
Amid the recent wave of terror attacks and threats, Agudath Israel has asked the Jewish community to contact their congressional representatives and urge them to increase funding for security.
“The Jewish community has a particular stake in this issue as it is no secret that we are a vulnerable and high-risk target,” the organization said in a press release.
In particular, the Agudah is now focusing on the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), which funds security equipment — such as cameras, concrete barriers and reinforced doors — for non-profit institutions, in certain cities, that are at high risk of terrorist attacks.
“The Jewish community has a particular stake in this issue as it is no secret that we are a vulnerable and high-risk target,” the organization said in a press release.
In particular, the Agudah is now focusing on the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), which funds security equipment — such as cameras, concrete barriers and reinforced doors — for non-profit institutions, in certain cities, that are at high risk of terrorist attacks.
Terror returns 5 killed hy'd
YERUSHALAYIM (Hamodia Staff) - Five people were killed in terror attacks in Tel Aviv and Gush Etzion on Thursday, including three Israelis, a yeshivah student from the United States and a Palestinian.
The first was a stabbing attack during Minchah at a minyan in the Panorama building on Ben Tzvi Street in southern Tel Aviv. Two people were killed and another wounded in the stabbings. The injured man, in his 50s, was taken to Ichilov hospital in moderate condition.
One man, Aharon Yasiev, 32, Hy”d, was pronounced dead on the scene after efforts to resuscitate him failed. A second victim, Reuven Aviram, Hy”d, succumbed to his wounds later at Ichiliv hospital.
The first was a stabbing attack during Minchah at a minyan in the Panorama building on Ben Tzvi Street in southern Tel Aviv. Two people were killed and another wounded in the stabbings. The injured man, in his 50s, was taken to Ichilov hospital in moderate condition.
One man, Aharon Yasiev, 32, Hy”d, was pronounced dead on the scene after efforts to resuscitate him failed. A second victim, Reuven Aviram, Hy”d, succumbed to his wounds later at Ichiliv hospital.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Jonathan Pollard is scheduled to be released on Friday parshas "Vayaitze"
With only days to go before Friday, November 20, 2015 — the date when Jonathan Pollard is scheduled to be released on parole — the small group of activists who have been at the forefront of the decades-long efforts to end what has been widely seen as a travesty of justice are keeping silent. Citing the extreme sensitivity of the situation, the inner circle is declining to speak to the media until he is actually released. Neither Jonathan nor his wife Esther, who has selflessly dedicated her life to leading the battle to gain her husband’s freedom, are expected to give interviews any time soon.
Welch's grape juice to be certified by the OU.
(JTA) — Welch’s is coming to seder this year.
For decades, America’s kosher grape juice market has been dominated by Kedem, whose sweet libations come in concord, blush, white, peach, diet and a variety of sparkling flavors.
But with U.S. sales flat when it comes to non-kosher grape juice, Welch’s, America’s largest grape juice company, is muscling its way into the kosher market.
Starting in January, Welch’s will begin selling 100 percent grape juice certified by the Orthodox Union as kosher for Passover and year-round use. The kosher juice is being produced in partnership with Manischewitz, the 120-year-old kosher food company known for its sweet concord wine and ubiquitous Passover matzah. The bottles will carry both the Welch’s and Manischewitz logos, and Manischewitz matzah boxes will carry ads for the grape juice.
For decades, America’s kosher grape juice market has been dominated by Kedem, whose sweet libations come in concord, blush, white, peach, diet and a variety of sparkling flavors.
But with U.S. sales flat when it comes to non-kosher grape juice, Welch’s, America’s largest grape juice company, is muscling its way into the kosher market.
Starting in January, Welch’s will begin selling 100 percent grape juice certified by the Orthodox Union as kosher for Passover and year-round use. The kosher juice is being produced in partnership with Manischewitz, the 120-year-old kosher food company known for its sweet concord wine and ubiquitous Passover matzah. The bottles will carry both the Welch’s and Manischewitz logos, and Manischewitz matzah boxes will carry ads for the grape juice.
White house looking for a menorah with a story for chanukah reception
Last year, the menorahs used during the candle-lighting ceremonies came from Israel and were created especially for the occasion. One was created by the Max Rayne Hand in Hand (Yad B’Yad) Bilingual School in Jerusalem and the other by residents of Yemin Orde, an Ethiopian-Israeli youth community in northern Israel. Each brought a unique story about coexistence and diversity in the State of Israel.
