אִכְלוּ מַשְׁמַנִּים וְסוֹלֶת רְבוּכָה תּוֹרִים וּבְנֵי יוֹנָה שַׁבָּת וַחֲנוּכָּה הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה בַּרְבּוּרִים אֲבוּסִים בְּשַׁפּוּדִים צְלוּיִם וְכָלִיל לָאִישִׁים אֶחָד מִן הַמְנוּיִם הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה רַךְ וָטוֹב וְשָׁמֵן צְלִי אֵשׁ וּמַצּוֹתעֲנוּ וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן וְאִכְלוּ בְּדִיצוֹת הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה הַקּוֹלוֹת יֶחֱדָלוּן מִנִּסּוּךְ הַמָּיִם בְּבֵית הַיַּיִן נָלוּן בְּכֹל יוֹם פַּעֲמָיִם הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה מִקּוֹלוֹת מַיִם רַבִּים תְּצִּלֶנָה אָזְנֵיכֶם וְכָל מִשְׁרַת דַּם עֲנָבִים לֹא יָמוּשׁ מִפִּיכֶם הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה
Click here : to listen to the Ashkenaz version
Clck here : to listen to the Bobov version
Click HERE to listen to Chazzan Chaim Adler
An interesting article, about An ancient, anonymous song for Shabbos Chanukah, Ichlu Mashmanim, appears in siddurim and is chanted in some communities. The whole composition sings the praises of food, meals, meat dishes, wine and miscellaneous culinary delights to be consumed on that Shabbos and the line ending each stanza goes: “A beis kur sell or lease; rent a beis kur for Shabbos Chanukah!”
Thinking out loud; discussing and debating the current issues and challenges affecting the Torah and yeshiva communities such as population growth, dangers of technology, parnassah, shidduchim, financial support of Torah and Chesed institutions, news of the yeshiva world and reviewing frum blogs,Torah media outlets.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Washington post on Rubashkin case: 107 former Justice officials think this case was handled unjustly. DOJ must act.
Op ed Washington Post
107 former Justice officials think this case was handled unjustly. DOJ must act.
Last week, President Obama granted clemency to 153 individuals who had been incarcerated under mandatory minimum drug-sentencing laws, bringing to more than 1,100 the number of clemency petitions the administration has granted. “You don’t just try to hammer everybody for as long as you can, because you can,” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the New York Times.
That is the right attitude for someone tasked with the fair administration of justice. Unfortunately, Yates and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch have, for the past year, rebuffed efforts by me and many other former senior Justice Department officials to even discuss another prosecution in which justice fell far short: the case of Sholom Rubashkin, a Brooklyn-born rabbi who was sentenced to 27 years for bank fraud.
Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, has already served seven years for the crime, which ordinarily merits no more than three years. Worse, his sentence was based on perjured testimony and prosecutorial misconduct. Read more at the washington post
107 former Justice officials think this case was handled unjustly. DOJ must act.
Last week, President Obama granted clemency to 153 individuals who had been incarcerated under mandatory minimum drug-sentencing laws, bringing to more than 1,100 the number of clemency petitions the administration has granted. “You don’t just try to hammer everybody for as long as you can, because you can,” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the New York Times.
That is the right attitude for someone tasked with the fair administration of justice. Unfortunately, Yates and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch have, for the past year, rebuffed efforts by me and many other former senior Justice Department officials to even discuss another prosecution in which justice fell far short: the case of Sholom Rubashkin, a Brooklyn-born rabbi who was sentenced to 27 years for bank fraud.
Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, has already served seven years for the crime, which ordinarily merits no more than three years. Worse, his sentence was based on perjured testimony and prosecutorial misconduct. Read more at the washington post
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Statement from Agudath Israel on UN Resolution
That the UN has once again shown that it is a counterproductive force in regard to Middle East peace comes as no surprise. But, whatever the United States’ position on “settlements,” the Obama Administration’s abstention from the Security Council’s vote and its allowing the resolution to go through make it complicit in the objectives and the result of the vote — to weaken Israel, the US-Israel relationship and the prospects for peace and security in the region.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon, A”h
Hamodia- LAKEWOOD - The Torah world was plunged into mourning Monday morning with the petirah of Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon, a”h, the Rebbetzin of, lhbc”l, the Mashgiach Harav Mattisyahu Salomon, shlita. The Rebbetzin was hospitalized several months ago, and the name Chayah was added. The name Miriam Chayah bas Sarah was in the tefillos of many over the last weeks. On Motzoei Shabbos, her condition became critical, and she was niftar in the hospital Monday morning, surrounded by family members. The levayah will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday in Bendheim Bais Medrash (Yoshon), on 7th street between Forest Avenue and Private Way. The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah.
Monday, November 28, 2016
WSJ: Obama Should Pardon Rubashkin Iowa Kosher-Food Executive
The Wall Street Journal is calling on President Obama to pardon Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin. The claim is that Prosecutors overstepped, interfered with the process of bankruptcy and then solicited false testimony.
WSJ- One of the Roman poet Juvenal’s best-known lines is quis custodiet ipsos custodes. Who will watch the watchers? Some 2,000 years later, this question is especially relevant for America’s criminal-justice system, given the power wielded by federal prosecutors. Too often their profound authority leads to significant abuse, as demonstrated by the case of Sholom Rubashkin.
Mr. Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, is the former vice president of Agriprocessors, a kosher food processor based in Postville, Iowa. On May 12, 2008, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided the company’s plant and arrested hundreds of the firm’s workers who were undocumented immigrants. This led the company to file for bankruptcy several months later.
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Asking President Obama when he paid visit to Crown Heights in 2013 to look into Rubashkin case |
WSJ- One of the Roman poet Juvenal’s best-known lines is quis custodiet ipsos custodes. Who will watch the watchers? Some 2,000 years later, this question is especially relevant for America’s criminal-justice system, given the power wielded by federal prosecutors. Too often their profound authority leads to significant abuse, as demonstrated by the case of Sholom Rubashkin.
Mr. Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, is the former vice president of Agriprocessors, a kosher food processor based in Postville, Iowa. On May 12, 2008, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided the company’s plant and arrested hundreds of the firm’s workers who were undocumented immigrants. This led the company to file for bankruptcy several months later.
Friday, November 25, 2016
South Korea abstained from vote against Israel at the UN because treatment of a worker by Orthodox Jewish company
This past weekend I heard an amazing story: Mr. Sol Werdiger, CEO of Outerstuff, (and president of Agudath Israel of America) a company that produces sports apparel, received a phone call from Mr. Oh Joon, the South Korean UN Ambassador asking to meet him for lunch at a Kosher restaurant in Manhattan.
Although Sol did not know the purpose of the meeting he agreed to meet with Mr. Joon.
When they met, Mr. Joon told him the following, "I have always heard negative stereotypes about Jews and Israel and I took it at face value. Then, my daughter took an internship working on design in your company. Throughout the year, she has been telling me how wonderful it is to work at your company."
Mr. Joon continued, "There are four areas which stood out and impressed my daughter. 1) Everyday, at 1:30 p.m., no matter what was going on at the office, all the men including those from neighboring offices, retreated into a room to pray with sincerity and calm. 2) Every Friday the office shuts down early in the afternoon in preparation for your holy Sabbath and is closed on the Sabbath - this includes all workers no matter which faith or religion they maintain. 3) My daughter observed that each petitioner for charity - and there were many - were treated with respect and left with a check in hand. 4) My daughter was treated with the utmost respect and dignity."
Although Sol did not know the purpose of the meeting he agreed to meet with Mr. Joon.
When they met, Mr. Joon told him the following, "I have always heard negative stereotypes about Jews and Israel and I took it at face value. Then, my daughter took an internship working on design in your company. Throughout the year, she has been telling me how wonderful it is to work at your company."
Mr. Joon continued, "There are four areas which stood out and impressed my daughter. 1) Everyday, at 1:30 p.m., no matter what was going on at the office, all the men including those from neighboring offices, retreated into a room to pray with sincerity and calm. 2) Every Friday the office shuts down early in the afternoon in preparation for your holy Sabbath and is closed on the Sabbath - this includes all workers no matter which faith or religion they maintain. 3) My daughter observed that each petitioner for charity - and there were many - were treated with respect and left with a check in hand. 4) My daughter was treated with the utmost respect and dignity."
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Donald Trump’s Early Thanksgiving
By Rabbi Hershy Z. Ten
With the Jewish New Year just over a month behind us, and the long nights of winter closing in, Jewish communities throughout the world have begun their new cycle of the weekly Krias haTorah. The parshiyos throughout sefer Bereishis describe the greatness of our Avos and the permanent impact they had on the world in which they lived, the children they bore, and the future of the Jewish people and humanity.
The first of the Avos, Avraham Avinu, is presented to us as a majestic and benevolent individual who possessed an unsurpassed level of empathy. Avraham Avinu was deeply affected not only by the plight of his own family, but by that of strangers whose lives may be in jeopardy. Despite his unwavering compassion for all, his steadfast commitment to those in need was never confused with weakness. Avraham was able to convey his kindness for the frail, the forgotten, and the sick while still exhibiting great strength and resolve when demanded of him.
G-d bestowed upon him the title Av Hamon Goyim (the father of many nations) and Avraham is identified throughout the literature of our Sages as the embodiment of chessed. It is our Patriarchs’ actions, character, and values to which we must look for inspiration and the blueprint for a meaningful life.
I believe I speak for many of us in stating that this year’s election cycle was an almost never-ending litany of drama, featuring passionately opposed politicians and supporters coupled with a barrage of media bias unlike no other in my memory. Adding fuel to the fire was the disheartening rhetoric and dishonesty prevalent throughout social media and our national news sources, regardless of the candidate or political affiliation. This year more than ever, we witnessed news outlets sharing half-truths, even flat-out lies, solely to promote their agenda; where sensationalism outplayed accuracy, and bias prevailed over accountability. This breakdown of common decency seemed aimed to strip away people’s dignity and illustrated a tragic collapse in our society with regard to how we treat those of opposing views and, more specifically, how we treat our fellow man.
