Thursday, June 27, 2013

Using Gedolim to promote an agenda.

Lets face it, Rav Chaim kanievsky would not want us blogging or surfing online. His statements about the internet are very strong. Recently many bloggers and frum websites took upon themselves to defend  the kavod and honor of Rav Chaim kanievsky and Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman. They did so by bad mouthing, saying lashon hora, spreading machlokes and being mevazeh Talmidei chachomim, all in the name of being moche for the gedolei hador. An article starts off with a blaring headline about bizuy gedolei hador, and  the next sentence is full of  vitriol and hate against an entire chasidus. They have no problem degrading other Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva where they attack anyone who is not in line with their small mind.

This couldn't be further from the truth. If you are here to stand up for kavod shamayim, Kavod haTorah you wouldn't use Rav Chaim or the Satmar Rebbe, Rav pam or any other Gadol to promote your agenda of hate against other frum yidden whom YOU disagree with. Do these bloggers and webmasters do everything Rav Chaim holds of and practices? 

The bloggers. Tweeters, and haters would turn white, if the Gedolim or their Rebbeim who are in the next world would  see what they write online. The Gedolim don't need endorsements from so called anonymous bloggers, website owners who only hide behind them and use their name to further a personal agenda. Yaakov Avinu did not want his name associated with the story of Korach, would these Gedolim really want to be associated or appreciate a plug from these frum bloggers and tweeters?


  1. I love your blog!
    I'm sad you don't post more often.

    I'm curious if you see the irony in this post?

    Lets face it, Rav Chaim kanievsky would not want us blogging or surfing online. His statements about the internet are very strong. Recently many bloggers and frum websites took upon themselves to defend the kavod and honor of Rav Chaim kanievsky and Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman.

    1. Yes I think I got it. I'm not claiming to be a voice for Torah Jewry or the Yeshiva world.

    2. Many of these same Gedolim assur shaving, yet many people do. It all depends on your community - in some banning facebook is ideal, in others it is a simple way of business.

      Each man should follow his Moreh Horaah.

  2. ANy issue of lifnei iver if they put it in their ads in non-frum publications that frum people read?
    She-nir’eh et nehamat Yerushalayim u-binyanah bi-mherah ve-yamenu,
    Joel Rich