This year, we’re trying something new. We’re looking for a special and unique menorah that tells a story to be part of our candle lighting ceremony. A story about family, about community, about the long Jewish cultural tradition in the United States, Israel, or around the world. And we are asking for your help to find it.
This year, we’re trying something new. We’re looking for a special and unique menorah that tells a story to be part of our candle lighting ceremony. A story about family, about community, about the long Jewish cultural tradition in the United States, Israel, or around the world. And we are asking for your help to find it.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Harav Yechiel Nisselbaum, z”l
One of the last remaining talmidim of the Chofetz Chaim, Harav Yechiel Nisselbaum, z”l, was niftar Monday, 4 Kislev, at age 103.
Reb Yechiel was born in the town of Maltch in 1913. His father, Reb Dov Nisselbaum, z”l, was a businessman and a highly respected member of the community.
In 1930, having already studied in several other yeshivos, young Yechiel traveled to Radin to learn in the famed yeshivah there under Harav Mendel Zaks, zt”l. There he remained for many years, absorbing its unique approach to learning and atmosphere of yiras Shamayim. Although the Chofetz Chaim was very old and weak by the time Reb Yechiel arrived in the town, through his great determination the niftar still merited to glean a great deal from the tzaddik.
During these last years, the Chofetz Chaim very rarely left his home, but bachurim, Reb Yechiel among them, regularly came to form his minyan and hear his weekly mussar talks. Rav Nisselbaum recounted that the substance of these shmuessen was rarely directed at the talmidim in attendance and mostly focused on the problems and needs of Klal Yisrael.
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Hamodia photo |
Reb Yechiel was born in the town of Maltch in 1913. His father, Reb Dov Nisselbaum, z”l, was a businessman and a highly respected member of the community.
In 1930, having already studied in several other yeshivos, young Yechiel traveled to Radin to learn in the famed yeshivah there under Harav Mendel Zaks, zt”l. There he remained for many years, absorbing its unique approach to learning and atmosphere of yiras Shamayim. Although the Chofetz Chaim was very old and weak by the time Reb Yechiel arrived in the town, through his great determination the niftar still merited to glean a great deal from the tzaddik.
During these last years, the Chofetz Chaim very rarely left his home, but bachurim, Reb Yechiel among them, regularly came to form his minyan and hear his weekly mussar talks. Rav Nisselbaum recounted that the substance of these shmuessen was rarely directed at the talmidim in attendance and mostly focused on the problems and needs of Klal Yisrael.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Tefillos for Harav Moshe Shapiro
All are asked to daven for Rav Moshe Shapiro, noted rosh yeshiva, mechaber seforim, and baal machshavah, who is set to undergo surgery today at a hospital in Israel. His talmidim all over the world are davening for his full recovery. All are asked to daven for Rav Moshe ben Rochel.
Video: Rabbi Zwiebel on OTD "Its not they its WE"
Speaking at the Keynote session of the Agudah convention, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel spoke passionately about the children and neshamos that are leaving the fold. He said the original convention ad had a title that said "why are they leaving what can we do about it". He received an email from someone who has left the fold asking why is it a they versus we aren't we all one? aren't we all we?. he was right said rabbi Zwiebel it is true many of these young people who have so much pain and sorrow in their immediate family's, what about the pain that they suffered pain is i 2 way street we are all in this together there is a new title "OTD why is it happening what can WE do about it". It s a communal tragedy, a klal yisrael tragedy every person who walks away and brakes the link of mesorah is a national tragedy we are hemorrhaging. We must be mature and come up with ways and solutions to fix and prevent it. Its a problem that we have been dealing with for 20 years.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
Its Dinner time!
Besides for football, baseball or other sporting events, Sundays, host fundraising dinners for Yeshivos and Mosdos. Please come and show your support to the following Yeshivos and Mosdos.
wondering where? when? what time is the dinner? see below.
Sunday November 15, 2015 - 3 Kislev 5776
Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim/ Yeshiva of Staten Island 109th anniversary Dinner
Sunday November 15th- New York Marriott Brooklyn, 333 Adams street
reception at 5:00 pm
212-964-2830- MTJ Reservations.- Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz dinner chairman
Mirrer Yeshiva Mir Yeshiva Brooklyn Dinner
Sunday November 15th, 2015
The palace Ballroom 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Shiur 6:00 Dinner 6:30 pm- email
wondering where? when? what time is the dinner? see below.