To be human is to be flawed. Even the holiest of men and women who do their utmost to maintain the highest moral standard throughout their daily lives can suffer from making a poor decision, regardless if it was of their own accord or if they fell prey to another’s malicious intent. However, does a single flaw define one’s entire character and negate a lifetime of achievement or public service?
In America, our president must possess inordinate strength and wisdom, balanced with a genuine compassion and desire to answer the call for help from those who are underserved and less fortunate. Above all else, when a president reveals his steadfast commitment to humanity, it humanizes all of us and reflects the greatness of Americans. It’s human nature to believe things that jibe with our own beliefs; in this day and age, however, the endless plethora of misinformation at our fingertips can warp one’s opinion in the very worst way. We often take stories we read at face value because the writer’s opinion validates our own. However, we all know that not everything we see or hear is true, and it’s up to us to be diligent in vetting stories that carry such magnitude.
With this is mind, I am compelled to retell a very personal story featuring the extraordinary kindness Donald Trump showed to me and my family many years ago. I share this with the hope that it may inspire some readers to take a step back from the incessant negativity perpetuated by the media; to take a breath before reiterating another sensationalized headline that’s solely designed to distract, and learn the firsthand account of two parents whose desperate call to a New York icon on behalf of their critically ill son was answered without hesitation.
My history with Donald Trump began in July 1988. At that time my wife and I had been living in Los Angeles for five years after moving from New York. Our beautiful 3-year-old son Avraham Moshe was suffering from a severe lung condition.
With the Jewish New Year just over a month behind us, and the long nights of winter closing in, Jewish communities throughout the world have begun their new cycle of the weekly Krias haTorah. The parshiyos throughout sefer Bereishis describe the greatness of our Avos and the permanent impact they had on the world in which they lived, the children they bore, and the future of the Jewish people and humanity.
The first of the Avos, Avraham Avinu, is presented to us as a majestic and benevolent individual who possessed an unsurpassed level of empathy. Avraham Avinu was deeply affected not only by the plight of his own family, but by that of strangers whose lives may be in jeopardy. Despite his unwavering compassion for all, his steadfast commitment to those in need was never confused with weakness. Avraham was able to convey his kindness for the frail, the forgotten, and the sick while still exhibiting great strength and resolve when demanded of him.
G-d bestowed upon him the title Av Hamon Goyim (the father of many nations) and Avraham is identified throughout the literature of our Sages as the embodiment of chessed. It is our Patriarchs’ actions, character, and values to which we must look for inspiration and the blueprint for a meaningful life.
I believe I speak for many of us in stating that this year’s election cycle was an almost never-ending litany of drama, featuring passionately opposed politicians and supporters coupled with a barrage of media bias unlike no other in my memory. Adding fuel to the fire was the disheartening rhetoric and dishonesty prevalent throughout social media and our national news sources, regardless of the candidate or political affiliation. This year more than ever, we witnessed news outlets sharing half-truths, even flat-out lies, solely to promote their agenda; where sensationalism outplayed accuracy, and bias prevailed over accountability. This breakdown of common decency seemed aimed to strip away people’s dignity and illustrated a tragic collapse in our society with regard to how we treat those of opposing views and, more specifically, how we treat our fellow man.
To be human is to be flawed. Even the holiest of men and women who do their utmost to maintain the highest moral standard throughout their daily lives can suffer from making a poor decision, regardless if it was of their own accord or if they fell prey to another’s malicious intent. However, does a single flaw define one’s entire character and negate a lifetime of achievement or public service?
In America, our president must possess inordinate strength and wisdom, balanced with a genuine compassion and desire to answer the call for help from those who are underserved and less fortunate. Above all else, when a president reveals his steadfast commitment to humanity, it humanizes all of us and reflects the greatness of Americans. It’s human nature to believe things that jibe with our own beliefs; in this day and age, however, the endless plethora of misinformation at our fingertips can warp one’s opinion in the very worst way. We often take stories we read at face value because the writer’s opinion validates our own. However, we all know that not everything we see or hear is true, and it’s up to us to be diligent in vetting stories that carry such magnitude.
With this is mind, I am compelled to retell a very personal story featuring the extraordinary kindness Donald Trump showed to me and my family many years ago. I share this with the hope that it may inspire some readers to take a step back from the incessant negativity perpetuated by the media; to take a breath before reiterating another sensationalized headline that’s solely designed to distract, and learn the firsthand account of two parents whose desperate call to a New York icon on behalf of their critically ill son was answered without hesitation.
My history with Donald Trump began in July 1988. At that time my wife and I had been living in Los Angeles for five years after moving from New York. Our beautiful 3-year-old son Avraham Moshe was suffering from a severe lung condition.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Baruch Dayan Haemes: Reb Ben Zion Shenker, Z”l
Hamodia- Baruch Dayan Haemes.
The Modzhitz community, and the Jewish world at large, mourned the petirah of Reb Ben Zion Shenker, z”l, at the age of 92, on Sunday morning.
The levayah will be held at 1 p.m. from Shomrei Hadas.
Reb Ben Tzion’s musical compositions have become such integral parts of the world of Jewish song, that many do not even know that some of the most commonly sung melodies originated with him. The melodies he authored for Aishes Chayil, Mizmor l’Dovid and Yasis Alayich are second nature to Jews throughout the world.
The Modzhitz community, and the Jewish world at large, mourned the petirah of Reb Ben Zion Shenker, z”l, at the age of 92, on Sunday morning.
The levayah will be held at 1 p.m. from Shomrei Hadas.
Reb Ben Tzion’s musical compositions have become such integral parts of the world of Jewish song, that many do not even know that some of the most commonly sung melodies originated with him. The melodies he authored for Aishes Chayil, Mizmor l’Dovid and Yasis Alayich are second nature to Jews throughout the world.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Agudah convention ‘We Are All Children of Avraham Avinu’
Hamodia report- for Photos convention of 94th Agudah click HERE.
Addressing the theme “Understanding, Recognizing and Appreciating Who We Are,” the 94th annual convention of Agudath Israel of America commenced Thursday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT. Laymen and businessmen came together with Gedolim and Rabbanim at the much-anticipated annual event.. Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs at Agudath Israel Of Illinois and convention coordinator, offered introductory remarks. Harav Yosef Frankel, shlita, Vyelipoler Rebbe, and Moetzes
Addressing the theme “Understanding, Recognizing and Appreciating Who We Are,” the 94th annual convention of Agudath Israel of America commenced Thursday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT. Laymen and businessmen came together with Gedolim and Rabbanim at the much-anticipated annual event.. Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs at Agudath Israel Of Illinois and convention coordinator, offered introductory remarks. Harav Yosef Frankel, shlita, Vyelipoler Rebbe, and Moetzes
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Agudah convention 2016 gets underway

The Jewish Observer, back then

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Trump won Lakewood NJ by more than 50% votefor Donald Trump biggest margin in all of N.J
The 25 'Trumpiest' towns in New Jersey
Ed Murray | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in New Jersey with a comfortable 13 percentage point margin, garnering New Jersey's 14 electoral votes. But what towns contributed to the 1.5 million votes that Trump received on Tuesday? Which towns did Trump win the most decidedly?
NJ Advance Media analyzed the data and found the towns with a population over 10,000, where residents cast a total of more than 7,500 votes and Trump won by more than a 20 percent margin. n addition, the Census shows most of Trump's towns are relatively affluent, with very low poverty levels. The one exception is Lakewood Township in Ocean County, where 38.8 percent of residents live in poverty. Lakewood, which is also the town with over 10,000 residents that voted for Trump by the highest margin, is home to a large Orthodox Jewish population which has historically been solidly Republican.
Ed Murray | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in New Jersey with a comfortable 13 percentage point margin, garnering New Jersey's 14 electoral votes. But what towns contributed to the 1.5 million votes that Trump received on Tuesday? Which towns did Trump win the most decidedly?
NJ Advance Media analyzed the data and found the towns with a population over 10,000, where residents cast a total of more than 7,500 votes and Trump won by more than a 20 percent margin. n addition, the Census shows most of Trump's towns are relatively affluent, with very low poverty levels. The one exception is Lakewood Township in Ocean County, where 38.8 percent of residents live in poverty. Lakewood, which is also the town with over 10,000 residents that voted for Trump by the highest margin, is home to a large Orthodox Jewish population which has historically been solidly Republican.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
50 Satmar chasidim head to buffalo, NY in search of pair of Tefillin that fell into a trash can
WILLIAMSBURG: At least 50 Yungerleit head to Buffalo, NY on Sunday to go thru a massive garbage dump in search for a pair of Tefillin Watch video below of Talis bag falling into a garbage can.
לא תאמינו מי גנב את התפילין מבית הכנסת (תצפו עד הסוף) pic.twitter.com/e8yHtVLfnE— חדשות בחדרי חרדים (@behadrei_bhol) November 10, 2016
Mishpacha magazine took a gamble on Hillary, but Trump won
It looked as if Hillary Clinton was going to be elected president of the united states. For the frum print media the great dilemma was do we or dont we print her picture. most frum Torah oriented newspapers and magazines have a policy of not printing any pictures of woman. Perhaps for Hillary it was time to make an exception, and that is what the Mishpacha magazine did. After consulting with their rabbinical board they put a picture of Hillary Clinton on the front cover it was a touched up photo with some graphics but the statement was made. For the next 4 years, Hillary Clinton as president will have her picture printed in the paper. This change in policy outraged other frum publications and were upset that Mishpacha has unilaterally broken the no woman photo rule. In the end Donald Trump shocked the world and is now president elect to be the 45th president of the USA. The papers breathed a sigh of relief they dodged a bullet, while Mishpacha might have jumped the gun on this, its safe to say for now that the next first lady will not have her picture printed in any frum Torah newspaper.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Statement from Agudath Israel of America on the presidential Election
Following the election of Mr. Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States, Rabbi David Zwiebel, Agudath Israel's executive vice president, issued the following statement of congratulations:
Agudath Israel of America congratulates Mr. Trump and Governor Pence on their historic victory in yesterday's election. We offer them our most sincere wishes and heartfelt prayers for success.
We have always enjoyed close working relationships with the White House, irrespective of which political party happens to be its occupant, and we similarly look forward to working closely with President Trump and his Administration in the weeks and years ahead.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
American Roshei Yeshiva say to vote Trump some chasidim vote for Hillary
Supposedly The Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita and the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yerucham Olshin shlita when asked by talmidim who to vote for in the presidential election have said to vote for Donald Trump. Israeli website BHOL reports that other Roshei yeshiva are voting for the Donald. Satmar chasidim on the other hand have sais to vote for Hillary Clinton as did Skver chasidim both have good ties with her while she served as a NY senator.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Mishpacha magazine responds to Hillary cover photo
Mishpacha reporter Sruly Besser responds to Hamodia editorial via Facebook post
Dear Hamodia
Im so sorry that you dont find us to be true charedim. I thought hours of conversation and deliberation with real rabbanim would give us some credibility, but I guess not. Im sorry that when we asked genuine gedolim and poskim how to proceed and followed their advice, we didnt think to ask you what true charedi papers have always done.
Im much sorrier that you thought it wise to make this a public issue, because the charedim (true, not true, whatever) don't need this story in the secular media. We were barraged by requests for comment last week from major media outlets, and we respectfully fended them off because were not here to be spokesmen and saviors, just to do keep doing our jobs with ehrlichkeit, professionalism and dedication. Its not about us.
Dear Hamodia
Im so sorry that you dont find us to be true charedim. I thought hours of conversation and deliberation with real rabbanim would give us some credibility, but I guess not. Im sorry that when we asked genuine gedolim and poskim how to proceed and followed their advice, we didnt think to ask you what true charedi papers have always done.
Im much sorrier that you thought it wise to make this a public issue, because the charedim (true, not true, whatever) don't need this story in the secular media. We were barraged by requests for comment last week from major media outlets, and we respectfully fended them off because were not here to be spokesmen and saviors, just to do keep doing our jobs with ehrlichkeit, professionalism and dedication. Its not about us.
INN: Hamodia vs. Mishpacha: Hillary doesn't belong on the cover
After Mishpacha Magazine published a picture of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton on the front cover of its English edition, Hamodia Israel, wrote an editorial,
Traditionally, haredi news outlets do not publish pictures of women, as doing so is not considered modest.
"True haredi newspapers never have and never will publish pictures of women, even if they are in leadership positions," wrote Hamodia in their editorial. "Jews have their own view of everything that happens, especially when the subject is as important as elections. In the eyes of Jews, the US is definitely a 'kingdom of kindness' in our days and deserves recognition and appreciation for that."
Traditionally, haredi news outlets do not publish pictures of women, as doing so is not considered modest.
"True haredi newspapers never have and never will publish pictures of women, even if they are in leadership positions," wrote Hamodia in their editorial. "Jews have their own view of everything that happens, especially when the subject is as important as elections. In the eyes of Jews, the US is definitely a 'kingdom of kindness' in our days and deserves recognition and appreciation for that."
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Video: Watch Donald Trump daughter prays at Ohel for her father
Ivanka Trump, the Jewish daughter of presidential candidate Donald Trump, visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s gravesite in Queens tonight along with her husband Jared Kushner to pray on behalf of her father and her family. CHI
Members of "Tantzers" injured in horrific car accident
Hamodia A horrific crash occurred late Thursday night on the Palisades Parkway, critically injuring two people, R”l. Readers are asked to daven for Aliksander Zisha ben Eliza and Yeshayahu Dov Yehuda ben Shoshana l’refuah sheleimah, b’soch sh’ar cholei Yisrael.
Three members of the “Tantzers” were heading back to Boro Park after dancing at a wedding in Monsey. Shortly before midnight, around Exit 11, a deer ran in front of their minivan. The driver swerved to avoid hitting the deer; however, he lost control of the vehicle, which then crashed into a tree. Numerous emergency services responded to the scene, including Hatzolah, EMS, State Police and the Fire Department.
Three members of the “Tantzers” were heading back to Boro Park after dancing at a wedding in Monsey. Shortly before midnight, around Exit 11, a deer ran in front of their minivan. The driver swerved to avoid hitting the deer; however, he lost control of the vehicle, which then crashed into a tree. Numerous emergency services responded to the scene, including Hatzolah, EMS, State Police and the Fire Department.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Yated: " Hopefully, the citizenry elects an administration dedicated to law, order, morals, and making America great again."
Yated Neeman editorial not an election endorsment but hinting on it.
It might just be a discarded candy wrapper on the floor of the shul, or trapped on a seforim shelf. Maybe it’s a piece of a festively-colored flag still sitting in the corner or a stray arava leaf floating down from atop the aron kodesh. The reminders of the recent Yom Tov are everywhere, as we struggle to hold on to the glorious days that have come and gone.
The period following Sukkos is one of the loneliest times of the year. As the decorations are peeled off and the sukkah is taken apart and put away, we feel exposed and removed from the comforting shelter in which we were enveloped for more than a month.
This year, that feeling is compounded when we note how we are accosted daily with news that would cause people from a different generation to blush. There seems to be no place to hide from the constant onslaught. Wherever you go, that is what people are discussing. Next week, hopefully, that will end, as the citizenry elects an administration dedicated to law, order, morals, and making America great again.
It might just be a discarded candy wrapper on the floor of the shul, or trapped on a seforim shelf. Maybe it’s a piece of a festively-colored flag still sitting in the corner or a stray arava leaf floating down from atop the aron kodesh. The reminders of the recent Yom Tov are everywhere, as we struggle to hold on to the glorious days that have come and gone.
The period following Sukkos is one of the loneliest times of the year. As the decorations are peeled off and the sukkah is taken apart and put away, we feel exposed and removed from the comforting shelter in which we were enveloped for more than a month.
This year, that feeling is compounded when we note how we are accosted daily with news that would cause people from a different generation to blush. There seems to be no place to hide from the constant onslaught. Wherever you go, that is what people are discussing. Next week, hopefully, that will end, as the citizenry elects an administration dedicated to law, order, morals, and making America great again.
Agudah convention 2016 launches website
The 2016 Agudah convention will take place on November 17-20 2016 at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Stamford, CT פרשת וירא טז-יט חשון תשע״ז. The Agudah which officially does not have a website of its own has launched a convention website with information and program schedule of the upcoming Agudah convention. Go to Agudahconvention.org for all information.
To see the program schedule click HERE
To see the program schedule click HERE
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Mishpacha magazine puts HER picture on front cover
Mishpacha magazine prints photo of Hillary Clinton on its front cover. The frum Torah media has thus far not published pictures of Hillary Clinton a long standing practice of not printing any photos of women. During this election cycle some papers printed Hillary in caricature form or silhouette. Lets see what happens after next week Tuesday.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Hamodia: "Our responsibility to vote goes far beyond our efforts to put whom we see as the right person in the right position"
Hamodia- Editorial
By By Harav Chaim Kohn
The institution of government is the foundation of any civilization. The Torah commands us to establish governments, and hence there is a mitzvah to create a monarchy. It is true that the era between the leadership of Yehoshua and the end of the period of the Shoftim was defined by a decentralized model of self-government. However, this was only possible due to the extraordinary spiritual level that characterized those generations. Their degree of subservience to the yoke of malchus Shamayim rendered conventional government unnecessary. From that time on, however, without the presence and power of an established authority, anarchy and chaos would reign.
By By Harav Chaim Kohn
The institution of government is the foundation of any civilization. The Torah commands us to establish governments, and hence there is a mitzvah to create a monarchy. It is true that the era between the leadership of Yehoshua and the end of the period of the Shoftim was defined by a decentralized model of self-government. However, this was only possible due to the extraordinary spiritual level that characterized those generations. Their degree of subservience to the yoke of malchus Shamayim rendered conventional government unnecessary. From that time on, however, without the presence and power of an established authority, anarchy and chaos would reign.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Making light of mitzvos on social media are we different than the Meraglim?
The Meraglim spoke Lashon Hora about Eretz Yisrael they painted a bad picture with their report back from their trip to holy land. They brought back unique extraordinarily large fruits to scare the Jews of what lay ahead and show that the land was abnormal and dangerous.
The trend on social media is unfortunately to make light of mitzvos as people compete who can come up with a new creative video clip or photo to make fun of a mitzvah. We cant simply show a normal routine act we must emphasize a guy shaking a very large Lulav and huge Hoshaanas. A Lulav as a selfie stick, with a caption "WiFi not working". A series of video clips making fun of tzedaka collectors,making fun of lighting shabbos candles, Swinging into a sukka making a bracha again and again etc.. the list goes on and on.
Some websites proudly post these funny little videos innocently and everyone gets a good laugh. However are we not belittling Hashem's Torah? are we poking fun at the commandments and mitzvos?
The more you see these silly videos, the more it becomes our sensitivities are dulled and it cheapens the mitzvos.
The Meraglim had bad intentions, but are we not doing the same act they did?
The trend on social media is unfortunately to make light of mitzvos as people compete who can come up with a new creative video clip or photo to make fun of a mitzvah. We cant simply show a normal routine act we must emphasize a guy shaking a very large Lulav and huge Hoshaanas. A Lulav as a selfie stick, with a caption "WiFi not working". A series of video clips making fun of tzedaka collectors,making fun of lighting shabbos candles, Swinging into a sukka making a bracha again and again etc.. the list goes on and on.
Some websites proudly post these funny little videos innocently and everyone gets a good laugh. However are we not belittling Hashem's Torah? are we poking fun at the commandments and mitzvos?
The more you see these silly videos, the more it becomes our sensitivities are dulled and it cheapens the mitzvos.
The Meraglim had bad intentions, but are we not doing the same act they did?
Israel moves clocks back one hour tonight
YERUSHALAYIM - The official start of winter is still over a month away, but “winter time” – also known as standard time – returns to Israel Motzoei Shabbos. At 2 a.m. Sunday, clocks will be set back an hour. The time difference between Israel and the East Coast of the U.S. will thus be six hours for the next week, until standard time is instituted in the U.S.