Sunday November 15, 2015 - 3 Kislev 5776
Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim/ Yeshiva of Staten Island 109th anniversary Dinner
Sunday November 15th- New York Marriott Brooklyn, 333 Adams street
reception at 5:00 pm
212-964-2830- MTJ Reservations.- Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz dinner chairman
Mirrer Yeshiva Mir Yeshiva Brooklyn Dinner
Sunday November 15th, 2015
The palace Ballroom 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Shiur 6:00 Dinner 6:30 pm- email
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
What did Eisav really look like?
The Parsha sheets always showed Eisav dressed like a rasha and Yaakov avinu like a tzadik. A question was recently asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky, printed in a new released sefer on chumash, according to the opinion of the balei mussar, the Kotzker rebbe on eisav's appearance it is not so. Eisav they say was dressed like a tzadik on the chitzonyois he put on a show, it was inside that he was and acted lik eisav. Why then do they show a picture of him looking like a rasha? Rav Chaim responded that the pictures are indeed correct since they depict what his children look like.
Father and son killed r'l on way to aufruf of future son in law
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Invitation to wedding of his daughter |
Novominsk Rebbe will speak via video at the agudah convention
Tehillim for Lakewod Mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon
Horav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita the Lakewood mashgiach was reportedly rushed to the hospital earlier as is said to be in serious condition. Please daven for a refuah shlaima, name for tehillim is Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettil
Thursday night at the 93rd Agudath Israel Convention
Convention photos HERE and HERE
STAMFORD, CT - Laymen askanim and businessmen mingled with Gedolim and Rabbanim as the 93rd annual convention of Agudath Israel of America commenced Thursday, at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT.
The keynote session of the convention on Thursday evening was chaired by Raphael Zucker, chairman of the board of Agudath Israel of New Jersey. The Thursday night session is focused on the theme of leadership, addressing the timely question of “How to Lead and When to Follow.”
Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, delivered greetings on behalf of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America. A special guest expected at the convention is the Sadigura Rebbe of Bnei Brak, shlita, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Eretz Yisroel.
Rav Kamenetsky said that in the parashas hashavuah, Parashas Toldos, we learn that Yitchak dealt with his two sons each according to their personalities. Yitzchak understood that Yaakov could live in the framework of middos hadin, which was the ideal yardstick for the world. Yaakov would function as Shevet Levi would, perhaps a working relationship between them would be possible, but Rivka understood that it would not.
STAMFORD, CT - Laymen askanim and businessmen mingled with Gedolim and Rabbanim as the 93rd annual convention of Agudath Israel of America commenced Thursday, at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT.
The keynote session of the convention on Thursday evening was chaired by Raphael Zucker, chairman of the board of Agudath Israel of New Jersey. The Thursday night session is focused on the theme of leadership, addressing the timely question of “How to Lead and When to Follow.”
Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, delivered greetings on behalf of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America. A special guest expected at the convention is the Sadigura Rebbe of Bnei Brak, shlita, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Eretz Yisroel.
Rav Kamenetsky said that in the parashas hashavuah, Parashas Toldos, we learn that Yitchak dealt with his two sons each according to their personalities. Yitzchak understood that Yaakov could live in the framework of middos hadin, which was the ideal yardstick for the world. Yaakov would function as Shevet Levi would, perhaps a working relationship between them would be possible, but Rivka understood that it would not.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Jewish Rabbi stabbed in MIlan

The victim was identified as 40-year-old Natan Graph, who is the son-in-law of local Chabad Shliach Rabbi Levi Hezkia.
Local newspaper Corriere della Sera reports that he was walking on San Gimignano Avenue near a Jewish School and restaurant when he was accosted by a group of three Arabs – one of them possibly a woman – and was stabbed repeatedly in his back, chest and face.
Watch Agudah convention live stream hookup Thursday night Keynote 2015
For Motzei shabbos live broadcast of agudah convention click HERE
Agudah launches convention website and news feed
While still not having an official website the Agudah has been very active on social media and other online outlets. The 2015 Agudah convention will be broadcast live at the agudah convention website In addition those interested in following up to date news and information can follow the agudah twitter feed at @agudahnews. A website with the Torah hashkafos such as an online version of the previous Jewish Observer would do a lot to spread daas torah and counter all the non sense from the bloggers and the left.