Daylight savings time will return in Israel on March 24, 2017. Out of the 365 days of the solar year, 220 of them are part of daylight savings time, similar to the number in most of Europe.
Israelis were urged to check their cell phones and ensure that they update properly. For various reasons, cell phones, which display the time based on automatic updates by cell phone service providers, tend to display the wrong time or update a week earlier or later. Turning off automatic updates and setting the time manually is recommended for those who use their phones as alarm clocks, to ensure that they wake up on time, officials said. Hamodia
Daylight savings time will return in Israel on March 24, 2017. Out of the 365 days of the solar year, 220 of them are part of daylight savings time, similar to the number in most of Europe.
Israelis were urged to check their cell phones and ensure that they update properly. For various reasons, cell phones, which display the time based on automatic updates by cell phone service providers, tend to display the wrong time or update a week earlier or later. Turning off automatic updates and setting the time manually is recommended for those who use their phones as alarm clocks, to ensure that they wake up on time, officials said. Hamodia
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Nothing Jewish about the "Forward" rag
First was an article encouraging Jews not to go to shul on Yom Kippur, now another ignoramus article telling Jews not to listen to the Torah and ditch the four species for Sukkot. How they consider themselves Jewish just boggles the mind. As a foundation this rag receives funding to promote Jewish content, well its time to ditch this paper and use it to wrap fish.
Erev succos is for men what Erev Pesach is for women
Talk about Erev Pesach the pressure of getting ready for the Seder, making sure there is no chometz, turning over the kitchen, cooking the zeroa, making charoses etc. Men usually have easy chores when it comes to Erev Pesach its the Nashim tzidkaniyos that are the ones knocked out when we sit by the seder.
Its on Erev Sukkos that the men get to feel a bit what it is for the women on Erev Pesach. Talk about the stress of getting the sukkah up, making sure its sturdy, adding 2 new panels, last minute runs to the local hardware store- a screw and bolt here, a light fixture, oops need to run back for an adapter since its 3 prongs, Setting the shabbos clock, putting up the decorations. Then its back to the store for another 6x4 mat for the schach and a fold-able cot for the son in law who sleeps in the sukkah.
Its on Erev Sukkos that the men get to feel a bit what it is for the women on Erev Pesach. Talk about the stress of getting the sukkah up, making sure its sturdy, adding 2 new panels, last minute runs to the local hardware store- a screw and bolt here, a light fixture, oops need to run back for an adapter since its 3 prongs, Setting the shabbos clock, putting up the decorations. Then its back to the store for another 6x4 mat for the schach and a fold-able cot for the son in law who sleeps in the sukkah.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Halachos laws and minhagim for Erev Rosh Hashana 5777
1. Following selichos we say hataras nedorim on erev Rosh Hashana
2. Some have a minhag to purchase a new knife on Erev Rosh hashana as a segulah for parnassah.
3. The minhag is for men to fast on erev Rosh Hashana up to chatzos.
4. Some go to visit kivrei tzadikim on erev Rosh Hashana
5. Minhag is to go to the mikva on erev yom tov.
6. The beracha on candle lighting for Rosh Hashana is lihadlik ner shol yom tov, without mention of Yom Hazikaron
7. We do not blow the shofar after shachris on Erev Rosh Hashana.
For general halachos of Rosh hashana, regarding the simanim, shofar, davening etc.. click HERE
Segulah for Parnassah- purchase a new Knife on Erev Rosh Hashana
החותך חיים לכל חי
Though this is not a common custom, It is brought down in Seforim to sharpen the knives on erev Rosh Hashana and to buy a new knife as a segulah for Parnassah, There is a discussion among poskim if one may buy a sharp knife it as a gift.
One of the reasons given is that hashem in charge of everything, yet He does have a whole slew of ministering angels who carry out His orders."Chatach," (חתך), which means "cut," is the name of the angel in charge of livelihood. Consider that the final letters of the Hebrew words, פותח את ידך, "You open up Your hand" spell "chatach." Additionally, the word that follows in the verse, "u'masbe'a" – "and satisfy [the desire of every living being]" has the numerical value of 428 – the same value as the word "chatach."
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Statement from Agudath Israel of America on the passing of Shimon Peres
Agudath Israel of America notes with sadness the passing of Shimon Peres, former Prime Minister and President of the state of Israel, at the age of 93. Throughout his long political career, Shimon Peres displayed great respect for the Orthodox Jewish community and its rabbinic leaders. Mr. Peres repeatedly defended the religious status quo against those who sought to undermine the Jewish character of Israel. On a personal level, he enjoyed a warm relationship with a number of charedi and dati leaders and activists. On one of his last trips to Israel, the late president of Agudath Israel, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, met with then Prime Minister Peres and praised him for his strong support of maintaining the unity of the Jewish people by standing firm in support of the religious status quo. Agudath Israel extends its deep sympathies and sincere condolences to the Peres family. HaMakom yenachem osam b’soch she’ar aveilei Tzion v’Yrushalayim – may Hashem comfort them among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Former Israeli President Shimon Peres passes away at 93
Hamodia YERUSHALAYIM - On September 28, 25 Elul, Shimon Peres passed away.
Peres, 93, who had served as prime minister and in various ministerial capacities in successive administrations, recorded a range of achievements in the areas of defense, economy and social justice in the country. Peres fought for his life during his final weeks after a serious stroke, but on Tuesday his medical condition deteriorated dramatically, organs failed, and family members and close friends were summoned to his bedside at Tel Hashomer hospital to bid him farewell.
Peres, a key figure in Israel’s founding generation, was at the center of the state’s development in the 68 years since its inception. He served in a dozen cabinets and twice as prime minister, even though he never won a general election outright in five tries from 1977 to 1996. He later served as president, a largely ceremonial role in Israel, from 2007–2014, before leaving government.
Peres, 93, who had served as prime minister and in various ministerial capacities in successive administrations, recorded a range of achievements in the areas of defense, economy and social justice in the country. Peres fought for his life during his final weeks after a serious stroke, but on Tuesday his medical condition deteriorated dramatically, organs failed, and family members and close friends were summoned to his bedside at Tel Hashomer hospital to bid him farewell.
Peres, a key figure in Israel’s founding generation, was at the center of the state’s development in the 68 years since its inception. He served in a dozen cabinets and twice as prime minister, even though he never won a general election outright in five tries from 1977 to 1996. He later served as president, a largely ceremonial role in Israel, from 2007–2014, before leaving government.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Misaskim kindness in Action yearly
Live charidy campaign click to donate
Judaism celebrates life. Joy. Family. But what happens when tragedy strikes? In the face of catastrophe or chaos, most are at a loss for words or action. In that space where all hope ends, Misaskim’s work begins. A loved one has died. A storm has consumed an entire city. A child goes missing. Misaskim is there when no one else can, or wants, to be – providing comfort, sensitivity,
Day of Jewish unity
An Orthodox Jewish outreach group that last year called for a “Day of Jewish Unity” to oppose the Iran nuclear deal is repeating the event this year, this time with the goal of countering the “polarizing political climate.”
Acheinu, based in Lakewood, New Jersey, and Israel, is encouraging yeshivas, synagogues and individuals to study and pray for peace and unity on Sept. 27, one day after the first presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.
Comments from both candidates are featured in a promotional video for the event as examples of “the rancor rampant in the discourse between both campaigns.”
The organization is urging Jews around the world to recite selections from the Book of Psalms and study works by the Chofetz Chaim, the nom de plume of Israel Meir Kagan, an Eastern European rabbi of the late 19th and early 20th centuries best known for his works about the dangers of gossip. Acheinu is the kiruv, or outreach, arm of Dirshu, an organization dedicated to the works and legacy of the Chofetz Chaim.
The day will include a visit by rabbis associated with Dirshu to the Chofetz Chaim’s grave in Radin, Belarus.
Acheinu, based in Lakewood, New Jersey, and Israel, is encouraging yeshivas, synagogues and individuals to study and pray for peace and unity on Sept. 27, one day after the first presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.
Comments from both candidates are featured in a promotional video for the event as examples of “the rancor rampant in the discourse between both campaigns.”
The organization is urging Jews around the world to recite selections from the Book of Psalms and study works by the Chofetz Chaim, the nom de plume of Israel Meir Kagan, an Eastern European rabbi of the late 19th and early 20th centuries best known for his works about the dangers of gossip. Acheinu is the kiruv, or outreach, arm of Dirshu, an organization dedicated to the works and legacy of the Chofetz Chaim.
The day will include a visit by rabbis associated with Dirshu to the Chofetz Chaim’s grave in Radin, Belarus.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
A Few Musings from Vacation on blogsphere
Rabbo Avrohom Gordimer who is one of the selfless individuals defending the torah from the onslaught of bloggers and the like took a vacation from writing, below are 6 points he has gleaned since he stopped contributing. In A blog post here in 2013 Klal yisrael is nod trending online we shared a similar take.
By Rav Avrohom Gordimer posted on Cross Currents
My “vacation” from writing articles about the issues and controversies of the day has been quite refreshing – and quite educational. I think that I have learned or reviewed more life lessons in the past five weeks than I have done in a while. Although I am still on break, I’d like to share a bit of what I have gleaned from my return to the outside of the Orthodox blogosphere. These are not new ideas, but they are ideas which become exponentially clearer and compelling upon taking a step back from the action:
1. Many issues are not as important as the blogosphere makes them out to be. In the real world of Orthodox Jewry, most people are focused on learning Torah, doing mitzvos, working and taking care of their families. Numerous issues that become of central interest online are of little or no importance to much of the hamon am, and these issues do not affect it in any substantial way. Furthermore, the bulk of the novel and attention-grabbing Torah notions floated in the blogosphere don’t make it to the beis medrash or to the discourse of serious talmidei chachamim – and, when they do on occasion make it to the shaarei ha-Torah and are given consideration, they are quite often dismissed by the Torah masters as unfounded or as of amateur quality.
By Rav Avrohom Gordimer posted on Cross Currents
My “vacation” from writing articles about the issues and controversies of the day has been quite refreshing – and quite educational. I think that I have learned or reviewed more life lessons in the past five weeks than I have done in a while. Although I am still on break, I’d like to share a bit of what I have gleaned from my return to the outside of the Orthodox blogosphere. These are not new ideas, but they are ideas which become exponentially clearer and compelling upon taking a step back from the action:
1. Many issues are not as important as the blogosphere makes them out to be. In the real world of Orthodox Jewry, most people are focused on learning Torah, doing mitzvos, working and taking care of their families. Numerous issues that become of central interest online are of little or no importance to much of the hamon am, and these issues do not affect it in any substantial way. Furthermore, the bulk of the novel and attention-grabbing Torah notions floated in the blogosphere don’t make it to the beis medrash or to the discourse of serious talmidei chachamim – and, when they do on occasion make it to the shaarei ha-Torah and are given consideration, they are quite often dismissed by the Torah masters as unfounded or as of amateur quality.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
European Jews afraid to go to shul for Yomim Noraim
Jpost- Seventy percent of European Jews will not go to synagogue on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur this year, according to a poll released Tuesday. The survey was conducted last week by the European Jewish Association (EJA) and the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE) among a representative sample of 700 capital cities and communities in the periphery throughout Europe - from Britain in the west to Ukraine in the east.
Respondents --which numbered 78-- included rabbis as well as Jewish community leaders, both religious and secular. The margin of error was ±4.9%. The pollsters explained that while the number of respondents is far lower than the number of communities represented, each respondent speaks for multiple communities as within certain cities and areas, many communities share similar characteristics.
Respondents --which numbered 78-- included rabbis as well as Jewish community leaders, both religious and secular. The margin of error was ±4.9%. The pollsters explained that while the number of respondents is far lower than the number of communities represented, each respondent speaks for multiple communities as within certain cities and areas, many communities share similar characteristics.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Advertising in Jewish Media Driving Kosher Sales, according to some experts
New York – (Koshertoday)Wednesday is an important day of the week in the kosher market in that it not only ushers in the three day shopping period for the upcoming Shabbat, but it is also the day when the growing cadre of Jewish publications are displayed in kosher grocery stores and newsstands. The experts say that media for kosher foods includes the weekly national newspapers (i.e. Hamodia, Yated Ne’eman and Jewish Press), national magazines (i.e. Binah, Mishpacha and Ami), and free local publications (i.e. Five Town Jewish Times and the Flatbush Jewish Journal). Other smaller publications are also in the mix but clearly the bulk of kosher advertising is in the three categories. Also part of the media pool these days are several major on-line sites like Yeshiva World, Vos Iz Neias, and Matzav.
Tempest in a Tallis
By Rabbi Avi Shafran in Hamodia,
The image was, to be sure, jarring: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump being draped in a tallis.
By an African-American pastor.
In a Detroit church.
To resounding applause.
Bishop Wayne Jackson of the Great Faith Ministries in Detroit effected the atifah while most of us were listening to the Krias HaTorah of Parashas Re’eh, after the candidate addressed the minister’s congregation in an attempt to garner votes from a segment of the population not naturally supportive of his candidacy.
“Let me just put this on you,” Pastor Jackson said, identifying the garment as a prayer shawl “straight from Israel,” and The Donald, although he did look a mite befuddled, didn’t resist.
The congregation was effusive in its praise of the spectacle. Some Jewish media, clergyfolk and armchair pundits, though, considerably less so.
The image was, to be sure, jarring: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump being draped in a tallis.
By an African-American pastor.
In a Detroit church.
To resounding applause.
Bishop Wayne Jackson of the Great Faith Ministries in Detroit effected the atifah while most of us were listening to the Krias HaTorah of Parashas Re’eh, after the candidate addressed the minister’s congregation in an attempt to garner votes from a segment of the population not naturally supportive of his candidacy.
“Let me just put this on you,” Pastor Jackson said, identifying the garment as a prayer shawl “straight from Israel,” and The Donald, although he did look a mite befuddled, didn’t resist.
The congregation was effusive in its praise of the spectacle. Some Jewish media, clergyfolk and armchair pundits, though, considerably less so.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
New shul dedicated at Moscow Domodedovo international airport
Hamodia In a simple, yet impressive ceremony last week, a beautiful new shul was dedicated in Moscow’s international airport for the benefit of the many Jewish travelers arriving in Russia or just passing through.
Present at the shul’s dedication ceremony were the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, the Bareli family who sponsored the shul, and many others.
After affixing a mezuzah to the shul’s main doors, a special, mehudar sefer Torah was completed and placed into the beautiful aron kodesh while the participants sang and danced. It was a great kiddush Hashem amongst the many passengers who were in the airport during this time.
Present at the shul’s dedication ceremony were the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, the Bareli family who sponsored the shul, and many others.
After affixing a mezuzah to the shul’s main doors, a special, mehudar sefer Torah was completed and placed into the beautiful aron kodesh while the participants sang and danced. It was a great kiddush Hashem amongst the many passengers who were in the airport during this time.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Tragedy near Monsey, 1 yeshiva bachur killed in car crash R'L
JP-A 20 year-old yeshiva student standing outside his yeshiva with another student Wednesday night were struck by a off duty police officer from the Peekskill Police Department who was speeding down route 202 in his personal vehicle, one boy who is from Argentina was transposed to Good Samaritan Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries,the second boy originally from mexico was transported to Westchester Medical Center, and is in stable condition.
The crash happened at around 11:45 o’clock Wednesday night just outside Yeshivat Tiferet Torah, a group of students were standing in the parking lot of the yeshiva when the off duty police officer from the Peekskill Police department in Westchester was traveling on route 202 in his Lexus, apparently on high speed struck a Honda accord car who attempted to make a left turn to the yeshivas parking lot, as he struck the Honda he struck the two boys who fall down and suffered serious injures.
The crash happened at around 11:45 o’clock Wednesday night just outside Yeshivat Tiferet Torah, a group of students were standing in the parking lot of the yeshiva when the off duty police officer from the Peekskill Police department in Westchester was traveling on route 202 in his Lexus, apparently on high speed struck a Honda accord car who attempted to make a left turn to the yeshivas parking lot, as he struck the Honda he struck the two boys who fall down and suffered serious injures.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Posting gedolim pictures with a title of Harav Hagaon, does not make your site kosher
The frum news sites have strayed very far and more and more people are keeping away and not clicking or visiting those sites. Lately the frum websites are posting Gedolim pictures with big screamin headlines Harav Hagaon this doin this etc.. . A poor attempt to portray themselves as kosher, yeshivish, frum and somewhat associated with these gedolim. in between these posts and photos of Gedolim and Admorim they willl post Lahon Hora, inappropriate videos an what not. Its a way to sandwich the shmutz. Its time to call them out for it and stop patronizing them. Just today at YWN they posted a disgusting video from the lowest of the low in Israeli society who attack keduhas yisrael and are koifer in the taryag Mitzvos. perhaps the editors are clueless, but thats not an excuse. There cant be two sets of rules one for print media and than another one online were the bar is as low as can be.
New Organization Formed to Manage Lakewood Busing for frum schools
LAKEWOOD -( Hamodia) One month after an innovative piece of legislation that massively re-structured how busing for Lakewood’s private school community is administered became law, a new consortium to manage transportation for the town’s 125 mosdos, known as the Lakewood Student Transportation Authority (LSTA), is at the head of this daunting task. At its helm is Avraham Kraweic, who is leading the freshly inaugurated organization amid a feverish effort to arrange busing for tens of thousands of students as schools begin this week.
The law has created a three-year pilot program that takes busing for all of Lakewood’s non-public school students away from the authority of the local Board of Education, and instead gives a cash amount to the consortium on a per-student basis. This has left LSTA with the charge of rebuilding the massive transportation apparatus. They are partnering with mosdos, askanim, the Board of Education and township officials in their efforts.
“It’s definitely a challenge, but we want to put in all of our efforts to set up a healthy system for the next three years and hopefully beyond that,” Mr. Kraweic told Hamodia. “We are partnering with anyone and everyone; there’s no way to transition a behemoth like this without help.”
The law has created a three-year pilot program that takes busing for all of Lakewood’s non-public school students away from the authority of the local Board of Education, and instead gives a cash amount to the consortium on a per-student basis. This has left LSTA with the charge of rebuilding the massive transportation apparatus. They are partnering with mosdos, askanim, the Board of Education and township officials in their efforts.
“It’s definitely a challenge, but we want to put in all of our efforts to set up a healthy system for the next three years and hopefully beyond that,” Mr. Kraweic told Hamodia. “We are partnering with anyone and everyone; there’s no way to transition a behemoth like this without help.”
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
New York Times Column Smears Satmars as Ignorant Welfare Sponges
Algemeiner.com by Ira Stoll
The latest salvo in the New York Times’ one-sidedcampaign against traditional Jewish education comes in the form of a column by Ginia Bellafante that is one of the nastiest and most unfounded attacks on a Jewish group published by the Times in recent memory.
The Times columnist accuses Satmar Hasidim of being welfare sponges:
Politicians who might otherwise feel free to lecture black and Hispanic communities on the importance of grit, self-reliance and the sacred path of higher learning express remarkably little outrage over the habits of a group that essentially enshrines its own dependency on the system. According to a 2011 study by the UJA-Federation of New York, the Jewish philanthropic organization, just 11 percent of Hasidic men and 6 percent of Hasidic women in and around New York City hold bachelor’s degrees, while the poverty rate among Hasidic households stands at 43 percent, nearly twice the figure citywide.A reliance on public assistance is remarkably common among the Hasidim, explained Lani Santo, the executive director of Footsteps, an organization begun in 2003 to help those who decide to leave the ultra-Orthodox world.