Hagaon Harav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein, zt”l
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Rav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein Zt''l |
As per the will of the niftar, there were no hespedim.
Harav Dov Tzvi was born on 17 Tammuz 5694/1934, in Yerushalayim, to Harav Yerucham Fishel and Rebbetzin Ashirah Devorah Reichel. His maternal grandfather was Harav Menachem Mendel Porush, z”l. His family resided in the Shaarei Chessed neighborhood, where in his earliest youth the young Dov Tzvi merited to bask in the presence of the Gedolim who lived in the area.
Later, the family moved to Bnei Brak where Rav Yeruchem Fishel had accepted the position of menhale of the Talmud Torah Rabi Akiva in the Zichron Meir neighborhood. The niftar soon forged a very close relationship with the Chazon Ish, with whom he learned b’chavrusa for four years.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Agudah convention convenes tomorrow night sessions will be broadcast live
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Kosherfest gets underway for 2015
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New product showcase at Kosherfest 2015 |
Thousands of Chabad shluchim from around the world have gathered in Brooklyn
Thousands of Chabad shluchim from around the world have gathered in Brooklyn this weekend for their annual leadership convention. More than 5,000 shluchim the wives have a separate convention in January came from 86 countries around the world. They are from as near as Long Island and the Bronx and from as far as Thailand and Congo. The center point of the convention was at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, home of the World Lubavitch Headquarters.
One focus of the conference was the growth of Jewish life on college campuses, and how to further expand activities. On Friday, they visited the kever of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l, Harav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, in Queens. The gala dinner was on Sunday evening at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal in Sunset Park. Moishy Holtzberg, the sole survivor of the Chabad family murdered al kiddush Hashem seven years ago in a terror attack on the Mumbai Chabad center, led the gathering in Tehillim. Hamodia
One focus of the conference was the growth of Jewish life on college campuses, and how to further expand activities. On Friday, they visited the kever of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l, Harav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, in Queens. The gala dinner was on Sunday evening at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal in Sunset Park. Moishy Holtzberg, the sole survivor of the Chabad family murdered al kiddush Hashem seven years ago in a terror attack on the Mumbai Chabad center, led the gathering in Tehillim. Hamodia
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Rav Aaron Feldman letter regarding annuling a marriage.
הרב אהרן פלדמן
Tel.: 410-6539433 Fax: 410-6534694
Study: 410-4847200 Ext. 114
Rosh Hayeshiva ראש הישיבה
Ner Israel Rabbinical College ישיבת נר ישראל
בס"ד ז מרחשון תשע"ו בלטימאר יצ"ו
לגדולי התורה וההוראה היושבים על מדין די בכל אתר ואתר:
דבר חמור נפל בישראל לפני כמה שבועות העלול לערער את קדושת האישות בישראל, ומכיון שהפרטים ידועים לי ואני חש אחריות כלפי שמיא ונגד ישראל לעשות כל מה שבכוחי לתקן את הענין, באתי בזה להציע את הפרטים בפניכם כדי שאוכל לקבל חוות דעתכם על הענין.
הנידון הוא האשה תמר אפשטיין אשת אהרן פרידמן שבעלה זה רבות בשנים אינו מסכים לתת לה גט מחמת סכסוך ביניהם על אחזקת ילדתם. לפני כמה שבועות אחד הרבנים המובהקים והחשובים באמריקא התיר אותה להנשא לאיש אחר, ואף סידר את הקידושין ביניהם, מבלי שקיבלה גט פיטורין מבעלה.
כששאלתי את הרה”ג לטעם הדבר, אמר לי שביסס את הוראותו על כתב שהגישו לו מרופא פסיכיאטור מומחה הקובע שבעלה סובל מהפרעות אישיות פראנאידיות1 וכפיתתיות2 מאז שהתחתנה אתו, ושההפרעות האלה אינן ניתנות לרפואה. אשר על כן הקידושין בטלין ומבוטלין למפרע כדין מקח טעות.
Novominsk rebbe speaks in Har Nof shul 1 year after the massacre
On the first yartzheit of the massacre in Har Nof, a kinus was held at the khal Bnei Torah shul together with a siyum hashas. Children of the kedoshim said divrei hesped and zikaron. The Novominsker Rebbe rosh Agudas Yisrael of America was the main speaker.