This is problematic on at least two levels.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Elul Zman 5776 begins in the Yeshiva world
Bein hazmanim comes to a close, and Elul Zman begins in the yeshiva world. Yeshiva Ner Yisrael of Baltimore will began the new zman on Sunday night at Maariv. Lakewood yeshiva BMG began the new zman a day earlier on Motzei Shabbos, the first day of Rosh chodesh Elul. There are some yeshivos (Telz) who started the Zman already. B"H there are new yeshivos opening to accomodate the growth and need for more yeshivos. Many new shtelles were created as well, adding new shiurim or replacing positions previously held by other maggidei shiur who moved to other yeshivos.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Ceremony Held on First Anniversary of Miracle of Creskill plane crash
Hamodia NEW YORK - A ceremony was held Sunday to commemorate the upcoming first anniversary of what has become known as the Miracle of Creskill, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary pilot Yaakov Yosef “Jack” Rosenberg’s heroic landing of a plane in a field in Creskill, New Jersey.
On September 3, 2015, Rosenberg and an observer, Erik Pearson, were on a routine Coast Guard patrol along the Hudson River when their engine failed. The plane began going down near Reagan Field, a large ballfield in Creskill, that was full of children playing. In what has been hailed as heroic airmanship, Rosenberg was able to guide the plane away from the children, and crash-land at the far edge of the field. He and Pearson suffered serious injuries, but miraculously, no one on the ground was hurt.
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Photo: Hamodia courtesy of Rosenberg family |
On September 3, 2015, Rosenberg and an observer, Erik Pearson, were on a routine Coast Guard patrol along the Hudson River when their engine failed. The plane began going down near Reagan Field, a large ballfield in Creskill, that was full of children playing. In what has been hailed as heroic airmanship, Rosenberg was able to guide the plane away from the children, and crash-land at the far edge of the field. He and Pearson suffered serious injuries, but miraculously, no one on the ground was hurt.
Friday, August 26, 2016
The death of the frum news websites and blogs
The frum news Blogs and websites have become a bigger joke than they already are. Anonymous editors giving their two cents on things they have absolutely no understanding about. There is no substantive articles or any tochen anymore. The news you see is the latest viral videos making its round on social media. The competition with social media and with other websites has forced the blogs to sink even lower in getting more hits. Yeshiva world news is yeshiva in name only it does not represent the yeshiva world at large or its hashkafos. It has become a chasiddish bashing site with shocking headlines looking to get more hits. The comments are full of hate and lashon hora on any hashkafos that are foreign to the anonymous editors. VIN is a has been site that most ehrlich people stay away from. Matzav the better of the bunch has become a frum TV station posting silly videos and the latest hock on wattsapp. Every post is a video. Only simchas and Simcha spot have joined in with mudding the news waters with inappropriate pictures and content. As always these anonymous sites should not and can not be taken seriously. However its about time there should be a online voice of Torah true hashkafos with Rabbonim publicly supporting it. The way it is now, yiddishkeit is misrepresented by amateurs, bloggers, and haters of Torah.
Found!! safe and sound: Two bochurim missing from Camp Stolin missing in Bear mountain state park in NY
9:30 am Updated: The boys were found safe and sound after spending the night in the forest. They are doing well in good health. B''H
Earlier report:
From NBC News: Two teenagers from Brooklyn hiking with a summer camp group in the 5,025-acre Bear Mountain Park on the west side of the Hudson River in Rockland County were reported missing Thursday, according to police and published reports.
The boys broke away from the group to take a shortcut down the mountain during a trip with about two dozen other hikers from Stoliner Camp in Highland, but never reconnected, according to Volunteers from the boys' Brooklyn community turned out in force to search for them Thursday night, the website reported, but State Police held them at bay until daylight for safety reasons. Authorities canvassed the area overnight, and the search was continuing Friday.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
BD"H Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis A''H
With deep pain and anguish we are saddened to report the petirah moments ago of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis a”h founder of HINENI and pioneer in the world of Kiruv. With the Rebbetzin’s petirah K’lal Yisroel has suffered an irreplaceable loss. The Rebbetzin was a trailblazer, for over a half century, crisscrossing the globe with her message of loving-kindness and hope. She was a teacher of Torah to millions of Jews from every walk of life. She spent her life showing the beauty of Yiddishkeit to Jews across the globe bringing countless neshomos back to their roots.
With deep pain and anguish we are saddened to report the petirah moments ago of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis a”h founder of HINENI and pioneer in the world of Kiruv. With the Rebbetzin’s petirah K’lal Yisroel has suffered an irreplaceable loss. The Rebbetzin was a trailblazer, for over a half century, crisscrossing the globe with her message of loving-kindness and hope. She was a teacher of Torah to millions of Jews from every walk of life. She spent her life showing the beauty of Yiddishkeit to Jews across the globe bringing countless neshomos back to their roots.
Mishpacha magazine ad has pictures of women, oversight or new trend?
Social media and bloggers were busy pointing out an ad in last weeks Mishpacha magazine. The Jewish Mothers of Laniado Hospital Cook-Off ad on page 33 of the Family First section had pictures of ladies faces. it's against their policy, and most ppl imagine it was an oversight, and expect to see a notice in next week's edition apologizing for the error. In the same issue they had a tribue article to Rebbetzin Shoshana Schechter A'H but printed no photo of her, only a picture of her husband the Rosh yeshiva shlita.
Isadore (Itchy) and Helen Adelson, z”l, Among 6 Dead in Tragic LI Crash
Hamodia- Six people were killed — including two members of the Westhampton Beach kehillah and a former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo — and five others injured in a multi-car crash on the Long Island Expressway Sunday morning.

According to Suffolk County Police, at approximately 9:35 a.m., Carmelo Pinales, 26, was driving a Subaru Outback eastbound on the LIE, when it seems that he lost control of the car. The vehicle “crossed over the grassy median, went airborne and struck two vehicles, a BMW and a Honda, that were travelling westbound near Exit 68,” according to the police statement.
Carmelo Pinales and his sister Patricia Pinales, 27, were pronounced dead at the scene. Carmelo’s 10-year-old son Christopher was brought to Stony Brook University Hospital in a police helicopter but later died of his wounds. Two others in the vehicle sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

According to Suffolk County Police, at approximately 9:35 a.m., Carmelo Pinales, 26, was driving a Subaru Outback eastbound on the LIE, when it seems that he lost control of the car. The vehicle “crossed over the grassy median, went airborne and struck two vehicles, a BMW and a Honda, that were travelling westbound near Exit 68,” according to the police statement.
Carmelo Pinales and his sister Patricia Pinales, 27, were pronounced dead at the scene. Carmelo’s 10-year-old son Christopher was brought to Stony Brook University Hospital in a police helicopter but later died of his wounds. Two others in the vehicle sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Chaveirim, A flat tire isn’t a problem if there are other Jews around.
Yisroel Besser Mishpacha magazine
Sunday night, Motzaei Visiting Day, on Route 17 East.
We were exhausted, yet happily so. It had been an enjoyable day, nachas-filled, baruch Hashem, but draining — financially, for sure (when did they start suggesting a tip for camp drivers and lice-checkers?). We’d schlepped flats of water bottles up steep hills and waited in pizza shop lines that looked like those pictures you see of border checkpoints in a third-world country.
If we leave by five o’clock, we’ll beat the traffic back, we said at four. At five, we said we’d leave by six and it would be fine. At nine thirty (what kind of parents drop off their children early on Visiting Day?) we finally left. (An idea. Maybe fathers — those who consider “you saw him/her two weeks ago and camp ends in a week and a half” a legitimate claim and who value clear highways — can end Visiting Day at four, while mothers, intent on squeezing every last moment out of the day, can stay until it’s dark and do a carpool back to the city?)
Sunday night, Motzaei Visiting Day, on Route 17 East.
We were exhausted, yet happily so. It had been an enjoyable day, nachas-filled, baruch Hashem, but draining — financially, for sure (when did they start suggesting a tip for camp drivers and lice-checkers?). We’d schlepped flats of water bottles up steep hills and waited in pizza shop lines that looked like those pictures you see of border checkpoints in a third-world country.
If we leave by five o’clock, we’ll beat the traffic back, we said at four. At five, we said we’d leave by six and it would be fine. At nine thirty (what kind of parents drop off their children early on Visiting Day?) we finally left. (An idea. Maybe fathers — those who consider “you saw him/her two weeks ago and camp ends in a week and a half” a legitimate claim and who value clear highways — can end Visiting Day at four, while mothers, intent on squeezing every last moment out of the day, can stay until it’s dark and do a carpool back to the city?)
Sunday, August 21, 2016
BD'E Rav Yaakov Zelinger Z''TL
Matzav- It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Yaakov Zelinger zt”l, founder and rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz. He was in his 60s.

Rav Zelinger was a noted marbitz Torah, who led his outstanding yeshiva for decades, first in Boro Park, on 56th Street between 16th and 17th Avenues, and then after it moved to Flatbush to its current building at the corner of Avenue N and East 19th Street.
For years, Rav Zelinger resided on Locust Hollow Drive in Monsey, NY, where he was among the founders of Cong. Bais Eliyahu, which is named after his son, Eliyahu z”l, who was a talmid of Yeshiva Ohl Torah when he passed away in a tragic car accident on Purim in Monsey. Rav Zelinger later moved to Brooklyn, NY.

Rav Zelinger was a noted marbitz Torah, who led his outstanding yeshiva for decades, first in Boro Park, on 56th Street between 16th and 17th Avenues, and then after it moved to Flatbush to its current building at the corner of Avenue N and East 19th Street.
For years, Rav Zelinger resided on Locust Hollow Drive in Monsey, NY, where he was among the founders of Cong. Bais Eliyahu, which is named after his son, Eliyahu z”l, who was a talmid of Yeshiva Ohl Torah when he passed away in a tragic car accident on Purim in Monsey. Rav Zelinger later moved to Brooklyn, NY.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Video- Rabbi Wallerstein explains his comments
A 3 minute video clip of Rabbi Wallerstein was taken out of a 56 minute speech The Rabbi says you gotta watch the whole video and not take a few lines out of context.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Haaretz on Yated Hillary pic: ultra-Orthodox Newspaper Gets Creative to Show Clinton
Yated Ne’eman earns praise and scorn for publishing a photograph of the Democratic presidential candidate, or at least, of her arm. Haaretz
A haredi Orthodox newspaper that bans photographs of women on its pages earned praise and scorn for publishing a photograph of Hillary Clinton — or at least her arm.
Yated Ne’eman, a newspaper based in Monsey, New York, that serves the area’s large fervently Orthodox community, published a picture of the Democratic presidential nominee taken at a Florida campaign rally.
Clinton’s face, however, was completely covered by her podium.
“History is made as Yated Ne’eman publishes a picture of Hillary Clinton, a woman! Well almost,” wrote OnlySimchas.com, an Orthodox dating website, in an item widely shared on Facebook.

Yated Ne’eman, a newspaper based in Monsey, New York, that serves the area’s large fervently Orthodox community, published a picture of the Democratic presidential nominee taken at a Florida campaign rally.
Clinton’s face, however, was completely covered by her podium.
“History is made as Yated Ne’eman publishes a picture of Hillary Clinton, a woman! Well almost,” wrote OnlySimchas.com, an Orthodox dating website, in an item widely shared on Facebook.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Halachos of Tisha B'av 5776 on Shabbos and Erev Shabbos Chazon, Motzei Tisha Ba'v Havdalah.
Halachos of Tisha B'av 5776 on Shabbos and Erev Shabbos Chazon, Motzei Tisha Ba'v Havdalah.
This year 5776 Tisha Bav is a Nidcha since it falls out on Shabbos. The fast will be on Sunday.
Erev Shabbos Chazon one may Cut their Nails for Shabbos since it is not shavua shechal bo.
One may polish their shoes only with liquid polish.
Showering is a machlokes if you are allowed kol gufo the minhag is to be meikel but to use warm water.
Children may eat meat before Shabbos up to 2 hours before the zman according to Igros Moshe, others hold they may start even from Chatzos.
If one makes an early Shabbos on Erev Shabbos Chazon he may eat Meat after the Plag.
Laws of Tisha B'av that falls on Shabbos 2016
The Seudos of Shabbos can be eaten as on a regular Shabbos with no restraints or restrictions.
This year 5776 Tisha Bav is a Nidcha since it falls out on Shabbos. The fast will be on Sunday.
Erev Shabbos Chazon one may Cut their Nails for Shabbos since it is not shavua shechal bo.
One may polish their shoes only with liquid polish.
Showering is a machlokes if you are allowed kol gufo the minhag is to be meikel but to use warm water.
Children may eat meat before Shabbos up to 2 hours before the zman according to Igros Moshe, others hold they may start even from Chatzos.
If one makes an early Shabbos on Erev Shabbos Chazon he may eat Meat after the Plag.
Laws of Tisha B'av that falls on Shabbos 2016
The Seudos of Shabbos can be eaten as on a regular Shabbos with no restraints or restrictions.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
BDE: Hagaon Harav Aryeh Finkel, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Mir-Brachfeld
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Rav Aryeh Finkel zt"l |
The Rosh Yeshivah, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah and of the Nesius of Mifal Hashas, among the greatest disseminators of Torah in our generation with thousands of students, was niftar late Tuesday night at his home in the Brachfeld neighborhood of Modi’in Illit. He was 85 years old.
The Rosh Yeshivah was a member of the legendary Finkel family of Mirrer Roshei Yeshivah. Born in Eretz Yisrael on 14 Av 5691/July 28, 1931, he was the son of Harav Chaim Zev Finkel, zt”l, who
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Headlines show gets permission from Rabbonim to broadcast interview with Open Orthodoxy YCT head
David Lichtenstein's headlines radio show featured Asher Lopatin of chovevei torah, open Orthodoxy head with permission to air it from, Rav Dovid Cohen and the Novominsker Rebbe. Lichtenstein said he would be non judgmental and let the listeners make their own decisions. On the show Lopitan claimed Open orthodoxy is just like Modern orthodoxy with the idea of not being afraid of challenges around us and welcome contemporary challenges and thrive with them and embrace them. Lichtenstein brought up concerns the orthodox world has with open orthodoxy regarding changes in halacha, Lopitan spun it and and said its only issues of aesthetics. He was than asked about statements made by open orthodoxy leader Zev Farber (afra lepumei) who claimed the Avos are not our forefathers, the 12 shevatim didnt exist, yetzias mitzrayim didn't exist according to historical facts. Lopitan dosent defend farbers claims but then spins and says you should sit down and talk and its good to have these questions. While Lichtenstein's intentions may have been to show how far this movement has gone, its questionable if even giving them a platform is the smart thing since they spin and justify the very remarks they were quoted on. Lopitan also defended remarks from Yisachar Katz "Biblical fiction it is a record of gods conversation with fictionalized characters" saying the Torah is not a book of history its much more significant. Not that its not true but it has a deeper message. To give some balance Lichtenstein also interviewed Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer who writes frequently criticizing the open orthodox movement.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
BD''E petira of Rebbetzin Shoshna Shechter a'h wife of Rav Aaron Shechter shlita R'Y of Yeshivas Chaim Berlin
Rebbetzin Shoshana Schechter a''h was the wife of Rav Aharon Moshe Schechter,Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva and Mesivta Rebbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. The Levya will take place today in the Chaim Berlin Yeshiva Dining room at 2:15. The aron will than proceed at 3:15 to Beth David Cemetery in Elmont NY.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
BD'"H Harav Moshe Chodosh ZT"L Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Ohr Elchanan
Hamodia- YERUSHALAYIM - The Torah world was plunged into mourning early Wednesday afternoon,
upon learning of the petirah of Hagaon Harav Moshe Mordechai Chadash, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Ohr Elchanan in the Hadasah Ein Karem hospital in Yerushalayim.
Harav Chadash, 75, was niftar after a several month illness. The Rosh Yeshivah was hospitalized over the last months.
The name of the Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Moshe Mordechai ben Tziviah Leah, was on the lips of his many talmidim ever since he was hospitalized, but, alas, the gezeirah was sealed.
When the news reached the yeshivah, the paroches was pulled aside, as a sign of mourning.
Harav Moshe Mordechai was born in Kislev 5701/1940, in Yerushalayim. His father was the noted Mashgiach, Harav Meir Chadash, zt”l, who served as Mashgiach in Yeshivas Chevron. His mother,
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Harav Moshe Chadash ZTL (Flash 90} |
Monday, August 1, 2016
An Amazing story took place Sunday at the Kever of Rav Yaakov Yosef
There’s a girl Raquel Martone from the five towns. She has twin girls who are 4 and decided to finally take a vacation basically for the first time since they were born. She never wanted to leave them.
While in Miami the first week of June, she suddenly fainted one afternoon with no forewarning and then went into a coma. Her husband and family were beside themselves! The doctors were baffled and couldn’t understand what had made it all happen. After a week of sitting with her in the Miami hospital they transferred her to New York so they could all do round the clock rotation closer to home. Weeks and weeks went by. Nothing changed except that her condition deteriorated bit by bit. Her in laws Katz from Baltimore had the girls. And her parents sat by her all the time.
This week they decided that 40 women would go together to the Queens cemetery that has R Yaakov Kaminetsky, R Henoch Lebowitz, R Yaakov Yosef, R Reuven Grozofsky Etc a lot of great gedolim and they would daven there together. They asked R Paysach Krohn to come and lead them in Tefillah. Today was the day!!! And much more than 40 women showed. R Krohn spoke a few minutes and then led them in Tehillim And they started davening with real intensity and fervor. It was emotional for everyone
Will you get into Ponovez?
Will u get into Ponovez? Rabbonim at the acceptance meeting making tough decisions. Out of 650 applicants, 200 will get in to the famed yeshiva.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Rav Moshe Sternbuch asked about who to vote for in US presidential elections
Hagaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Raavad of the Eda Chareidis, answers questions about the United States presidential election during a question and answer session that was broadcast live at a Lakewood, New Jersey charity event. The Rav was asked about voting for Donald Trump: “Is one permitted to vote in the US elections for a person whose personal opinions about marriage and the like are against the Torah?”
The Rav answered, “We are uninterested in his private behavior, and in any case, we consider all non-Jews to be in this category. We are only interested in how he acts toward the Jews.” The Rav was also asked if a Jew is permitted to use his non-Jewish name. He answered, “While it is beneficial to use one’s Jewish name, and as the Gemara says, ‘They did not change their names,” it is not forbidden.”
The Rav answered, “We are uninterested in his private behavior, and in any case, we consider all non-Jews to be in this category. We are only interested in how he acts toward the Jews.” The Rav was also asked if a Jew is permitted to use his non-Jewish name. He answered, “While it is beneficial to use one’s Jewish name, and as the Gemara says, ‘They did not change their names,” it is not forbidden.”
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Chacham Yom Tov Yedid, Zt”l, Eldest Syrian Rav in America

Harav Yom Tov Yedid served as Rav of Aleppo, Syria, in its prime when the shuls and communities were full, before the members of the community moved to New York. He was noted for his particularity in halachic psak, never wavering before any trial to dictate the minhagim and halachos in the community. Despite his firmness, he was beloved by the community, until his passing.
Since his move to New York in the 1980s, Harav Yedid was noted for his hasmadah, totally devoting himself to limmud haTorah, sitting and learning in the Achiezer beis medrash. He refused to undertake a public position in New York. Hagaon Harav Ovadiah Yosef, zt”l, only knew Harav Yedid through his sefarim,
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Update: Missing boy found in good health

B''H he was found sleeping under a tree in good health.
Please Pray for 15 year old special needs bochur who went missing last night at Satmar Camp in Round Top NY, name is Dovid Horowitz. Please daven for Dovid Don ben Miriam Fradel. Hundreds now searching NYSP K9, Aviation brought in to assist. Hatzolah Misaskim on the scene.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Agudath Israel sends delegations to both national conventions
Agudath Israel of America sent a sizeable delegation, including its vice president for federal affairs, Rabbi Abba Cohen, to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week and a similar delegation will be attending the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia next week.