Friday, November 6, 2015
The first Shadchan and shidduch- lessons in shidduchim- Parshas Chayei Sarah
This weeks Parsha discusses the shidduch between Yitzchok and Rivka as Avrohom sent Eliezer his servant to find a girl for his son. There was no shidduch crisis than it was all with Emunah. Eliezer is the first known shadchan in the Torah. Many important lessons in Shidduchim are derived from this parsha. Rav Elya Boruch Finkel ZT"l the Mir RoshYeshiva would give his yearly hashkafashmooze on shidduchim on this Shabbos. Heres a lesson from the Malbim HERE
Heres a list of Shidduchim resources, shadchanim, websites, general information
Ami Magazine Shadchan list HERE
Heres a list of Shidduchim resources, shadchanim, websites, general information
Ami Magazine Shadchan list HERE
Moishy Holtzberg, Now 9, Visiting NY for 1st Time
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Moishy Holtzberg in NY, Photo: ( |
Moishy, who turns 9-year-old next week, is the sole survivor of the family murdered al kiddush Hashem seven years ago in a terror attack on the Mumbai Chabad center. His parents, Rabbi Gabi and Rivka Holtzberg, Hy”d, were the directors of the Indian city’s Chabad house. The center was stormed by Islamist terrorists seven years ago next week.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Not Orthodox
Yated Neeman November 03, 2015
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
This week, the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel of America issued a proclamation pertaining to the Orthodoxy of the “Open Orthodox” movement. How tragic it is that Open Orthodoxy has not repented from its misguided ways and continues along its mischievous path, misleading well-meaning people and creating havoc in communities across the country.
We pray that the letter of the Moetzes will have the desired effect.
As attention is currently focused on the group, we present a compilation of columns published here in the Yated concerning Open Orthodoxy over the past decade for the edification of our readers and to provide background for the historic statement.
What makes one Jewish person Orthodox, another Conservative, and a third Reform? What is it that has defined Orthodoxy ever since that term was formulated to describe our way of life?
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
This week, the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel of America issued a proclamation pertaining to the Orthodoxy of the “Open Orthodox” movement. How tragic it is that Open Orthodoxy has not repented from its misguided ways and continues along its mischievous path, misleading well-meaning people and creating havoc in communities across the country.
We pray that the letter of the Moetzes will have the desired effect.
As attention is currently focused on the group, we present a compilation of columns published here in the Yated concerning Open Orthodoxy over the past decade for the edification of our readers and to provide background for the historic statement.
What makes one Jewish person Orthodox, another Conservative, and a third Reform? What is it that has defined Orthodoxy ever since that term was formulated to describe our way of life?
First Yartzheit of Har Nof massacar this shabbos 25 Cheshvan -Yom Tefillah

Join Aneinu women on Motzei Shabbos, November 7th to say Tehillim and the designated chapters
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Kinus Hashluchim 2015 begins tonight
In just under twelve hours the International Kinus Hashluchim will begin, with Shluchim from around the world converging on Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Organizers and volunteers have been hard at work making the final preparations ahead of this momentous event.
Orthodox Jew Stabbed in Crown Heights
Crown heights info- At around 8:30 Tuesday evening, a 34-year-old Orthodox Jewish man – who happens to be a volunteer for Hatzalah – was stabbed in the back by an assailant who snuck up on him from behind. The incident occurred on Eastern Parkway between Nostrand and Rogers Avenues in Crown Heights.
Previous reports that there were two stabbing victims are unfounded. An unrelated emergency medical call to Hatzalah that occurred around the same time appears to have led to the confusion.
Previous reports that there were two stabbing victims are unfounded. An unrelated emergency medical call to Hatzalah that occurred around the same time appears to have led to the confusion.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Cleveland Bochur Injured in Knife Attack in Yerushalayim Now Doing Well
In the recent wave of attacks on Israeli citizens by knife wielding Palestinians, there have been news stories about a bochur from Cleveland who was stabbed around 1:15pm October 30th. He was moderately wounded in an attack near Ammunition Hill in Yerushalayim. The terrorist was shot and neutralized. A second person was wounded by gunfire when police and security guards shot at the attacker, Ynet reports.
The student is Shalom Domb from Cleveland Heights. His family reports that he is out of the hospital and doing well. His injury was reduced due to the fact that he saw the attacker preparing his knife and was able to anticipate and flee earlier. Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov, Ki l’Olom Chasdo. LJN
The student is Shalom Domb from Cleveland Heights. His family reports that he is out of the hospital and doing well. His injury was reduced due to the fact that he saw the attacker preparing his knife and was able to anticipate and flee earlier. Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov, Ki l’Olom Chasdo. LJN
Monday, November 2, 2015
Agudah Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of America: Open orthodoxy not a form of Torah Judaism
The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, or Council of Torah Sages, which serves as Agudath Israel of America’s highest rabbinic body, has examined statements and positions put forth by representatives of the “Open Orthodox” groups and found that the movement is beyond the pale of Orthodoxy. To help prevent the Jewish public from being misled on the matter, the Council issued the following statement today:
OPEN ORTHODOXY,” And its leaders and affiliated entities (including, but not limited to, Yeshiva Chovevei Torah, Yeshivat Maharat, and International Rabbinic Fellowship), have shown countless times that they reject the basic tenets of our faith, particularly the authority of the Torah and its Sages. Accordingly, they are no different than other dissident movements throughout our history that have rejected these basic tenets.
We therefore inform the public that in our considered opinion, “Open Orthodoxy” is not a form of Torah Judaism (Orthodoxy), and that any rabbinic ordination (which they call “semicha”) granted by any of its affiliated entities to their graduates does not confer upon them any rabbinic authority.
May the Almighty have mercy on the remnants of His people and repair all breaches in the walls of the Torah, and may we be worthy to witness the raising of the glory of Hashem and His sacred Torah.
Cheshvan 5776
Hamodia article on Rebbetzin Tzirel Kamenetsky, a”h
Hamodia- Rebbetzin Tzirel Kamenetsky, a”h, the wife of ybl”c, Harav Binyomin Kamenetsky, was niftar over Shabbos. She and her husband were among the pioneers who built Torah in the Five Towns community of Long Island.
She was born in 1926, in the Polish town of Ostrow-Kalishin to Harav Pinchos Eliyahu, zt”l, and Rebbetzin Basha Spiegel, a”h. Her grandfather, Harav Naphtoli Aryeh, zt”l, was a revered Rebbe and a descendant of the Chozeh of Lublin.
In 1929, the family moved to America and settled in the Bronx, where Harav Naphtoli Aryeh established a beis medrash. Despite the winds of assimilation that prevailed in most of New York’s Jewish community at the time, the Spiegels raised their children with the highest standard of dedication to Yiddishkeit. Due to the total lack of options for Torahdig chinuch habanos at the time, young Tzirel attended public school. However, supported by the spirit of kedushah that filled her home, she remained steadfast in her dedication to the holy mesorah that she had inherited.
She was born in 1926, in the Polish town of Ostrow-Kalishin to Harav Pinchos Eliyahu, zt”l, and Rebbetzin Basha Spiegel, a”h. Her grandfather, Harav Naphtoli Aryeh, zt”l, was a revered Rebbe and a descendant of the Chozeh of Lublin.
In 1929, the family moved to America and settled in the Bronx, where Harav Naphtoli Aryeh established a beis medrash. Despite the winds of assimilation that prevailed in most of New York’s Jewish community at the time, the Spiegels raised their children with the highest standard of dedication to Yiddishkeit. Due to the total lack of options for Torahdig chinuch habanos at the time, young Tzirel attended public school. However, supported by the spirit of kedushah that filled her home, she remained steadfast in her dedication to the holy mesorah that she had inherited.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
When should frum women test for BRCA gene
Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin a Rav in Eretz Yisrael who funds a clinic in EY to test women for Breast cancer was recently interviewed on the Headlines halacha radio show. (Audio below) He says in the name of many Rabbonim and doctors in the medical community testing for the BRCA gene assuming there are no issues or reasons to test bedfore should be done at the age of 35. A baseline mammogram should be performed. Than from age 40-50 one should do an annual test with an ultra sound. of course if there is reason to suspect or a medical issue one must do so right away even at a very young age. This is calming news, where others are scaring young girls into testing at a much earlier age when there is no reason to. An article by R Yair Hoffman calls on frum women to test at 25 years old or after the birth of their first child. Listen to the fascinating interview.
Rebbetzin Tzirel Kamenetzky a'h
Rebbetzin Tzirel Kamenetzky a”h passed away Friday night She was 89. The Rebbetzin was the wife of ybl”c Rav Binyomin Kamenetzky, rosh yeshiva and founder of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of South Shore and pioneer of Torah in the Five Towns, NY.