While Agudath Israel of America does not endorse candidates, the goal of attending the conventions as official guests is to develop relationships with leaders of both parties and to engage in substantive discussions about issues important to our community.
While Agudath Israel of America does not endorse candidates, the goal of attending the conventions as official guests is to develop relationships with leaders of both parties and to engage in substantive discussions about issues important to our community.
Friday, July 22, 2016
BDE Rabbi Shmuel Yerachmiel Kaufman Z”L
Hamodia- Rabbi Shmuel Yerachmiel Kaufman, z”l, an especially beloved mechanech in the Detroit community whose strong and palpable love for Yiddishkeit, his fellow Jews, and life itself, has left a lifelong impression on generations of talmidim in Yeshiva Bais Yehudah as well as on countless individuals who were privileged to know him, was niftar Wednesday evening, 15 Tammuz. He was 82 years old.
“He had an unparalleled ability to connect with people from all walks of Klal Yisrael. He had a way of speaking to absolutely anybody, and they all loved him,” Rabbi Menachem Greenfield, Menahel of Bais Yehudah, told Hamodia. “Wherever he went, his very personality made a kiddush Hashem.”
“He had an unparalleled ability to connect with people from all walks of Klal Yisrael. He had a way of speaking to absolutely anybody, and they all loved him,” Rabbi Menachem Greenfield, Menahel of Bais Yehudah, told Hamodia. “Wherever he went, his very personality made a kiddush Hashem.”
Monday, July 18, 2016
Jewish Woman Dies in Nice Attack; Sister Seriously Injured
Hamodia Staff
The Jewish community of Nice was saddened to learn of the petirah of Raymonde Mamane, Hy”d, who was among the many murdered in the horrific terror attack in Nice, France, on Thursday night.
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Pinson, Director of Chabad of Nice, informed Hamodia on Sunday that Mamane, an elderly Jewish woman, was killed in the attack, in which Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel mowed down crowds at a fireworks display celebrating the French holiday of Bastile Day, killing 84 people and wounding approximately 200, many critically. Mamane’s sister, Clara Bensimon, was seriously injured in the attack, r”l, requiring amputation of both her legs. Readers are asked to daven for Clara Chaya bas Nouna.
The Jewish community of Nice was saddened to learn of the petirah of Raymonde Mamane, Hy”d, who was among the many murdered in the horrific terror attack in Nice, France, on Thursday night.
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Pinson, Director of Chabad of Nice, informed Hamodia on Sunday that Mamane, an elderly Jewish woman, was killed in the attack, in which Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel mowed down crowds at a fireworks display celebrating the French holiday of Bastile Day, killing 84 people and wounding approximately 200, many critically. Mamane’s sister, Clara Bensimon, was seriously injured in the attack, r”l, requiring amputation of both her legs. Readers are asked to daven for Clara Chaya bas Nouna.
American Gedolim travel to Canada on bahalf of French Jewry
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Story of the Ohr Hachaim and an attempted Coup in Turkey
This week 15 Tamuz is the Yartzheit of the Ohr Hachaim hakadosh Rav Chaim ben Atar ZT'L. Read this story how he notified the Sultan of an impending Coup which ended up saving the Jewish community.
Hamodia archives
Hamodia archives
Friday, July 15, 2016
On this day Erev shabbos parshas Chukas Book burnings in France
In Hilchos Tannis the Magen Avraham and Sefer Eliyahu Rabbah (Orach Chaim 580) says that it is the practice of ceartin people to fast on Erev Shabbos Parshas Chukas. The fast is in Memorial for the 24 wagon loads of handwritten Seforim ordered burnt by King Louis in Paris,France in 1242. It was said by Rabbi Hillel Ben Rabbenu Eliezer of Verona, a Talmid(student) of Rabbenu Yonah that this book burning was Hashems way of showing disapproval of the way the Rambam's Sefer Moreh Nevuchim was burnt forty days earlier with the encouragement of leading Rabbonim in Europe, in that very same area because of their disagreement with some of the Rambams ideas in the sefer and in SEFER HAMADA. On a postive note as an outcome Rabbenu Yona wrote the Sharrie Teshuvah as a way to recive forgivness for his part in burning the Seforim.He also adds that on the same day Erev Shabbos Parshas Chukas two major Jewish communities were destroyed during Tach V'tat, the Chmelnitzki uprising.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Members of Nice Jewish community in vicinity of attack in France Others miraculously saved
The French Jewish community of Nice has released the following names of members who were in the vicinity of the Truck ramming terrorist attack in France. Please daven for them names for Tehillim.
John Dray ג'ון דרי
Dominique Azan דומיניק אזן
Axel ben Yael אקסל בן יעל
Moche ben Yaakov מוכה בן יעקב
Clara bat Nouna קלרה בת נואנה
John Dray ג'ון דרי
Dominique Azan דומיניק אזן
Axel ben Yael אקסל בן יעל
Moche ben Yaakov מוכה בן יעקב
Clara bat Nouna קלרה בת נואנה
Yonathan ben Zuzy
Local Chabad shliach Rav Yosef Pinson related, there was a group of day camp counselors for the Nice Jewish community children who were watching the fireworks. They walked onto a side street just minutes before the truck rammed down the main road. The local Chabad shliach said they were in shock and getting psychological help.
For frum abuse activists its open season for bashing charedim
Hypocrisy at its best the activists for victims of abuse are sooo concerned about our children you would think they cared about the Jewish family, about safety, and about other laws of the Torah. Yet, they seem to have set their own rules and under the banner of protecting the kids they use a blanket heter to besmirch the way of life of frum Jews. Unfortunately for some they have used the abuse issue to advance their careers. This was posted on the Facebook page of a so called activist and someone who stands up for victims of abuse. "Eliminate or reduce section 8, wick,food stamps and every single form of govt subsidies and hand outs. Stop promoting people to have children they cannot afford to support and demand people take personal responsibility for their livelihood Without government money greedy scumbag develops a wont be able to build trash housing that will ultimately be paid for with taxpayer dollars. And last but not least , learn to respect zoning and building codes. Anyone building multi family illegal apartments should be thrown in jail."
You would expect such comments on an anti Semitic website but this proves the notion that some of these activists are not concerned about the children but just use the emotional abuse issue to get accolades from the haters of Torah all while continuing to promote themselves. The unfortunate machla of child abuse is found in cross sections of our community but you'll never find the online activists openly bash the MO coverups or that of other institutions of their hashkafic background. Its very telling what the true intentions are here.
You would expect such comments on an anti Semitic website but this proves the notion that some of these activists are not concerned about the children but just use the emotional abuse issue to get accolades from the haters of Torah all while continuing to promote themselves. The unfortunate machla of child abuse is found in cross sections of our community but you'll never find the online activists openly bash the MO coverups or that of other institutions of their hashkafic background. Its very telling what the true intentions are here.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Dallas Jewish Community Mourns Fallen Officers
Hamodia By Rafael Hoffman Sunday, July 10, 2016
NEW YORK - News of the tragic shooting in Dallas was met with shock and horror by law abiding citizens throughout the country, all the more so in the city that was scene to the murder of five police officers and wounding of nine more at a “Black Lives Matter” protest last Thursday. With the local Jewish community still reeling from the aftermath of the events, Hamodia spoke to leaders and members in an attempt to hear about their reactions, as well as the nature of their relationship with the officers of the Dallas Police Department. Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum, Congregation Ohr HaTorah, characterized the communal feeling as “very painful.” Speaking on Sunday morning, he said that throughout the city citizens have been “banding together” to deal with what he characterized as a communal “sense of grief.” Roughly 24 hours after the killings took place, on Friday evening, congregants of Ohr Torah paused prior to Kabbalas Shabbos to recite Tehillim and reflect on the incident. Rabbi Feigenbaum also spoke, emphasizing the community’s debt of gratitude to the police force, urging individuals to do what they can to express their empathy and support for local law enforcement officers.
NEW YORK - News of the tragic shooting in Dallas was met with shock and horror by law abiding citizens throughout the country, all the more so in the city that was scene to the murder of five police officers and wounding of nine more at a “Black Lives Matter” protest last Thursday. With the local Jewish community still reeling from the aftermath of the events, Hamodia spoke to leaders and members in an attempt to hear about their reactions, as well as the nature of their relationship with the officers of the Dallas Police Department. Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum, Congregation Ohr HaTorah, characterized the communal feeling as “very painful.” Speaking on Sunday morning, he said that throughout the city citizens have been “banding together” to deal with what he characterized as a communal “sense of grief.” Roughly 24 hours after the killings took place, on Friday evening, congregants of Ohr Torah paused prior to Kabbalas Shabbos to recite Tehillim and reflect on the incident. Rabbi Feigenbaum also spoke, emphasizing the community’s debt of gratitude to the police force, urging individuals to do what they can to express their empathy and support for local law enforcement officers.
BD''H 4 year old child passes away R''L after drowning incident
BDH: Hayeled Shimon Ben R' Lazer Weiss (Boro Park) 4 year old Boy pulled from swimming pool in a bungalow colony in Swan Lake up in the Catskills yesterday, passed away at Westchester Hospital. The Levaya will be later today in Brooklyn. May the family know of no more Tzaar. TNZBH.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
What Rav Shteinman said regarding shooting of Police officers
From a few years ago..
Rav Moshe Schneider chavrusah of Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman siad, he spoke to Maran Rav Aharon Leib shlit"a this morning and told him that Lakewood is shut down today for the huge funeral of a police officer that was shot. Maran shlit"a said that this is very important since killing a policeman is the worst crime because otherwise there is no fear of the law and the Gemara says if not for the fear of the government people would commit crimes against their fellow man and devour them alive...
Rav Moshe Schneider chavrusah of Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman siad, he spoke to Maran Rav Aharon Leib shlit"a this morning and told him that Lakewood is shut down today for the huge funeral of a police officer that was shot. Maran shlit"a said that this is very important since killing a policeman is the worst crime because otherwise there is no fear of the law and the Gemara says if not for the fear of the government people would commit crimes against their fellow man and devour them alive...
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