The Rebbetzin’s husband, Rav Kamenetzky, is the eldest son of Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l and was sent by his venerable father, decades ago, to The Five Towns to bring Torah and Yiddishkeit to that part of New York. The Rebbetzin, like her husband, was well-known for her warm and endearing personality, and was beloved by all.
The Rebbetzin was one of the seven children of Rav Pinchus Eliyahu Spiegel, the Ostrove-Kalushiner Rebbe in the Bronx, and his Rebbetzin, Basha (nee Burstein).
Reb Pinchus Eliyahu was a descendant of a long history of Torah and chassidus. His father, Rav Naftali Aryeh, was a son-in-law of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Unger and a grandson of Rav Avrohom Elchonon Unger.
The Rebbetzin’s husband, Rav Kamenetzky, is the eldest son of Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l and was sent by his venerable father, decades ago, to The Five Towns to bring Torah and Yiddishkeit to that part of New York. The Rebbetzin, like her husband, was well-known for her warm and endearing personality, and was beloved by all.
The Rebbetzin was one of the seven children of Rav Pinchus Eliyahu Spiegel, the Ostrove-Kalushiner Rebbe in the Bronx, and his Rebbetzin, Basha (nee Burstein).
Reb Pinchus Eliyahu was a descendant of a long history of Torah and chassidus. His father, Rav Naftali Aryeh, was a son-in-law of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Unger and a grandson of Rav Avrohom Elchonon Unger.
Torah Vodaath Flatbush Chanukas Habayis celebration
Mishpacha magazine English edition issues clarification
The op-ed column by Aryeh Erlich published in the Hebrew Mishpacha did not appear in the English Mishpacha. While the two Mishpacha brands are under the same ownership, they each have completely separate Editorial Boards, each of which has its own autonomy over the editorial policies and decisions of their respective publication. The column under discussion does not reflect the English Mishpacha’s views on the issues in question.
Clarification from Hebrew Mishpacha magazine:
The State of Israel, and the Chareidi community, currently find themselves under a fatal reign of terror that doesn’t discern between one person to the next. We are all brothers, and we share the same circumstances when facing those who seek to harm us.
The op-ed that was published this week in the Hebrew Mishpacha seeks to expose the falsehood in the Palestinians’ claims that the reason for the terror is the practice of Jews going up to Har HaBayis – when in fact, they kill Jews from sheer hatred, without any differentiation between those who go up to Har HaBayis and those who don’t.
Clarification from Hebrew Mishpacha magazine:
The State of Israel, and the Chareidi community, currently find themselves under a fatal reign of terror that doesn’t discern between one person to the next. We are all brothers, and we share the same circumstances when facing those who seek to harm us.
The op-ed that was published this week in the Hebrew Mishpacha seeks to expose the falsehood in the Palestinians’ claims that the reason for the terror is the practice of Jews going up to Har HaBayis – when in fact, they kill Jews from sheer hatred, without any differentiation between those who go up to Har HaBayis and those who don’t.
Jewish Press defends Mishpacha magazine columnist
JP-An article in Mishpacha Magazine that begins in Arabic, begging Arabs to not kill Hareidi Jews, as Hareidim have no connection to the Temple Mount.
There’s nothing like an inspirational Mussar article in a Hareidi newspaper to get everyone angry.
Yes, their examples can be foolish, simplistic, naive, offensive and even revolting, but that’s only how non-Hareidim read it, and not what they meant, and not how their target Hareidi readership understands the content and context.
I never thought I’d be defending Mishpacha Magazine (Hebrew edition), but here I am. Mashiach must be on his way.
Discussions about an an article by Aryeh Ehrlich in this week’s Michpacha magazine went viral.
People read the first two or three paragraphs, where he begged the Arabs not to kill Hareidim, because Hareidim don’t go up to the Temple Mount and therefore have no part in this war.
There’s nothing like an inspirational Mussar article in a Hareidi newspaper to get everyone angry.

I never thought I’d be defending Mishpacha Magazine (Hebrew edition), but here I am. Mashiach must be on his way.
Discussions about an an article by Aryeh Ehrlich in this week’s Michpacha magazine went viral.
People read the first two or three paragraphs, where he begged the Arabs not to kill Hareidim, because Hareidim don’t go up to the Temple Mount and therefore have no part in this war.
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